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Mexican Inspired Munchies | Food Galley Gab
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Southwest Tempeh Veggie Bowl (Vegan)

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Southwest Tempeh Veggie Bowl (Vegan) is healthy, easy, and delicious. Bursting with flavor and incredibly good for you. I was making variations of this bowl for weeks and finally gravitated towards this deliciousness. I don’t use tempeh very often because I love tofu so much. Tempeh is a great source of iron as well, fellow vegans! However, every time I do use it, I tell myself I need to eat it more. Then, it happens all over again. 😉 Click HERE for info about the amazing benefits of tempeh.

I took these Southwest Tempeh Veggie Bowl (Vegan) pics awhile ago. I am still on my California road trip and I am nearing the end. It has been the most incredible ride so far. I hope I can get my shit together to make a blog post about it! We are leaving Santa Clara today after staying with my sister and her fam, it will be hard to go. Late nights, chatting and hangin’, kids playing together all day, cooking, being well-fed by my sis, and laughing our asses off. Been incredible. This trip was meant to start 2021 off with a bang. To help leave the shit-show of 2020 behind. To be in nature daily. To give me time to figure things out – what to do before I can move to China regarding G’s schooling, my work in the US, staying in Portland, or moving onwards before the big move to Shenzhen, etc. I am so incredibly happy to say that I think I have figured shit out. More on that at a later date.

Southwest Tempeh Veggie Bowl (Vegan) is such a healthy way to feed yourself and your fam. It’s a great way to get some otherwise more challenging veggies into your kiddos belly sans complaints, at least it was for me – a shocking revelation. 😉 Enjoy the Southwest Tempeh Veggie Bowl (Vegan) and drop a message in the comments if you changed it up!

PS- Click HERE for my recipe “Cheesy Vegan Tempeh Breakfast Sandwich”

For your cooking pleasure, a new song that I heard in my brother-in-law’s car two days ago. I’m obsessed! Two super talented dudes. The perfect song to relax and cook to…

Southwest Tempeh Veggie Bowl (Vegan)

Serves 2

Ingredients –

1 package (8 oz) of tempeh (cut the block in half length wise and then cut the tempeh into about 1-2 inch rectangles)

1 medium bell pepper (I used yellow bell pepper) – diced

1 C broccoli florets

1 C brussel sprouts (chop them up almost as you would for a hash)

1/2 C (loosely packed) cilantro – chopped

1/3 C red onion – diced

3 garlic cloves – chopped

Salt & pepper to taste

Oil for pan (avocado or olive preferably)

Salsa – red and green – to taste

Hot sauces (or just one) – to taste

Directions –

Heat oil in pan over medium. Add onions and let cook for 2 minutes – stir occasionally

Add garlic – let cook for one minute more – stir occasionally

Add tempeh and salt – let cook (turning tempeh occasionally for 5 minutes)

Add brussel sprouts and bell pepper – let cook for 3-5 minutes – stir occasionally (you may need to add more oil)

Add broccoli, salt, pepper, and cilantro, stir and cook for 3-5 minutes more (broccoli should be cooked but still bright green)

Separate into 2 bowls and smother in salsas and hot sauce


Pair with –

White wine – albariño

Red wine – zinfandel

Beer – Rye beer or pilsner

Vegan Quinoa Chorizo Loaded Breakfast Burrito

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Vegan Quinoa Chorizo Loaded Breakfast Burrito is the bomb! So easy, so delicious, crazy healthy, and flavor-packed. Done in 10 minutes! If I could make this every weekend, I would.

I made my own instant pot pinto beans which really adds to the overall deliciousness of this vegan breakfast burrito. Honestly, any breakfast that is Mexican-inspired is almost always a huge hit with me. In the pictures below, you can see that I have it in a wrap (burrito-style) but also have it as a bowl (or a scramble). Both are equally as amazing – I pinky promise. This particular badass Vegan Quinoa Chorizo Loaded Breakfast Burrito recipe is a proud moment for me. When simplicity meets healthy and then makes out with deliciousness, I’m fucking sold. 😉

Here’s some information about quinoa for those of you who are not fully in the know about its awesomeness: Quinoa is an ancient grain. What that means is it really hasn’t been changed much over hundreds of years. It is also considered a “supergrain.” Quinoa is high in fiber, protein, iron, B6, and is gluten-free. It is also super high in antioxidants (helps aging and the fight against diseases). If you would like more information on how/why quinoa kicks some serious ass, click HERE.

On that note, eat well, stay healthy, and remember FGG’s mantra, “Like the mind, food is a terrible thing to waste.”

With the craziness of this week and 2020 in general, chasing happiness can be both almost impossible and exhausting. Personally, to say this has been the worst year (really 18 months) of my life has been an understatement. Cooking and trying to stay healthy are incredibly important during these times. I try hard to remember this. The one thing that has helped me the most through this year of pain is music. Cooking and listening to music together is an extreme form of therapy for me as well. 🙂 I hope it helps you through the pain and uncertainty, too. When you’re cooking your Vegan Quinoa Chorizo Loaded Breakfast Burrito, I encourage you to do so with this awesome Tiny Desk Concert…

Vegan Quinoa Chorizo Loaded Breakfast Burrito

Serves 2-4 (small wraps or big burritos)

Ingredients –

2-4 wraps (if you’re doing the burrito version – not a bowl) – I used whole wheat

1 C vegan chorizo (Trader Joe’s is the BEST!)

1 C cooked quinoa

1 1/2 C pinto beans (I cooked mine in my instant pot)

1/3 C sliced black olives

1/3 C diced ripe avocado

*Optional – 1/2 C vegan shredded cheddar

*Optional – 1/4 loosely chopped fresh cilantro

1 Tbl taco seasoning

1-2 tsp dried oregano

Salt & pepper to taste

Oil for pan

*Optional – hot sauce to dress the burrito when done

Directions –

Heat oil in pan on medium and then add pinto beans, quinoa, olives, taco seasoning, oregano, and salt & pepper – stir occasionally for about 3-5 minutes or until hot and blended

Mix all ingredients from pan and the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl – mix well

Separate mixture onto 2-4 different wraps and fold (or make these breakfast bowls, not wraps)

Smother in hot sauce if you so desire


Drink pairings:

Red beer (this is a light beer mixed with tomato juice – I often splash some Tabasco or hot sauce in there as well)

Classic or Spicy Bloody Mary (Annie’s makes a vegan worchestire sauce!)

Black Bean Mango Salsa

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Black Bean Mango Salsa is my ultimate favorite healthy and refreshing appetizer. Easy, delicious, and done in 5 minutes! I make this for almost every party I host, and I host A LOT of parties. It is always a favorite, which pleases me because I am so tired of party appetizers being both fattening and unhealthy – not necessary! Click HERE for a link to vegan party platter recipes and ideas from my Alice in Wonderland themed birthday party a few years back!

Darkness Disclaimer!: On a personal note. What a crazy week. Trying to let anxieties go is incredibly hard, especially when people ignore things like “no-contact” orders. After a year of hell, I want to move on. I am SOOO ready to get to Shenzhen and start my new life with my little man. When the virus first hit I thought, yeah, it’ll be fine. No idea that it was going to be anything but fine, and that my July move date would be moved indefinitely. If everything goes well from this point forth, I’m hoping to be outta here in the next 4-8 weeks tops. I am hoping that China doesn’t close its borders because the US is gonna keep fucking up and our cases will soar. So frightening! Therefore, even if all of the past year (and some) of absolute horrendous hell is possibly dwindling, nothing will feel fully relaxed until I am in quarantine in my hotel in China! Send positive vibes, please!

I’ve been thinking that if what happened to me over the past 17 months had happened to me when I was younger, it would’ve motivated me to change careers to help advocate for people who were in a similar situation. The law has such fucked up loopholes and everyone with any authority is aware and sympathetic, but there is little help and no plans in motion for well-needed, must-have changes in our legal system. Currently, I’m on a path that makes me unwilling to shift gears; however, had I been in my twenties, this experience would’ve shaped what I did with my life in a professional sense and I would’ve said “goodbye” to teaching. To all of you amazing people out there who advocate for change and help women like me, THANK YOU! There are no words.

Okay, out of the darkness. Remember, this blog is called food-galley-GAB, and if you know me, “gab” is something that I excel at. LOL. I almost always have life stories, usually humorous, that I share. Anyway, this Black Bean Mango Salsa is the fucking bomb! It will not disappoint – promise. If you like the ingredients, you will like this salsa. Cheers to your next soirée! Margarita recipes coming soon. Perfect pairing. And yes, I am aware it is Autumn! However, I firmly believe margaritas have a place any time of year. 😉

This song reminds me of this appetizer, plus it is a longtime fave! For your cooking delight… “Put the lime in the coconut…”

Black Bean Mango Salsa

Servings: Party sized (Double for large party)

Ingredients –

1 can black beans – drained

2 fresh & ripe mangoes – diced

1 red pepper – diced

1/3 C red onion – diced

2 -3 cloves garlic – minced

1/4 C fresh lime juice (can save some slices of lime for garnish)

1/4 C fresh mint – chopped well (can save a couple of leaves for garnish)

1/4 C fresh cilantro – loosely chopped

1/4 tsp cumin

Salt to taste

*Optional – 1 ripe avocado – diced

*Optional – 1 small jalapeno – de-seeded and minced

*Optional – 2 green onions – diced

Directions –

Place all ingredients in a large bowl and mix well (mixing well is important for the flavor)!

Garnish if you’d like and serve with tortilla chips


Pair with –

Fresh margaritas

My Shop is Open!

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My shop is open and running! I’ve had a few purchases thus far… exciting! I have created a bunch of logos. For each logo, you can purchase various different pieces of merchandise. I have my logo, food quotes, funny quotes, and shit I made up that I find to be humorous. LOL.

Please support FGG and look through my shop (it’s HUGE) for coffee mugs, aprons, lunch boxes, pins, trucker hats, crop tops, sweatshirts, bandanas, baby onesies, gym bags, and more!

You can put your mouse over the product and it will enlarge the logo. Go to the bottom of the piece of merch to remove the “Pinterest/Twitter/Facebook” logos that may be blocking you from viewing the logo in its entirety.

Below are some examples of the various logos I’ve created. Enjoy your virtual Food Galley Gab shopping experience! Click on “My Shop!” on the top of the page with my other page tabs to bring you to my shop!

PS- Was listening to this today. Used to be OBSESSED with this about two years ago!

Mediterranean & Mexican Inspired Vegan Hot Dogs!

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Mediterranean & Mexican Inspired Vegan Hot Dogs! – are fully loaded and smothered in deliciousness. The most bomb veggie dogs on the block. I made these for the 4th of July this year. Totally incredible.

The Mediterranean vegan hot dog is loaded with hummus, sauteed mushrooms with fresh lemon, parsley, garlic chives, and a tahini drizzle. The Mexican vegan hot dog is loaded with olives, vegan cheddar, green onions, (usually avocado), fresh cilantro, hot sauce, and a roasted red pepper drizzle. Honestly, I can’t pick a favorite. They’re totally different dogs but equally as badass.

I missed the beach big time this past 4th of July. Usually, I go to Long Island (where I’m from) and we all mosey to the beach in glow stick apparel to see the fireworks. However, since I spent my 4th’s at my friend Maureen’s house as a child, they’ve never been as fun at my own home (LI) unless my mother hosts a big party. Maureen’s parents always had loads of family, staple food, and lawn games – bocce being the biggest. This year I hosted (I usually do) with the few people we’ve been isolating with. We had lawn darts, bocce ball, cornhole, etc. There were water balloon fights, super soakers, great food, strawberry/mint margaritas, mango margaritas, and a slightly failed outdoor movie. I fucking love the shit out of entertaining and hosting any party for any occasion and believe me, I’ll always find an occasion, no need for a “just because.”

Anyway, enjoy the shit outta the Mediterranean & Mexican Inspired Vegan Hot Dogs! Comment below and let me know how you did yours, or other crazy dog inventions you’ve rocked.

PS- We listened to Bob Marley for a large part of the 4th of July. Bob is my sunshine summer music (thanks to my old New Paltz roomies for that) Enjoy the tunes! …


Mediterranean & Mexican Inspired Vegan Hot Dogs!

*There are no measurements for these hot dogs, as you will dress each one as you’d like and to taste


Mexican Vegan Hot Dog:

Good hot dog buns

Hot dogs – grilled

Shredded vegan cheddar (I used Miyoko’s Farmhouse Cheddar)

Fresh cilantro – chopped loosely

Green onions – diced

Black Olives – sliced

Avocado – diced

Optional – hot sauce, roasted red pepper drizzle

Mediterranean Vegan Hot Dog:

Good hot dog buns

Hot dogs – grilled

Hummus – You can use a classic hummus (recipe here), a spicy roasted red pepper hummus (recipe here), or any other hummus

White or crimini mushrooms – sliced thin

Garlic – minced (for mushrooms)

fresh parsley (for mushrooms)

Garlic Chives

fresh lemon (for mushrooms)

Olive oil for pan

Salt & pepper for the mushrooms


Mexican Vegan Hot dog:

Toast your buns with a bit of the cheese and hot sauce (optional) on the bottom

Add hot dog, cheese, green onions, olives, avocado, cilantro, and drizzle with (both optional) hot sauce and roasted red pepper sauce

Mediterranean Vegan Hot Dog:

Heat pan on medium with olive oil. Once hot, add garlic and mushrooms and sprinkle on salt & pepper. Stir. Add fresh parsley and squeeze just a bit of fresh lemon juice on the mushrooms and stir. Cook for about 3 minutes stirring occasionally (toast buns at the same time).

Toast your buns and then smother the bottom of the bun with your choice of hummus and then add hot dogs

Place the garlic chives on the side of the bun, top with mushrooms, and drizzle with tahini sauce

Beer pairings:

For Mexican Vegan Hot Dog – witbier or hefeweizen

For Mediterranean Vegan Hot Dog – pilsner, American pale ale, or warsteiner

Vegan “Just Egg” Southwest Omelet

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Vegan “Just Egg” Southwest Omelet is literally a GAZILLION times better than any “real egg” omelet I’ve ever had… and I used to love me some real eggs. If you have never tried Just Egg, vegan or not, you are totally missing out on a delicious and healthy foodgasm. She is the plant-based Goddess of the year – hands down. The texture, the way it cooks, and most importantly the taste, is absolutely fucking incredible. If you can’t tell, if she took human form, I’d marry her. 😉

For the 4th of July (was amazing btw), I made my beloved instant pot pinto beans (recipe to come for sure). Since I made a lb of them, I’ve been chowing down on this glory in various ways for dayssss – still not over it. I decided to throw them in my Just Egg Omelet this morning with all of the other leftover 4th grub (cilantro, avocado, vegan cheddar, etc). Remember, my food mantra, “waste not!” And of course, “Like the mind, food is a terrible thing to waste.” Anyway, to say the Vegan “Just Egg” Southwest Omelet was amazing would be an understatement.

My little dude, G, helped me out in the kitchen for a bit. Mostly, he played me music on the record player, and “taste tested” all the food I was actively trying to stop him from eating. He’s lucky he’s both cute, and the most amazing cleaner/helper I’ve ever seen in any 5 YO. Later, we made a cake (next post) that was pretty incredible. I don’t have a sweet tooth so I feel that it was a legit concoction.

Lastly, I created a store on Spreadshop for my blog! She’ll be up and running under the “My Shop!” tab in just a few days. Super excited! Loads of awesome merch with hilarious food quotes, Heather quotes, and other cool shit.

Back to the Vegan “Just Egg” Southwest Omelet… pretty sure I just changed your breakfast for life. You’re welcome. 😉

PS- “Just Egg” can be super-pricey depending on where you purchase it. What cracks me up (pun intended – lame, I know, LOL) the most about their price point is that Whole Foods is selling it for almost 50% less than anywhere else! I can state that this is the very first time I have ever witnessed WF being a better deal than virtually anywhere else.

Enjoy the Vegan “Just Egg” Southwest Omelet! For your listening pleasure, and because it’s totally appropriate, and we all need a little Beastie Boys up in our kitchens!!!…


Vegan “Just Egg” Southwest Omelet

Serves: 1-2

Time: 10 minutes


1/2 bottle of “Just Egg”

1/3 C fresh cilantro – loosely packed and loosely chopped

1/4 of an avocado – chopped

1/2 C pinto beans (I used my instant pot pinto beans – the BEST!)

1/3 C shredded vegan cheddar (I used Miyokos)

1/4 C sliced black olives

2 C fresh spinach

Olive oil for pan

Garlic powder to taste

Salt & Pepper to taste

Optional- Hot sauce (I used a combo of Cholula & Aardvark)


Heat medium-sized pan with olive oil on medium-low to medium (Just Egg cooks quickly so adapt to your stove). Then pour Just Egg in pan

Add the garlic powder, salt & pepper – sprinkle evenly. Next, top with cheese – sprinkle evenly atop egg

Add the pinto beans, olives, and either all or most of the cilantro (I saved some for a garnish) – spread evenly atop egg

Let cook for about 5 minutes and then add your avocado

Fold egg in half to create your omelet. Optional – flip to cook on both sides; however, not necessary if it has cooked well

Remove from pan and garnish with the rest of your cilantro and smother in hot sauce. Done!

Drink pairing:

Vegan Bloody Mary (use Annie’s vegan Worcestershire sauce) OR a red beer

*If not having for breakfast…

Wine pairing:

Grenache, Gamay, or Beaujolais

Beer pairing:

Amber lager

*Click on the recipe name below to bring you to more of my “Just Egg” recipes!

Just Egg Hash Brown Omelet

Asparagus, White Bean & Parmesan Vegan “Just Egg” Omelet

The BOMB Just Egg Vegan California Omelet!

Vegan “Just Egg” 5 Minute Breakfast Sandwich

Tadka Dal & Curried Yellow Lentils & Potatoes (Vegan)

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Tadka Dal & Curried Yellow Lentils & Potatoes (Vegan) are healthy, easy, and totally delicious vegan Indian recipes. I am a lover of the lentil… big time. Lentils are super badass for protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, and folate – a vegetarian and vegan dream. Plus, they taste fucking incredible and are ridiculously versatile. I make “meatballs” with them, toss them on salads, in pasta, in bean dips, patties and more. I made the Tadka Dal for me (I like spice), and the Curried Yellow Lentils for my kiddo.

When I lived in Beijing (almost 3 years ago now – crazy!), I traveled alllll over Asia. One of the coolest things to me was the day I filled my passport and had to get pages added. However, it totally ruined the cool look of my passport. LOL. Anyway, I always felt bad for people who traveled with me. I wasn’t vegan when I lived in China, but I was a vegetarian (since the age of 8). Traveling in SE Asia meant delicious and cheap food for everyone… but me. Not to mention, vegetarianism is pretty much a foreign concept there so things like fish sauce and pastes were never revealed when asked if the dish was vegetarian. Better safe than sorry. I lived on the shittiest pizzas, pasta, and occasional toastie (basically a grilled cheese). All of my friends traveling with me got stuck eating at these awful western restaurant when we were traveling in various places of SE Asia – except in Ho Chi Mihn – there was this AWESOME coffee shop (Vietnam has incredible coffee) that served these crazy cheap, crazy delicious, tofu lemongrass baguettes. I ate one every day. That was the only “gem” I had ever come across… until I went to India. I ate the shit out of India. Breakfasts were insane! I could eat everywhere. A vegetarian’s paradise. Plus, Indian food is so flavor-packed, I never got bored. Oddly enough, it was my least favorite place in Asia that I ever traveled to – but at the same time, the best fucking food I’d ever had in Asia. I ate Tadka Dal like it was my last day on earth – and every other piece of naan, biryani, paneer, and kofta I could get down before barfing from overeating. 😉 Yes, Delhi Belly is real, very grossly real… but more than worth it. 😉

Let me know your thoughts on these recipes. Did you switch it up? Add things? I also have just been informed that my comment section hasn’t been working for about a year! WTF! Figuring this out now. One of my plugins is most likely the source. Feel free to comment on my FB page, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram accounts though! -FGG

PS- I LOVE The Beatles! This is a fitting song for the post. 😉

Curried Yellow Lentils
Creamy Curried Potatoes (AMAZING)
Tadka Dal



1 C yellow lentils

1 small-medium yellow onion – diced

1 small tomato – diced

1 chili – diced finely (I used a green chili)

2 Tbl ghee

1 tsp cumin seeds

5 cloves of garlic – diced

3/4 tsp chili powder (adjust according to your desired level of spice)

1 Tbl fresh ginger – thinly sliced OR 1/2 tsp of powdered ginger

1 tsp turmeric

Garam masala powder – sprinkled in a very tiny amount

2 Tbl fresh cilantro – loosely chopped

1 tsp dried fenugreek leaves

Salt as desired

4 C water

3 Tbl vegetable oil


Rinse lentils very well

In a saucepan – boil water

Once boiling, add lentils, turmeric, garam masala, chili powder, and fenugreek leaves

Reduce heat to medium-low and cook uncovered for approximately 30 minutes – stir occasionally

Remove from heat when lentils are soft (add more water if necessary)

Put oil in a skillet on medium high

Add cumin seeds. After 1-2 minutes, add onion. After 2 more minutes, add garlic. Cook for about 8 minutes or until onions are browned.

Add ginger, chili, and tomato. Cook, stirring occasionally, for another 8 minutes or until tomato is soft.

Combine the lentils with the mixture from the skillet, salt, and cilantro – mix well


Curried Yellow Lentils


1 C dry yellow lentils

1/2 onion – finely diced

3 cloves garlic – minced

1 Tbl vegetable oil

1 Tbl cumin powder

1/2 tsp turmeric

1 C vegetable broth

2 C water

Salt to taste


In a pan, heat oil and add the onion, garlic, and ginger. Cook for about 2-3 minutes

Add the turmeric, and cumin powder – cook for about more more minute

Add the broth and water and bring to boil – stir well

Add the lentils and simmer, uncovered, for approximately 20-30 minutes (add more water or broth if necessary)

Add salt – stir


Creamy Curried Potatoes!


6 medium white potatoes – boiled

1/2 C (or more pending upon your level of creaminess) vegan mayo (I only use Vegenaise)

2 tsp garlic powder

2 tsp cumin

2 tsp curry powder

1/2 tsp turmeric

Salt to taste


Let potatoes cool and cut potatoes in half

Add all of the ingredients into a bowl and mix well


*Feel free to adjust your spices according to your taste!

Wine Pairings:

White – Dry riesling OR dry rose

Red- Pinot Noir

Beer Pairing:




Vegan Grilled Stuffed Burrito w/ Avocado Ranch!

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Okay, soooo… this is my most popular post and one of my most popular pins on Pinterest! I want to bring the magic back. Latin inspired foods are some of my most favorite meals. Honestly, I am pretty positive I could eat like this 7 days/week. I’d be fat as fuck, but happy as hell. Well, okay, that’s a lie – the fat part would most definitely make me depressed as hell. 😉 This could be a great dish for your lova on Valentine’s day! It’ll impress the shit outta him/her, and give you an excuse to work off those carbs after some cocktails. 😉 Mojitos anyone?

Vegan Cuban Grilled Stuffed Burritos with Avocado Ranch are the next best thing since Cuba let us ‘Murica folk back into their country.  Helllloooo Havana, dope music (Buena Vista Social Club anyone?), the rainbow of colonial architecture, real mojitos, and cigars! Now, without further adieu, I give you Cuba’s next best thing – state side: Vegan Cuban Grilled Stuffed Burritos with Avocado Ranch. Totally f_____g delicious!

I can’t wait to go to Cuba. I’m totally in love with the music there. Not to mention all of the other things that I just mentioned above, and some. I’m definitely a traveler. Five years in Beijing, China as an expat had me exploring the world. I filled up my passport living there. Was freakin’ awesome. I haven’t went anywhere outside of the US in the past year and a half and it’s totally killing me! However, I’m super excited to be traveling this beautiful country. 

Anyway, the Vegan Cuban Grilled Stuffed Burritos with Avocado Ranch are incredibly healthy and easy to make. Cuban style black beans and rice, red pepper, spices, all smothered in an avocado ranch and cilantro. Chow your way down to the smoke rings and colors of your very own Cuba.  

PS- My new and awesome vegan blogger friend, Tully Zander, has an amazing blog: vegansfirst.com. She has fabulous recipes and vegan products. Her blog has a load of information about veganism in general. Since this post is on the topic of yummy burritos, check out her delicious breakfast burrito recipe here!


Vegan Cuban Grilled Stuffed Burritos with Avocado Ranch

Yields 4

Vegan Cuban Grilled Stuffed Burritos with Avocado Ranch are incredibly flavorful, protein and veggie packed burritos bursting with healthy deliciousness!

Total Time: 25 min


  1. 4 tortillas (10 inch)
  2. 1 1/2 C cooked long-grain white rice
  3. 1 15 oz can of black beans
  4. 2-3 strips vegan bacon (I used Lightlife’s Smart Bacon) – diced
  5. 1/2 white or red onion – finely diced
  6. 1/2 red pepper – finely diced
  7. 2 large garlic cloves – diced
  8. 1/2 C loosely packed cilantro leaves
  9. 1 Tbl white or red vinegar (I used white)
  10. 1 Tbl olive oil
  11. 1 tsp cumin
  12. 1 Tbl dried oregano
  13. Salt & pepper to taste
  14. 2 small avocados
  15. 1/4 C vegan ranch dressing (I use Follow Your Heart Vegan Ranch Dressing)


  1. Heat your pan on medium and add olive oil
  2. Add onion and stir occasionally for 3 minutes
  3. Add garlic and stir occasionally for 1-2 minutes more
  4. Add vinegar red peppers, bacon, black beans, cumin, oregano, and salt & pepper stirring occasionally for 3-5 minutes
  5. Add 1/3 C cilantro and rice and stir well – let cook for about 3 minutes
  6. Evenly divide the contents of the pan into 4 tortillas and wrap in a tight burrito
  7. Heat pan to low-medium and cook the outsides of each burrito evenly until they are lightly browned
  8. Remove from heat
  9. Smash the avocados and evenly distribute them over the 4 burritos
  10. Evenly pour the ranch dressing onto all 4 burritos and sprinkle the remaining cilantro over them
  11. Done!


  1. Feel free to throw in other veggies as well. I had a bunch of greens I needed to get rid of the last time I made these and they were a delicious addition to the burritos!

Pair with:


Vegan Bowls To-Go!

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Vegan Bowls To-Go! are super delish and make your work week way easier and healthier. I had all these veggies, beans, grains, and basil that I wanted to use before going food shopping – “Waste not!” (FGG’s food mantra) – so I used them for my Sunday food prep. Last week I was crazy unprepared  and either didn’t have a lunch, or grabbed something that I otherwise would normally never have eaten. I was so pissed at myself!

I always save glass jars from various sauces etc. I love to recycle them as tupperware or vases. This time I cooked quinoa and orecchiette pasta – that took up 2 burners. On the other 2 burners I was cooking a bunch of veggies and beans in a homemade taco seasoning, and cooking maple flavored brussel sprouts in the other. All 4 burners going at the same time. During that food fiesta, I made a kale pesto with loads of basil from my window basil plant (a must in the cold weather seasons). Click here for one of my kale pesto recipes. I made 5 different Vegan Bowls To-Go in under 30 minutes. Fuck yeah! That’s exactly the kind of ease and simplicity I am looking for… especially when you had a good friend and her daughter stay over last night and drank ’til wee hours of the morn! Let’s just say I’m lagging a little in the lust for motivation department. Yesterday, all 4 of us went to Mississippi Pizza to see an awesome kids band play, eat dope pizzas (yup – they have vegan!), and drink beer. We were having so much fun that we stayed for most of the bluegrass band afterwards. We did the same thing a few weeks back with 2 different bands. Portland is fucking awesome!

Anyway, I’m tired, have to make some more tea, and then finish up my podcast editing so I can fiiiinallllyyyy go live! Enjoy the work week! I’ll be dangling the “Friday is the last day before 2 weeks off ” hallelujah carrot in front of my face all week so I can make it with my sanity still intact. Chow for now! 😉 -FGG

PS – As usual, a fitting song…

IMG_5638 2
IMG_5597 2

These are not going to be direct recipes – I’ll give you the ingredients I used and you can follow that or tweak it to your taste. If not, simply use this post as a good idea for work week grub. 😉

1 – Quinoa with brussel sprouts. I cooked the brussel sprouts in grape seed oil, Himalayan salt, pepper, fresh lemon, and maple syrup (SOOOO good!). I often throw in tempeh but I didn’t have any.

2 – Orecchiette, quinoa, red & yellow peppers, kale, broccoli and black beans. I cooked the beans and veggies in taco seasoning. I put hot sauce on top of the orecchiette. Would be great with a good salsa, too!

3 – Same as above but without orecchiette.

4 – Orecchiette with homemade kale pesto (click in post for pesto recipe) and sun-dried tomatoes.

5 – Orecchiette with kale pesto, vegan meatballs (I love Trader Joe’s!), and small white beans. 

Dearest Clauses (An Adult Letter to the N. Pole)

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Dearest Clauses,

It’s that time time of year again! I’m sure you’re busy shinin’ up your sleigh, running reindeer drills & playing reindeer games, plumpin’ up to fit your suit, or if you’re like me, Mrs. Claus, slimmin’ down to fit your dress, and workin’ your elves to the bone (don’t forget labor laws you jolly old man! Santa or not, they’ll be a’ comin’ for you! Celebrities are no longer enjoying backdoor bullshit and shenanigans. You’ll be outed for your ill behavior in no time! Those elves are unionizing and ready to spill)!

I get it. You’re busy bumpkins. I know loads of children are gearing up to write you letters and you’ll soon be bombarded, so I’m hoping you’ll get mine first and therefore grant all of my heart’s desires! I promise, I’ve been a very good girl. 😉 …

1- A 3rd arm- prosthetic- I’ll get tons of shit done in no time! Plus, I can clean, eat, and drink simultaneously. WORD!

2- Botox. ‘Cause let’s be straight here, age is taking its toll

3- David Boreanaz. Well, because, DUH! And also because I had a sex dream about him the other night and feel like I gotta see this thing through – Commitment, right?! 

4- A year’s supply of vodka, lemons, and soda water canisters for my Soda Stream. Lord knows mama needs her booze!

5- One hour of sheer and utter motivation in a room with zero distractions, so that I may have the energy and time to workout, and bring my sexy back

6- A full-time masseuse – on call at all times of day and night (in the form of a Swedish God)

7- A full-time therapist – on call at all times of day and night (someone heaven sent)

8- A full-time cleaning crew – on call every morning & night (who all look like David Boreanaz & Brad Pitt)

9- My sanity back – I lost this bitch 4 years ago. I think it’s about time we become reacquainted with one another

10- A magic little pill that turns carbohydrates into calorie burning, so that I may continue my carb-whore ways, and return to a svelte body in a mere matter of weeks

11- Oh yeah, peace on earth, unicorns, cure for AIDS, mermaids, a place for all immigrants, magical Leprechauns with pots of gold, and chickens & goats – because it would be a sea of the cutest stupidity one has ever seen, and my kid would love it

I hope this letter finds you well.

These are gifts no one will sell.

Leave them all underneath my tree,

I just may leave you a tasty brandy.

Up-up and away from house-to-house,

I’ll hold back Ms. Claus so you may open a blouse. 😉

A woman who looks like a 20 Ms. Claus,

you go have your fun,

the reindeer will pause.

No one speaks a word, not even me,

now we’ll all get our gifts and be very merry.

I give you yours, and you give me mine,

that’s the deal, jolly man, let’s handshake with wine.

For nobody knows of your drunken sleigh rides,

and that is my leverage so you keep your disguise.

Naughty not nice you certainly be,

now give me my gifts nicely under my tree!

Love, Heather (the nicest of naughty) 

PS- For my Santa letters from other years, click here!

PPS- For your listening pleasure. Felt this was appropriate! 😉

Classic Vegan Chili

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Classic Vegan Chili is one of my all-time favorite winter warmers! Incredibly easy, delicious, and healthy. Packed with flavor for all vegans and non-vegans alike! It’s getting coooold, so my body needs some warmth. I LOVE soups in the fall and winter seasons. Sometimes, I need something super hearty though. For me, that is almost always in the form of some kind of chili. I wanted to keep it simple so I made my Classic Vegan Chili and actually had the foresight to style and shoot this meal. So glad because it looked so very pretty. Yes, food can totally be pretty, sexy, sultry, beautiful, and badass. 😉 

When I made this, I was sick with a crazy head cold. Doped up on DayQuil, kava kava tea, and a muscle relaxer. I remember thinking that everything was oh sooooo pretty. LOL. I was convinced it was my most beautiful photo shoot ever. Yeah, well, it’s nice and all, but the best? Fuck no! Gotta love drugs. 😉 Today, I am literally sick with the SAME shit… so, I thought it would be fitting to post this recipe today. Honestly, this school year has been brutal! I’m sure staying up to all hours of the night working on my “branding” – a full time job – after coming home from teaching 10 classes mostly back-to-back, and then mothering, cooking, and cleaning, is starting to take its toll on me. I need more sleep and more exercise. My friend just gave me a 14-day free trial of Beach Body. I’m crazy excited about it! Mostly, because of the insanely large variety of workouts it offers. I love me some Jillian Michael’s but I’ve done that shit SO many times that both my body and my mind need a change. My goal is to be back to my normal weight, where I’d been for years prior to the past 17 months, by this summer. Seventeen months ago is when I began taking a medication that completely changed my appetite, and in turn, my body. It did wonders for me otherwise, but I blinked and gained 60 lbs. TOTALLY INSANE! I switched my meds almost 2 months ago and dropped 14 lbs in 6 weeks. This was a HUGE relief for two reasons: 1- Losing it felt like I could actually get my body back, and 2- I was thrilled to know that it was, in fact, the medicine, and not me! Weight is crazy! It totally changes you, and I don’t mean physically, that’s a given. It fucks with your mentality. My confidence is still okay, thankfully, however, I haven’t felt sexy in about a year. I’ve lost the motivation to do things like paint my nails, wear nice clothing – because as I say, “I refuse to invest in my fatness” – and, if you know me, you’ll know how into fashion I’ve been my entire life – like, since the womb! 😉 It’s been rough. Anyway, there’s now a light at the end of the tunnel.

Back to Classic Vegan Chili. 😉 It’s crazy delish and perfect with a margarita – naturally. Send me pics of your creations! -FGG

PS- Since “oh so pretty” seems to be a theme in this post about both body AND food, as I was writing this, one of my old and all time favorite songs popped into my head. “It’s Oh So Quiet,” by Bjork. So awesome! Enjoy!





Classic Vegan Chili (Serves approximately 8)


1 Tbl cooking oil

4 cloves of garlic – diced

1  onion – diced 

1 jalapeno deseeded – minced

1 1/2 C (12 oz) ground veggie beef crumbles (I like Lightlife’s Smart Ground Meatless Crumbles – I used Original, however, you could use the Mexican flavored one)

2 cans (15 oz) of kidney beans – DO NOT DRAIN

2 C non-chunky tomato sauce (use something you like!)

2 Tbl chili powder

2 tsp cumin

Salt to taste

Optional (for garnish) – avocado, chives, fresh cilantro/oregano


Heat the oil in pot over medium-high heat

Add the onion and jalapeño – stir occasionally. About 3-5 minutes,

Add garlic and stir occasionally for one minute more

Add the ground veggie meat, chili powder, cumin and salt – stir until fully mixed

Add the tomato sauce and beans

Turn up the heat until the pot is almost boiling and then reduce the heat, cover, and let simmer

Stir occasionally, about 1 hour



Wine – Tempranillo 

Beer – Pale Ale

Cocktail – Margarita on the rocks

5 Easy Cheesy Vegan & Vegetarian Quesadillas!

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5 Easy Cheesy Vegan & Vegetarian Quesadillas! Are just what the title says. Crazy healthy Mexican inspired grub for the win! If you follow my blog, you’ll know that quesadillas are literally the perfect food for me. They’re ‘carbed’ up and cheesy. My two most favorite food things in the world. A dimple of cellulite? An additional pound? I wish I gave a shit! Carbs are my addiction. Maybe I replaced my pack-a-day Camel habit many moons ago with a little too much carbohydrate lovin’. Still, ‘stogs’ are a far worser fate than carbs. So, I win! 😉 

You can make any of these quesadillas vegetarian or vegan. Three of the recipes are from my vegetarian days of the vegetarian blog, and two are from my now vegan days and current vegan bloggin’. I have a quesadilla maker at home, which inspires me to put all kinds of crazy shit in between two tortillas. I used to make breakfast quesadillas with scrambled eggs, brie cheese, bruschetta, and fresh herbs. They’d come out of the quesadilla maker in perfectly puffed, shaped, and sealed triangles. Biting into one, in all of its creamy glory, was almost orgasmic. Fucking delicious. Can you tell I miss cheese? Just a little? … 😉 However, I don’t always use the quesadilla maker, I often use the pan. Depends on what I am putting inside the tortillas and how I want the outside cooked. Either way, these 5 Easy Cheesy Vegan & Vegetarian Quesadillas! Are the bomb. They’ll leave you wanting more – no doubt. Enjoy the grub!  -FGG

A fitting song for this post… 😉


Easy Cheesy Vegan Tofu Quesadillas

Creamy Avocado Sauce over Black Bean Pasta

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Creamy Avocado Sauce over Black Bean Pasta is the combination the world has been waiting for. Two soulmates who have finally found one another. A duo so perfectly paired there can never be another. Intrigued? Then this is the dish you MUST try this week! Seriously, SO tasty, healthy and easy! Also, it only takes a mere 10 minutes to chef up. What’s better than that? I literally feel like there are not enough minutes in my day for all that I do and try to get done. Ten minute meals are a slice of heaven for this busy soul of mine. Plus, my kiddo scarfs this shit down, aaand I hide spinach and white beans in the sauce – so that’s two for the win – Bam! I had mine with a margarita… naturally. 

I’m obsessed with avocados. I eat 1/2 an avo/day. I blended spinach and small white beans plus a few more ingredients for this delicious Creamy Avocado Sauce. When I looked in my pantry and saw the black bean rotini it was a duh moment. Obviously, anything black bean is totally perfect with anything avocado. Thus began the sexiest pasta affair that man has ever known. You could swim in this sauce, bathe in this sauce, drink this sauce, and have a creamy avocado ‘mud fight’ in this sauce. 

Remember, I have Heyoya now! Leave a voice comment instead of a written comment! Enjoy saucin’ yourself up! -FGG































Creamy Avocado Sauce over Black Bean Pasta
Creamy Avocado Sauce over Black Bean Pasta is done in 10 minutes! Incredibly easy, healthy, and tasty! What's better than a black bean pasta with an avocado sauce?! Vegan!
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Total Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 12 oz black bean pasta (I used Trader's Black Bean Rotini)
  2. 1 large ripe avocado
  3. 1 C fresh cilantro
  4. 2 C baby spinach - loosely packed
  5. 1 Tbl lemon or lime juice
  6. 2 Tbl olive oil (you can substitute for water if you'd like)
  7. 2 garlic cloves
  8. 3/4 C small white beans
  9. 1 Tbl taco seasoning
  10. Salt to taste
  1. While the pasta is cooking, put all of the other ingredients in a high-powered blender (I used my Vitamix) or processor and blend until completely smooth
  2. When pasta is done, pour sauce on top and serve immediately. Black bean pasta does not typically save well. If you want leftovers, use a different pasta.
Pair with
  1. Beer - Pale Ales
  2. Wine - Sauvignon Blanc
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Easy Vegan Mexican & Italian Inspired Food Cookbook

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Easy Vegan Mexican & Italian Inspired Food Cookbook is my FIRST published e-cookbook! I wanted to thank everyone who has purchased it, and encourage you all to write me a review! If this is the first time you’re hearing about it, then check it out on Amazon for a mere $2.99! Every recipe comes with a music and drink pairing. The music is hyperlinked to send you directly to the YouTube video as well! You don’t need a Kindle to read it. The Kindle is a free download that will most likely automatically download on your device with purchase of the book. You can read it on any device! Let me know your thoughts in the comments as well. Remember, I now have Heyoya so you can leave me a voice comment, too. So cool! Hope you’re enjoying for those of you who have purchased my Easy Vegan Mexican & Italian Inspired Food Cookbook. Love, FGG


Two Vegan Breakfast Toasts!

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Two Vegan Breakfast Toasts! Why two? Because it’s twice as nice. 😉 These delicious delights are incredibly easy, healthy, and quick to make. Everything you want in a breakfast! Lord knows, no one has endless amounts of time in the A.M. Mornings are the foundation of my day. If they start out shitty, the road is long for the rest of the day. I am a believer in starting your day right. 

The first toast is loaded with avocado & shiitake mushrooms, and the second is loaded with spicy roasted red pepper hummus (click the name for link to my hummus recipe) & Italian veggie sausage. I LOVE glorified toasts in the morning. I usually have them with a green fruit smoothie and a cup of hot water with lemon, agave, ginger, and cayenne pepper. I feel like that perfect trifecta starts my body’s day at some form of homeostasis. No doubt I need that to cope with my 10 or 11 classes/day with 25-35 kiddos/class. Sigh… This is why my thighs will always touch. 🙁 Haha. I’ll never have enough energy to go nutty enough on the working out scene and I’ll always need my medicine, I mean, wine ;), after a long and crazy day of teaching, mommy-ing, cooking, blogging, writing, and house cleaning. INSANE! Let these two fabulous toasts at least ease some of the burden of your day, too! Wanna vent about it? Do it here! Leave your crazy lives and morning stressors in the comment section. I now have Heyoya as well which means you can leave voice comments. SO cool! Let’s get to know one another and our insane day-to-days!

Lastly, my very first e-cookbook, Easy Vegan Mexican & Italian Inspired Food, is now officially available on Amazon for a mere $2.99! And, no. You DON’T need a Kindle to read it! The Kindle is free to download (mine did it automatically with purchase) and therefore you can read on your iPhone, computer etc. What makes this cookbook so unique?! I have songs and well- researched drink pairings for every single recipe including slightly racy, and “Heather-style” inappropriate commentary for each page as well! Please leave me a review if you purchase it! They’ll be more to come by the end of the summer! Thanks for all of your support! Love, FGG

This album below (and Come Away with Me) are my 2 favorite Sunday morning albums to cook to and start the morning with!


















































Two Vegan Breakfast Toasts!
Yields 2
Two Vegan Breakfast Toasts! Are incredibly healthy, easy, delicious, and time saving in the morning. Simple to make yet crazy tasty to eat. Cheers to an easier start to your day!
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Avocado Shiitake Toasts (makes 2 toasts)
  1. 2 pieces of toast (I use black sourdough rye from Trader Joe's)
  2. 1 avocado - smashed
  3. 1 C of shiitake mushrooms (without stems)
  4. 1 Tbl chopped fresh cilantro
  5. 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  6. 1/4 tsp onion powder
  7. 1 Tbl olive oil
  8. 2 Tbl veggie broth
  9. Salt & pepper to taste
  10. Red pepper flakes to taste (optional)
Spicy Hummus & Veggie Sausage Toasts (makes 2 toasts)
  1. 2 pieces of toast (I use large sourdough slices)
  2. 1/3 C spicy roasted red pepper hummus (I use my own recipe - link in blog post)
  3. 2 Tbl vegan cream cheese (I use Tofutti)
  4. 1 1/2 C baby spinach
  5. 2 large veggie sausages (I use Trader Joe's Italian Vegan Sausages) - sliced
  6. 1 tsp oregano - fresh or dried. If fresh, chop
  7. 1 1/2 Tbl of olive oil
  8. Salt & pepper to taste
For the Avocado & Shiitake Toasts
  1. Heat pan on medium with olive oil
  2. Add mushroom, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, garlic & onion powders, and stir for about 3 minutes
  3. Add veggie broth and cilantro and stir occasionally for about 4-5 minutes more - shiitakes should be slightly crisp but not dry
  4. Remove from heat
  5. Evenly smear the smashed avocado onto both pieces of toasts
  6. Evenly divide the contents of the pan onto both pieces of toast
  7. Done!
For the Spicy Hummus & Veggie Sausage Toasts
  1. Heat pan on medium with olive oil
  2. When hot, add veggie sausage, salt & pepper
  3. Stir occasionally for about 5 minutes (we want to brown the outside of the sausages)
  4. Add the oregano and stir occasionally for 1-2 minutes more
  5. Add the spinach and stir occasionally for 2-3 minutes - spinach should be bright green and slightly wilted - do not over cook
  6. Remove from heat
  7. Evenly spread the cream cheese and then the hummus on both pieces of toast
  8. Evenly spread the contents of the pan on top of the toasts
  9. Done!
If eating for a snack, lunch, or dinner
Pair with
  1. White wine - riesling or chablis
  2. Red wine - pinot noir or zinfandel
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Vegan Mexican & Italian Food!

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Vegan Mexican & Italian Food! Is a post that is revisiting two of my most all-time favorite blog recipes: (Click on recipe name for direct link to page)

Vegan Kale Pesto Lasagna with Veggie Tofu Ricotta

Cheesy Vegan Sweet Potato Fries Nacho Style!

I have just written a cookbook called, Easy Vegan Mexican & Italian inspired Food, and it will be released on Amazon within the next 72 hours! Only $2.99 for amazing Italian & Mexican style grub with music and booze to accompany each recipe… not to mention my inappropriate banter before you even get to the ingredient list. 😉 You know me! Wasn’t gonna keep my personality out of this cookbook or any cookbook that I’ll be publishing. My goal is to have 3 e-cookbooks out by the end of the summer, and my, “Crazy China SH#%” book will be released next month – tales of my expat days in Beijing, China told through a very candid and raw lens. 

Above are two of my recipes from the archives to get you super stoked about the upcoming Foodgalleygab cookbook! Enjoy! Love, FGG

Cheesy Vegan Sweet Potato Fries Nacho Style!

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Cheesy Vegan Sweet Potato Fries Nacho Style! are officially my most favorite appetizer/meal/party food of the month. The flavor is as loud as the bright & bold colors in the pictures. Imagine the loudest and ‘bestest’ mariachi band in your mouth, costumes included, and you’ve arrived at the level of deliciousness in this dish. 😉 I’ll definitely be making these for a Cinco de Mayo party this year for sure. 

I sliced and grilled sweet potatoes on the BBQ – french fry style. However, first I coated them in grape seed oil and taco seasoning for an even bigger flavor explosion. MWAH! I sliced up some sweet bell peppers I had to get rid of, grilled corn and then cut it off the cob, and then smothered the nachos in avocado, cilantro, and a DELICIOUS vegan nacho cheese sauce with spinach. I scarfed them down at a disgusting speed and then washed them down with a frozen homemade mango margarita. All my calories for the day? Yeah, probably… Worth it? TOTALLLYYYYY!  

Cheesy Vegan Sweet Potato Fries Nacho Style! can easily be a lunch, dinner, appetizer, party plate, Cinco de Mayo grub, summertime grub, or literally anytime grub! Go getcha mariachi on in yo’ mouth and groove it up with a mango marg! 😉










































Cheesy Vegan Sweet Potato Fries Nacho Style!
Cheesy Vegan Sweet Potato Fries Nacho Style! are LOADED with flavor and moxie. Easy and delicious! You'll have a mariachi band rockin' out in your mouth!
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Total Time
20 min
Total Time
20 min
  1. 2 sweet potatoes - grill as fries OR 20oz bag of frozen sweet potato fries (cooked)
  2. 4 sweet mini peppers - sliced
  3. 1 small avocado - sliced OR 1/2 a large avocado - sliced
  4. 1/4 C cilantro leaves
  5. 1 ear of corn - grilled and cut off the cob
  6. 1/3 C salsa
  7. Hot sauce to taste
For the nacho sauce
  1. 1 C large spinach leaves loosely packed OR 1/2 cup if you're using baby spinach
  2. 1/4 C nutritional yeast
  3. 3 Tbl flour
  4. 1 Tbl soy sauce (I use Bragg's Aminos)
  5. 1 Tbl dijion mustard
  6. 3 Tbl fresh cilantro
  7. 1/2 tsp Better Than Bouillon's Vegetable base or another broth paste OR about 1/4 C liquid vegetable broth
  8. 3 Tbl of onion - diced
  9. 2 Tbl taco seasoning - leveled
  10. 1 C unsweetened vegan milk (I used soy)
  11. 1/2 C - 1 C water (this is optional, however, you may need this to make the sauce creamier - add it slowly and stir before adding more)
  12. 3 Tbl vegan butter
  13. Salt to taste
For the nacho cheese sauce
  1. Heat pan with butter on medium heat and then add onion and a dash of salt - stir occasionally for 3 minutes
  2. Add the flour and and stir very well until it becomes thick and creamy like a roux
  3. Add the milk and stir in until there are no bumps
  4. Add the nutritional yeast, soy, mustard, taco seasoning, broth, and cilantro - stir until creamy
  5. Add the spinach, water, and any salt you might like to add - stir until you have your desired consistency from adding water and then turn heat to low
To assemble
  1. On a serving dish, place the fries, peppers, and add some of the nacho sauce - layering as you go
  2. Top with salsa, avocado, cilantro, and hot sauce
Pair with
  1. A mango or any other margarita
  2. OR
  3. Mexican beer
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Vegan Cuban Grilled Stuffed Burritos with Avocado Ranch

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Vegan Cuban Grilled Stuffed Burritos with Avocado Ranch are the next best thing since Cuba let us ‘Murica folk back into their country. 😉 Helllloooo Havana, dope music (Buena Vista Social Club anyone?), the rainbow of colonial architecture, real mojitos, and cigars! Now, without further adieu, I give you Cuba’s next best thing – state side: Vegan Cuban Grilled Stuffed Burritos with Avocado Ranch. Totally f_____g delicious!

I can’t wait to go to Cuba. I’m totally in love with the music there. Not to mention all of the other things that I just mentioned above, and some. I’m definitely a traveler. Five years in Beijing, China as an expat had me exploring the world. I filled up my passport living there. Was freakin’ awesome. I haven’t went anywhere outside of the US in the past year and a half and it’s totally killing me! However, I’m super excited to be traveling this beautiful country. 

Anyway, the Vegan Cuban Grilled Stuffed Burritos with Avocado Ranch are incredibly healthy and easy to make. Cuban style black beans and rice, red pepper, spices, all smothered in an avocado ranch and cilantro. Chow your way down to the smoke rings and colors of your very own Cuba. 😉 

PS- My new and awesome vegan blogger friend, Tully Zander, has an amazing blog: vegansfirst.com. She has fabulous recipes and vegan products. Her blog has a load of information about veganism in general. Since this post is on the topic of yummy burritos, check out her delicious breakfast burrito recipe here!
















































Vegan Cuban Grilled Stuffed Burritos with Avocado Ranch
Yields 4
Vegan Cuban Grilled Stuffed Burritos with Avocado Ranch are incredibly flavorful, protein and veggie packed burritos bursting with healthy deliciousness!
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Total Time
25 min
Total Time
25 min
  1. 4 tortillas (10 inch)
  2. 1 1/2 C cooked long-grain white rice
  3. 1 15 oz can of black beans
  4. 2-3 strips vegan bacon (I used Lightlife's Smart Bacon) - diced
  5. 1/2 white or red onion - finely diced
  6. 1/2 red pepper - finely diced
  7. 2 large garlic cloves - diced
  8. 1/2 C loosely packed cilantro leaves
  9. 1 Tbl white or red vinegar (I used white)
  10. 1 Tbl olive oil
  11. 1 tsp cumin
  12. 1 Tbl dried oregano
  13. Salt & pepper to taste
  14. 2 small avocados
  15. 1/4 C vegan ranch dressing (I use Follow Your Heart Vegan Ranch Dressing)
  1. Heat your pan on medium and add olive oil
  2. Add onion and stir occasionally for 3 minutes
  3. Add garlic and stir occasionally for 1-2 minutes more
  4. Add vinegar red peppers, bacon, black beans, cumin, oregano, and salt & pepper stirring occasionally for 3-5 minutes
  5. Add 1/3 C cilantro and rice and stir well - let cook for about 3 minutes
  6. Evenly divide the contents of the pan into 4 tortillas and wrap in a tight burrito
  7. Heat pan to low-medium and cook the outsides of each burrito evenly until they are lightly browned
  8. Remove from heat
  9. Smash the avocados and evenly distribute them over the 4 burritos
  10. Evenly pour the ranch dressing onto all 4 burritos and sprinkle the remaining cilantro over them
  11. Done!
  1. Feel free to throw in other veggies as well. I had a bunch of greens I needed to get rid of the last time I made these and they were a delicious addition to the burritos!
Pair with
  1. Mojitos
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

The BEST Avocado Toast Ever!

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The BEST Avocado Toast Ever! was created because I had left overs from my Organics to You delivery AND because I was tired of my everyday avocado and vegan cream cheese breakfast toasts. I mean, avocado, everyday, on almost anything, right?! However, I thought there’s always room to jazz up even the simplest of breakfasts… so, I did! I had left over rainbow chard and I sauteed that up with some seasoning. Threw in some julienned sun-dried tomatoes in oil and herbs, cut fresh chives from my garden, topped it with left over cilantro, and layered that on top of my avocado smash toasts. Lastly, I drizzled the shit outta them with hot sauce and a vegan ranch dressing… OMG!!! They were crazy AMAZING! I was totally pleased with myself as I was chowing down like a machine on ‘roids leaving a trail of sauce dripping down my face. I had just devoured true love in its most honest form… food. 😉 Hence the name of this post: The BEST Avocado Toast Ever!

My aunt lives in southern California and her neighbor has these beautiful avocado trees that extend into her yard and drop on her grass. This is like my freakin’ dream! She also has lemon trees that produce like crazy every year. Honestly, I think I’d quit teaching and start selling avocado toasts every morning at a stand in front of my house on the street. I’d graduate to selling various styles of guacamole in the afternoon with homemade tortilla chips and fresh lemonade from my lemon trees. I’d soak up the sun (well, from under my umbrella. If you knew me, you’d know I hate direct exposure to sun for too long), blast dope tunes from my old school radio, and chat with my customers – all day, everyday. What a suh-weet way to spend my days! Alas, I don’t live in or amongst that beauty. This is not to say that where I live doesn’t have its own incredible beauty as well, because shit, it TOTALLY does, it’s just different. Still, a girl can dream of lemons, avocados, the sun and a stand… aahhhh…

Please feel free to comment and let me know what kind of breakfast toasts you’re eating! Always looking to mix things up in the kitchen! Let’s share the food wealth, people! 😉








































The BEST Avocado Toast Ever!
Yields 2
The BEST Avocado Toast Ever! is incredibly easy, healthy, and delicious. Made with sautéed rainbow chard, chives, sun-dried tomato, avocado, and sauce drizzles.
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Total Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 2 pieces of toast (I used TJ's Black Sour Dough and Rye)
  2. 1 small avocado
  3. Approximately 1 Tbl chives - cut however you'd like
  4. 4 leaves of rainbow chard - chopped
  5. 1 Tbl sun-dried tomatoes (I used TJ's julienned in oil and herbs)
  6. 2 Tbl spoons loosely packed cilantro
  7. Garlic & onion powder to taste
  8. Salt & pepper to taste
  9. Olive oil for pan
  10. Hot sauce to taste (optional)
  11. Vegan ranch to taste (optional) - I used Follow Your Heart ranch dressing
  1. While you bread is toasting, heat pan with olive oil and add the chard and sun-dried tomatoes Season with salt, pepper, garlic, and onion powder to taste
  2. Cook for approximately 3 minutes on medium or medium high and then remove from heat
  3. Smash 1/2 of an avocado on to each toast and then evenly divide the contents from the pan on top of the toasts
  4. Sprinkle the cilantro and chives evenly across both toasts
  5. Drizzle with ranch and hot sauce to taste
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Vegan Chicken Enchiladas & Jalapeño Margaritas!

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Vegan Chicken Enchiladas & Jalapeño Margaritas! was shot at night on New Year’s Eve so the pics are poop. 🙁 However, I’ve been on my death bed with bronchitis and a cold/flu for almost a week now so it’s all I’ve got in the archives. I felt like crap-o-la at work on Friday, thought I was recovering on Saturday (went to Manzanita, OR – the coast – b/c it was beautiful that day) until my cough started up and bought me to the ER because urgent care was closed. Sigh… sickness blows. And, you know I’m sick when I don’t even want to eat food… that means I’m for reaaalllzzz sick. 

Okay, back to the food. I tried packaged jackfruit that was pre-seasoned last year and I thought it was totally gross. However, many people have told me to make it myself and give it a second go, so, I did. I purchased it in a can at Trader Joe’s and seasoned it myself. Was awesome! NOTHING like the crap I had bought pre-packaged. Honestly, it reminded me of an artichoke. I made my own vegan cheese sauce, used red and green enchilada sauces (Christmas enchiladas), and, of course, had to make my famous spicy jalapeño margaritas to go with! Especially, since I was chef-ing this up for the new year! Bubbles during the EST & PST ball drops and margs the rest of the night. WOo-hOo! 

Enjoy the recipes and my pics from Manzanita! I threw in one from our walk downtown on New Year’s Eve before the margs and enchiladas (G was super upset he couldn’t play in the fountain. 😉 Cheers to a MUCH warmer winter than last! 

IMG_0468IMG_0404IMG_0245IMG_0278IMG_0262Vegan Chicken Enchiladas & Jalapeno Margaritas!IMG_0252IMG_0347IMG_0351IMG_0419IMG_0598IMG_0656IMG_0743IMG_0731






















































































Vegan Chicken Enchiladas & Jalapeño Margaritas
Yields 8
Vegan Chicken Enchiladas & Jalapeño Margaritas! were my New Year's faves this year! Jackfruit chicken, homemade vegan nacho cheese, and spicy margaritas!
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Total Time
1 hr
Total Time
1 hr
For the enchiladas
  1. 1 can Trader Joe's Jackfruit - sliced into thin strips
  2. 2 Tbl Trader Joe's Onion Salt
  3. 1 Tbl taco seasoning
  4. 3 cloves garlic - chopped
  5. 1 C onion -diced
  6. 1/2 C red enchilada sauce
  7. 1/4 C green enchilada sauce
  8. 3-4 C vegan cheese sauce (I used my own recipe - in recipe index on blog)
  9. 8 tortilla shells
  10. Oil for pan
  11. Salt to taste
For the margaritas
  1. 10 limes - juiced
  2. 1 1/2 C tequila
  3. 1/2 C pickled jalapeño - sliced
  4. 4 oz orange juice
  5. 2 oz orange liquor of choice (Cointreau or Triple Sec)
  6. 2 Tbl agave or honey
  7. Pinch of salt
  8. Ice
  1. Preheat oven to 350f
  2. In a pan over medium heat, add onion in oil with a pinch of salt and cook for about 3 minutes
  3. Add garlic and cook for an additional minute
  4. Add jackfruit, onion salt, salt, taco seasoning, and stir occasionally for about 8-10 minutes or until slightly browned
  5. In a separate pan, spray with oil and layer the bottom with some enchilada sauce
  6. Evenly spread the jackfruit and cheese into each of the 8 tortillas
  7. Roll them up and place in pan
  8. Cover fully with the rest of the enchilada sauces and bake for approximately 15-20 minutes or until lightly crisped
  9. For the margaritas: (Make whilst the enchiladas are baking)
  10. Place all of the ingredients into a pitcher and mix well
  11. To serve, take a shaker with ice, pour mix over ice, and pour into individual margarita glasses - the jalapeños should be strained with the ice and therefore neither should enter the margarita glasses
  1. Margarita recipe makes about 6
  2. Enchilada recipe makes 8
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Easy Cheesy Vegan Tofu Quesadillas

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Easy Cheesy Vegan Tofu Quesadillas is another recipe I threw together during the Christmas holiday because (insert drum roll here)… my new and fabulous quesadilla maker entered my life! Santa loves me and knows me well. Once upon a time, when I was living in OR (the first time), on an old farm, 30 acres of glory: chicken coup, barn, bunk house, an old boat that someone had began making on the property, where we spent many a day drinking next to our horseshoe pit, amongst the apple, pear, nut, plum, and cherry trees, next to the grape and blackberry vines, wild mint everywhere and so much more… my hippie lovin’ roomies and I happened to purchase a quesadilla maker and we went nuts-o! Quesadilla everything! Brie and egg bfast quesadillas, veggie meat Mexican quesadillas, Italian, Greek, Thai… you name it. There was nothing we wouldn’t put in a quesadilla.  The beauty of a quesadilla maker is that it seals the contents perfectly and creates beautifully even triangles so you look like a ‘profresh’ quesadilla chef galore. 😉 I implore you to buy one of these grand machines. They’re crazy cheap as well. Amazon that beotch up! It was a last minute decision to photograph these so I only have a few of the finished product. I didn’t really style them either but I still wanted to share this exciting new gift with you all, and to remind you that quesadillas are a great way to empty your fridge to support my “waste not” philosophy. Lastly, to encourage you to purchase a quesadilla maker if you have yet to own one. Happy quesadilla making! MWAH!

Easy Cheesy Vegan Tofu QuesadillasIMG_0747IMG_0771Easy Cheesy Vegan Tofu Quesadillas

































Easy Cheesy Vegan Tofu Quesadillas
Yields 1
Easy Cheesy Vegan Tofu Quesadillas are incredibly simple to make, healthy, delicious, and done in 15 minutes!
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Total Time
15 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 1/4 brick firm tofu - mashed
  2. 1 Tbl diced onion
  3. 1 clove garlic - diced
  4. 1 tsp nutritional yeast
  5. 1/4 tsp turmeric
  6. 1/2 tsp cumin
  7. Pinch of cayenne pepper
  8. 1 tsp oregano
  9. Salt & pepper to taste
  10. 2 Tbl tomatoes - diced
  11. 2 8-inch tortillas (I used Spinach)
  12. 1/4 C vegan cheese (I used my own recipe - in recipe index of my blog)
  13. Oil for pan
  1. *If using a quesadilla maker, heat now
  2. Heat a pan on medium and add oil
  3. Add onion and stir occasionally for 3 minutes (I pinch salt in as well)
  4. Add garlic and stir for another minute
  5. Add tofu and all spices/herbs/yeast and stir occasionally for approximately 5 minutes
  6. Remove from heat
  7. Put one tortilla in quesadilla maker or pan and evenly spread the tofu mixture and cheese on top
  8. Place the other tortilla on top and cook until both sides are browned
  9. Let cool for a few minutes, then cut into triangles, and serve
  10. Done!
  1. Feel free to add whatever else you'd like in the quesadilla and top with hot sauce!
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Mexican Style Tofu Scramble

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Mexican Style Tofu Scramble is SOOO delicious! It has the perfect balance of spice, it’s loaded with protein, healthy, and easy to make! If food had moxie, this recipe would claim it. She don’t mess around, aight?! She’s fierce, fiery, and full of flavor… I’m actually eating my leftovers as I write this. Though sadly, I am not devouring it with my avocado toast this time. I made this Sunday morning because I was craving a scramble. It had been a  while since I’d made one and I’d been staring the soy chorizo in its face for weeks now just waiting to taste it’s deliciousness. If you’ve never had soy chorizo, you’re missin’ out. It’s freakin’ amazing! 

The weather was super crappy this weekend in Portland. I shot 4 recipes on Saturday and the natural light blew… hard.  It was a clearer day on Sunday but still not sunny per se. However, it wasn’t raining (woo-hoo!) and I was craving some seriously delicious eats. Also, I knew we’d be going to the farm to get our Christmas tree etc later and wanted a solid belly. Aaannnd, because I knew I’d be walking around with a thermos of adult warmth. 😉 How else does one pick a Christmas tree?! The kiddo was pretty cute decorating that fabulously aromatic green giant later that evening but I definitely went through and reorganized everyone’s ornament hanging… sigh… the nature of a borderline ‘OCD-er.’ 

This Mexican Style Tofu Scramble is loaded with tofu, soy chorizo, spinach, mushrooms, spices, beans, olives, and more to ensure a flavor explosion – pinata style – in your mouth. The drool is real here. I just housed my leftovers and am already regretting not having made more. Although, I’m trying to stay away from ‘Mr. Gluttony.’ If you’ve been reading my previous posts, you’ll know that I’m attempting to ‘cleanse’ and shed some lbs, instead of packing more on for the holiday season. #thestruggleisreal. 😉 All that aside, this dish is dope, so get the fiery fiesta on in your mouth! Eat up and enjoy!

PS- Some pics of the tree decorating for shits and giggles 😉

PPS-And, sigh… when your child kindly attempts to sweep up the needles by himself because he’s Mr. Freakin’ Independent and makes an even bigger mess. Good thing he’s so stinkin’ cute! 😉
























































Mexican Style Tofu Scramble
Serves 2
Mexican Style Tofu Scramble is incredibly flavorful, delicious, protein packed, and easy! This recipe is better than an egg scramble any day of the week!
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Total Time
25 min
Total Time
25 min
  1. 1/2 brick of tofu - drained & crumbled
  2. Large handful of baby spinach
  3. 1/2 C soy chorizo (I used a heaping 1/2 cup) (I used Trader Joe's Soy Chorizo)
  4. 1 C sliced mushrooms (I used white)
  5. 1 Tbl chopped garlic cloves
  6. 1/3 C chili style pinto beans (you can use regular pinto or black but it will change the flavor a bit)
  7. 1/4 C sliced black olives
  8. 1/4 C red onion -diced
  9. 1/2 Tbl of taco seasoning
  10. 2 Tbl fresh cilantro
  11. Salt to taste
  12. 1/2 an avocado for toast (optional)
  13. 2 Tbl Tofutti or a vegan cream cheese
  14. Oil or spray for pan
  1. Heat oil in pan
  2. Add onions and cook for 3-4 minutes stirring occasionally (I like the onions, garlic, and mushrooms to be browned a bit)
  3. Add the garlic and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes - stir enough so they don't burn
  4. Add the mushrooms and a pinch of salt and cook until browned - stir mixture enough so they brown but don't burn
  5. Add the tofu and seasoning - mix well and cook for about 2-3 minutes
  6. Add the chorizo & beans - stir well and cook for about 1-2 minutes
  7. Add the olives, spinach, and cilantro (I don't use anymore salt b/c I find the chorizo to be salty) Stir for an additional minute and then you're done!
  8. Optional: On 2 pieces of toast evenly spread and smash the avocado and cream cheese
  1. Feel free to throw in any kind of veggies you have in your fridge! I chose these 2 b/c that's what I had lying around. Waste not! 🙂
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Thanksgiving Nachos!

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So, I have LOADS of leftover stuffing, meatloaf, Tofurkey Roast, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Like all y’all, I didn’t really want to go old school and make ‘garbage bin’ style sandbos with all of the leftovers – been there, done that. After wondering what else I could do with this smorgasbord of food, I had an “a-ha!” moment. Everything tastes super and insanely good when baked over tortilla chips. I added some nooch and some Daiya cheddar, heated the oven, and was left with an orgasmic, mouth melting, tongue drooling plate of Thanksgiving Nachos. Everything was vegan and gluten free with the exception of the Tofurkey, too! We pretty much killed it in the food department this year for T-day. Crazy amounts of good wine, good food, and superb people. I loved hosting my fam, going wine tasting, bowling, shopping, restaurant-ing, and garage-game-playing for the week they were here. I miss them already! Here’s to hoping for version 1.3 for 2018’s T-day!


12 Mexican Inspired Munchies & Meals – Vegetarian & Vegan!

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12 Mexican Inspired Munchies & Meals – Vegetarian & Vegan! Has been a post I’ve been meaning to make for ages. Glad I waited since I’ve created a few more faves since then. Honestly, I don’t know one single person who dislikes, scratch that, doesn’t absolutely LOVE Mexican inspired food! It’s an amazing cuisine for veg-heads and vegans alike. If you’re a carb whore like myself, and this food is not your jam, I sit here, flabbergasted. If you are in fact of my ilk, then you’ll love these meals by washing them down with a serious margarita or beer. The first is usually preferred, as beer can put my guaranteed-to-be-stuffed belly over the top in fullness. 

I thought about waiting to post this for Cinco de Mayo but now is a perfect time with the cold coming in. Time to stay at home, have friends over, cook, drink, and eat! Pretty sure this is what I live for (besides my fabulous wee man of course). Click on the recipe name below the pic for the recipe. Let me know your faves in the comment section! 🙂

Recipes in order of pictures: 

Crazy Creamy Mexican Pasta, Holy Sh#% Loaded Nachos!, Lentil & Tofu Breakfast Quesadillas, Amazing Classic Guacamole, Buffalo Cauliflower Bowl, The BEST vegan nacho cheese sauce ever!, Vegetarian Chicken Street Tacos, G’s Arugula White Bean Quesadilla, Mexican Vegan Sushi Rolls, Green Goddess Cheesy Quesadilla, Easy Spinach & Mushroom Cheesy Quesadillas, Vegan & Vegetarian Huevos Rancheros

*Recipes from the archives and many of them on Foodgawker & Food52! 



Mexican Vegan Sushi Rolls!

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Mexican Vegan Sushi Rolls! are so incredibly healthy, easy, and delicious. I wanted to do something unique with my nori rolls so I looked at what I had to get rid of in my fridge, and this idea rolled (hehe) right into my head. I had whipped up some fire roasted hot sauce last week with my various hot peppers that are pouring out of my garden. I smothered the inside (and out) with it. Of course, using store bought hot sauce will be just as amazing. From there, I added my sushi rice, and everything else from the recipe card below…

Everyone always assumes that I don’t eat sushi because I’m veg. Sushi is an awesome veggie or vegan food! You can put absolutely anything in it.  The weirder the rolls, the better. At least in my humble opinion. 😉 Carrots, cucumbers, and avocado. That is primarily the “it” veggie sushi roll. Screw that! Shove some buffalo patties, chives, and pinto beans in there! Why not use tofu or tempeh? Go Italian style with some amazing Tofurky Sun-dried tomato/basil sausages and more. Go Greek with olives, tomato, and hummus, think of throwing some kind of veggie patty or a falafel in there! There’s no end to what you can roll into your nori. Obviously, swishing it down with some hot saki is highly recommended, or even encouraged. I live near a saki factory where you can go and taste the amazing flavors that sakis have to offer. Pretty dope! If I haven’t mentioned it before, I’m in love with living in Oregon again. Five years in China and I’m extra freakin’ in love with this orgasmic place! I get asked all the time why in the world I don’t live in New York (my home state), and I have one answer: The Pacific Northwest rocks!

Mexican Vegan Sushi Rolls! should be on your list of things to make this week. In addition to some cocktails, Halloween decorations, jack-o’-laterns, and costumes of course. 😉 Eat up and enjoy!

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Mexican Vegan Sushi Rolls!
Yields 4
Mexican Vegan Sushi Rolls! are incredibly healthy, easy, and delicious! Get creative with your nori rolls and dive into a vegan flavor explosion in the form of sushi!
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
25 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
25 min
  1. 4 Nori wraps
  2. 3/4 C cooked sushi rice
  3. 1 vegan buffalo chicken patty (I use Boca) cut into strips
  4. 1 slice vegan cheese (I used Field Roast Chao - Tomato Cayenne) cut into strips
  5. A handful of chives cut in half
  6. 8 slices of cucumber
  7. 8 slices of carrot
  8. Optional: avocado slices (recommended) & cilantro to taste
  9. Pinto beans to taste (I dived 3/4 of a can)
  10. Hot sauce for inside and out - to taste
  11. Optional: Everything bagel seasoning for a garnish (I used Everything But The Bagel from Trader Joe's)
  1. Top each sushi roll with rice (split evenly among all 4 rolls)
  2. Add hot sauce on each roll (to your taste)
  3. Add beans
  4. Add cheese and buffalo patty
  5. Add carrots and cucumbers
  6. If using, add avocado and cilantro now
  7. Add chives
  8. Roll them up and lightly rub with water then sprinkle with everything seasoning
  9. Garnish with hot sauce
  1. Feel free to squeeze a fresh lime over those rolls!
Pair with
  1. Hot saki OR Hefeweizen, Witbier, American Ales
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Buffalo Cauliflower Bowl

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Buffalo Cauliflower Bowl! Why did it take me so long to try this buffalo cauliflower trend?! It’s freakin’ delicious and amazing! Anything uber tasty and guilt free gets a 5-star rating in the book of “Heather.” 😉 Side note: This would be a frightening book. Resume: I was in Bend, OR 2 weeks ago for a vacation (amazing! Managed to squeeze in a night in Sisters and Crater Lake as well), and went to the Bend Brewery. It was there that I was first deflowered to the hot and steamy buffalo cauliflower. What a tasty and ravenous treat. Hehe.  😉 It was instant love. A saucy treat that ended in a very real addiction. Obviously, I had to keep coming back to buffalo cauliflower for more, because, like my love for General Hospital, #additionisreal. Hey, don’t judge, we all have our vice! 

I read loads of recipes online about how to make this taste sensation. I was also trying to recreate the incredible recipe from the brewery. This Buffalo Cauliflower Bowl is a result of a few recipes leading me to my buffalo cauliflower of perfection. You will LOVE this as much as everyone I have shared it with. Pinky promise! 

I wanted to add this delicious treat to a ‘bowl’. I’m all about the bowls since going more plant-based. It’s an amazing way to get tons of goodness and flavor in your life in an easy fashion. I smothered some sliced portobellos and potato wedges in this buffalo sauce and grilled them up. I put spinach on the side and then smothered the shrooms, fries, and spinach in my left over vegan mac n’ cheese sauce. *Recipe coming soon! I’ll hyperlink the italicized words once I post the recipe so you can dig into this delicious cheese sauce asap. Now, stop reading this and start making your soon-to-be most favorite hot and steamy dish of the summer! Summer flings are the best kinda flings. Only, she’ll leave you wanting more. Every season. Every day. Buffalo Cauliflower Bowl does not disappoint. Enjoy the addiction. 😉

















































Buffalo Cauliflower Bowl
Yields 1
Buffalo Cauliflower Bowl is the BEST bowl of the summer! Vegan, healthy, easy, beautiful, and delicious. Enjoy!
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Total Time
1 hr
Total Time
1 hr
  1. 1 medium head of cauliflower - diced into florets
  2. 1/2 of a medium sized potato - cut into wedges
  3. Approximately 5 sliced portobellos
  4. 1 large handful of raw baby spinach (or any other green)
For the sauce
  1. 1/2 C flour
  2. 1/2 C water
  3. 1/4 C vegan breadcrumbs (optional)
  4. 1/2 cup hot sauce - I prefer buffalo style (or more sauce if you like it fully smothered)
  5. 2 Tbl Earth Balance (vegan butter) - melted
  6. 1/2 tsp agave or honey (optional, but so good)
  7. 1/2 tsp salt
  8. 1/4 tsp black pepper (optional)
  9. 1 tsp garlic powder
  1. Preheat the oven to 450f.
  2. In large bowl, whisk together flour, water, bread crumbs, garlic powder, salt, and pepper
  3. Toss in cauliflower - toss well
  4. Spray tinfoil or cookie sheet and place in oven for 20 minutes
  5. Remove the cauliflower from oven - keep oven on
  6. In small bowl, mix hot sauce, agave, and Earth Balance
  7. Toss cauliflower in sauce and butter and place back in oven for 30 minutes
  8. About ten minutes before the cauliflower is done, mix and toss the potatoes and mushrooms in the same bowl that had the hot sauce - I add pepper too
  9. Spray them with oil and place them on the BBQ until done
  10. Assemble bowl and done! Use any dipping sauce/dressing you desire!
  1. I smother my fries, mushrooms, and spinach in my vegan mac n' cheese sauce!
  2. This makes one bowl with left over buffalo cauliflower
Pair with
  1. A cold IPA or Pale Ale
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Vegetarian Chicken Street Tacos

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Vegetarian Chicken Street Tacos was the last recipe I had made as a veg-head!* I was vegan many moons ago for two years and have decided that after watching “What the Health” and a few other documentaries about plant-based diets/veganism that I would return to the vegan world. Also, just my own want and desire to always return to my vegan ways. That being said, Vegetarian Chicken Street Tacos was an incredible creation that would be just as incredible with a vegan chx and sans queso fresco.  

I am a massive lover of tacos, quesadillas, or anything that I can smother in hot sauce, cilantro, and avocado. Obviously, a margarita wouldn’t hurt the process if you decided to sweeten the deal. 😉 Everyone I know has been raving about street tacos for the past year. I guess I live under a rock because I had no freakin’ idea what the hell they were talking about. Hence the birth of this delicious lil’ taco recipe I have so kindly shared with you here. 😉 Invite some of your most favorite peeps over and chow down with some incredibly beautiful, delicious, yet healthy and easy (bonus for sure) food, and blend up some tasty margs. You’ll be a taco making star amongst your nearest and dearest. If you’re not convinced, serve them more margaritas. 😉 Taco time!

*Veg-head: (Top definition in Urban Dictionary)

veg head
One who does not consume meat
AKA a vegetarian
“Woah man you don’t eat meat!?!” 
Yah.. I’m a veg head”








































Vegetarian Chicken Street Tacos
Yields 5
Vegetarian Chicken Street Tacos are delicious, beautiful, healthy, and easy tacos for you next lunch, dinner, or soiree.
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. Quorn Fajita Chicken
  2. 5 street taco tortillas (4.5") - corn or flour
  3. 1 zucchini- diced finely
  4. 1 avocado- diced
  5. 1/2 can of pinto beans (seasoned or unseasoned)
  6. 5 mushrooms -diced finely
  7. 1/2 lime or the equivalent in lime juice
  8. Fresh cilantro to taste
  9. Taco seasoning to taste
  10. Queso fresco- enough to be sprinkled on each taco. Approximately 4-5 Tbl
  11. Hot sauce to taste
Heat Quorn chicken in microwave whilst tossing the following
  1. Toss the pintos beans, taco seasoning, lime juice, zucchini, and mushrooms in a bowl and mix
  2. Cook in pan with chicken for about 5 minutes (medium-medium high)
  3. Lay out tortillas and divide the mix evenly on top of each tortilla
  4. Garnish with cilantro, queso fresco, avocado, and hot sauce
  5. Fold in half and done!
Serve with
  1. Your choice of margarita
  2. OR
  3. Beer (pale ale or IPA)
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

The BEST Vegan Nacho Cheese Sauce Ever!

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The BEST Vegan Nacho Cheese Sauce Ever! is the creamiest, tastiest, and easiest vegan cheese sauce I have created to date.  It is also the best tasting vegan nacho cheese I have ever consumed! After years of messin’ around and trying to create the best vegan nacho cheese sauce one can possibly make, I dare say, I have finally done it.  The texture is absolutely incredible and the flavor is outta this world.  Okay, so I’m not gonna be humble in this post ’cause this kicks some serious vegan nacho cheese ass!  My husband greatly dislikes and will not eat almost every single ingredient in this sauce, but absolutely LOVED this cheese sauce.  If you knew my husband, you’d know that this is sayin’ something.   I have a million and five ways you could alter this for different styles as well.  Typically, I say, “use whatever is in your fridge and use my recipe as a guide,” however, in this case, to achieve flavor and texture I would state that you should follow this recipe as closely as possible.  If you’d like to have a different style of vegan nacho cheese sauce I’d recommend the following:

Add vegan chorizo! Trader Joes makes a bomb one!

Add even more jalapenos!

Add cilantro (had I had this in my fridge I absolutely would’ve done this)

Add taco seasoning for a flare

Jazz it up with a smoky (or any) hot sauce

Vegan or not, this is a much healthier version of a cheese sauce and it literally takes a mere 5 minutes to make.  If I sold my, “The BEST Vegan Nacho Cheese Sauce Ever!” I would promise you a money back guarantee if you were not 100% satisfied. Get down with some corn tortillas chips, sweet peppers, and margaritas on your next beautiful weekend!

































The BEST Vegan Nacho Cheese Sauce Ever!
Yields 1
The BEST Vegan Nacho Cheese Sauce Ever! is the creamiest, most flavorful, and easiest vegan nacho cheese sauce you will ever eat! 5 minutes and you're done!
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Total Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 1 C raw cashews
  2. 1/4 C nutritional yeast
  3. 1 1/4 tsp Braggs Liquid Aminos OR soy sauce
  4. 1 Tbl vegan cream cheese
  5. 1 Tbl dijon mustard
  6. Approximately 10 pickled jalapenos
  7. 2 Tbl Ortega Taco Sauce (or another thick taco sauce)
  8. 2 small cloves of garlic
  9. 1/4 tsp onion powder
  10. 1/4 tsp cumin
  11. 1/4 tsp coriander
  1. Place all of the ingredients in a mini food processor or anything that will chop/grind well and puree until completely smooth and creamy
  2. Serve with your choice of chips or veggies
  1. I served this at room temperature. If you refrigerate and serve again you can quickly heat it up.
  2. Feel free to add: vegan chorizo, more jalapenos, cilantro, and/or taco seasoning
Pair with
  1. Negra Modelo or another light and crisp beer
  2. OR
  3. A margarita of your choice
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Crazy Creamy Mexican Pasta

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Crazy Creamy Mexican Pasta was created on a complete whim whilst looking for left over items in my refrigerator.  I had NO idea it was going to be as incredibly delicious as it turned out to be.  This may be my best invention yet.  So good in fact, that it may solve all of the world’s problems in just one measly bite.  I’m talkin’ world hunger, war, elephant poaching, your boyfriend/girlfriend’s nagging ways, crappy drivers, and yes, even mother-in-law madness.  Don’t believe me?  Well, you’ll certainly have to chow down on this Crazy Creamy Mexican Pasta for proof.  

I am currently on my Spring break this week.  Amen, because my students were beginning to drive me crazy, and I was itchin’ for some fun playtime with my favorite wee one, G-man.  I wanted to use the left overs in my fridge (waste not, people!) but wasn’t really sure what to create.  I noticed I had some left over mole sauce and POW!  It hit me.  Thus the birth of Crazy Creamy Mexican Pasta.  So go get cookin’ and get down with this dope chow!  You’ll be drooling cheese for a week.

Crazy Creamy Mexican Pasta
Yields 6
Easy pasta recipe loaded with flavor and incredible texture.
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
25 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
25 min
  1. 1 lb rotini pasta
  2. 2 C shredded cheddar
  3. 1 Trader Joe's Quinoa Cowboy Veggie Burger (or any veggie burger) - diced
  4. 1/2 C corn
  5. 1/4 of a soyrizo tube
  6. 4 oz Mexican sauce of any kind (I used a mole sauce)
  7. 1 C cooked lentils
  8. 1 avocado - smashed (I squeezed a bit of lime on this)
  9. 2 Tbl chipotle mayo
  10. 2-3 Tbl taco seasoning
  11. 1/4-1/2 C grapeseed oil
  1. Cook the pasta and strain. Return to pot and add oil and cheese with stove on low. Stir continuously until cheese is almost melted
  2. Add the chipotle mayo and taco seasoning. Stir
  3. Add the avocado & sauce. Stir
  4. Add the soyrizo. Stir
  5. Add the lentils & corn. Stir
  6. Add the quinoa burger and stir.
  7. Remove from heat and serve
  1. If I had cilantro in my fridge I would've added that as well.
Pair with
  1. Corona and lime or a light beer, as this is a heavy dish.
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

New Posts Coming Soon!

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Okay, I’ve missed you all!  Hope you’ve missed FGG as well!  I have taken the plunge and finally moved back from Beijing to the US.  Thus far, amazing and surprisingly seamless!  I arrived in the last few days of June and can officially say that I now feel settled and am ready to get back to my blog. I’m absolutely itching to get writing and chatting with everyone again. Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for adventures on my epic move and of course, FOOD!


Green Goddess Cheesy Quesadilla

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I have been on a quesadilla kick lately.  Honestly, they’re amazing no matter what you do to them.  Years ago when I lived in Oregon my roommate got a quesadilla maker.  Now, I’ve always been partial to a quesadilla cooked in a pan, as my father had always made them for me this way, however, for this month long quesadilla binge that occurred post purchase of the quesadilla maker many moons ago, I was in love.  We’re talkin’ breakfast, lunch, and dinner quesadillas.  We couldn’t be stopped. Everything from eggs, tofu, every cheese in the rainbow, veggies, veggie meat and more had a place in a quesadilla at one time or another. Needless to say, I went on a quesadilla hiatus after this.  Ahhh… old OR and quesadilla memories.  Makes me smile! I’ve been creating all kinds of craziness lately in a tortilla or two.  The Green Goddess Cheesy Quesadilla reminds me of the old farmhouse Oregon days. Yes, we lived on a 30 acre farm.  It was awesome!  I miss my gigantic gardens more than words can say.  I loaded it with mozzarella cheese (it oozes as you slice it open…yum…), basil, tomato, spinach, and then topped it with smashed avocado & salt, and a pesto rosso (sun-dried tomato pesto).  It was beyond fabulous, deliciousness to the extreme! Hence why I’ve given it “Goddess” status. Just to top it all off, it took ten minutes.  Easy, quick, amazing. Crack open a nice Peroni and mangia! 

Green Goddess Cheesy QuesadillaGreen Goddess Cheesy QuesadillaGreen Goddess Cheesy Quesadilla

Green Goddess Cheesy Quesadilla
Yields 1
Green Goddess Cheesy Quesadilla is loaded with mozzarella, basil, tomato, and spinach. Topped with avocado smash & pesto rosso. An Italian twist on a classic quesadilla.
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Total Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 1 whole wheat tortilla
  2. Approximately 2-3 cups shredded mozzarella
  3. Large handful spinach
  4. Small handful basil - chopped
  5. 1 small ripe tomato -sliced thin
  6. 1/4-1/2 ripe avocado
  7. 2 heaping Tbl pesto rosso
  8. Salt & pepper to taste
  9. Dried oregano to taste (optional)
  10. Olive oil for pan
  1. Oil & heat pan
  2. Add spinach, salt & pepper, and oregano - cook for about 1 minute. Remove from heat
  3. Place tortilla on pan. Add cheese, then basil, spinach, and tomato. Fold tortilla in half
  4. Heat each side until golden brown and cheese is fully melted
  5. Let cool for a minute or two and slice in half
  6. Top each half with smashed avocado and salt followed by your pesto rosso
Serve with
  1. A cold Peroni or beer of your liking
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

G’s Arugula & White Bean Quesadilla

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G’s Arugula & White Bean Quesadillas are a protein packed meal full of flavor and done in 15 minutes or less!  Healthy, delicious, and guaranteed to make any toddler actually eat their entire portion!  I make one quesadilla, give my wee man (G) 1/4, save another 1/4 for the following day, and eat the other 1/2 myself.  This is most definitely a meal that is for any age.  I had all of these ingredients left over in my fridge (remember my food philosophy? “Like the mind, food is a terrible thing to waste”) and wanted to make something different for Greyson than he’d been eating over the past few days.  I quickly pieced together these ingredients and was left with my mouth watering.  Not only did G eat his portion and practically lick his plate (lots of “more” baby signing came afterwards), but I had to go and make another one for my work lunch the following day.  I, too, was in love.  As a veg-head, I’m always packin’ with protein everywhere I can. Make the recipe as is or adjust for your lil’ one or yourself however you deem fit.  Use as much or as little of the ingredients as you’d like.  Now go chow down with your kiddo in total bliss!  

G's Arugula & White Bean QuesadillaG's Arugula & White Bean Quesadilla

G's Arugula & White Bean Quesadilla
Yields 2
G's Arugula & White Bean Quesadilla is packed with protein and flavor. Toddler's food of choice & mom's food of choice, too! Healthy, easy, and delicious.
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 4 whole wheat tortillas
  2. Handful of arugula
  3. 3/4 can of small white beans or cannellini beans
  4. 1 avocado
  5. 1/2 brick of tofu (I used firm)
  6. 1 ripe tomato - chopped (finely chopped for toddler)
  7. 2 Tbl pesto
  8. 4 slices gouda cheese
  9. Small handful cilantro
  10. Cumin to taste
  11. Salt to taste
  1. In a small bowl, toss the tomato and pesto together. Mix well
  2. Put one slice of cheese on top of each quesadilla
  3. Divide then smash white bean (leave some whole as well) on two of the tortillas
  4. Smash half and avocado on top of the each white bean half and sprinkle with a pinch of salt
  5. Divide the tofu and smash on top of the avocado with another pinch of salt and the cumin
  6. Top each with tomato and cilantro
  7. Top again with arugula and a pinch of cumin
  8. Put the other tortillas with the gouda on top of the two filled tortillas
  9. Heat pan on low - medium heat. Cook on both sides until golden brown
  10. Done!
  1. This recipe came from what was in my refrigerator so feel free to make something similar and change up the ingredients to accommodate what is in your fridge!
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Holy Sh#% Loaded Nachos!

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*As featured on foodgawker.com!

Hot damn!  These Holy Sh#% Loaded Nachos are an explosion of flavor in your mouth.  Incredibly smothered with cheese, veggies, beans, and more.  If you do not absolutely fall in love with these it is quite possible that you are not of the human race. If you are having a party or any celebratory affair, this is your ultimate go-to recipe.  Honestly, I challenge you to not love them. They are worthy of leaving your spouse, partner, dog, etc for.  If Holy Sh#% Loaded Nachos were to take human form, this is the person you would leave someone at the altar for.  Have I been convincing enough in my dramatic tone to make you believe that these are the best nachos you’ll ever consume?  If not, message me, I’m sure I can continue with at least a few more paragraphs of over-the-top ridiculousness to further convince you.  Lastly, go to my guacamole recipe if you want to top off to heaven with this.  See you on the nacho side!

Holy Sh#% Loaded Nachos!Holy Sh#% Loaded Nachos!Holy Sh#% Loaded Nachos!Holy Sh#% Loaded Nachos!Holy Sh#% Loaded Nachos!Holy Sh#% Loaded Nachos!
























































Holy Sh#% Loaded Nachos!
Hot damn! These Holy Sh#% Loaded Nachos are an explosion of flavor in your mouth. Incredibly smothered with cheese, veggies, beans, and more. Vegetarian nacho lovers dive in!
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  1. 1 bag awesome tortilla chips
For the cheese sauce
  1. 7 ounces extra sharp white cheddar OR jack cheese - shredded
  2. 3/4 C milk
  3. 2 Tbl flour
  4. 2Tbl butter
  5. 1/2 C cilantro
  6. 2 Tbs jalapenos - diced
  7. 1Tbl taco seasoning (optional)
For the nacho toppings
  1. 1 can black beans or vegetarian refried beans
  2. 3 1/2 - 4 C combined & diced: red & yellow peppers, broccoli, shredded carrot
  3. 4 Tbl cooked or canned corn
  4. 1/2 a red onion - diced
  5. 2-3 cloves garlic - minced
  6. 1/2 C green onions - diced
  7. 1/2 C cilantro
  8. 1/2 a lime - squeezed
  9. 1 Tbl taco seasoning
  10. Salt & pepper to taste
  11. Oil for pan
  12. Guacamole to top (optional but highly recommended - read post above for my guac recipe)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Prepare a large oven pan and spray well with oil
For the nacho toppings
  1. Heat large pan with oil and add red onion. Cook for about 3-5 minutes
  2. Add garlic and cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute more (stirring)
  3. Add peppers, beans, corn, and salt & pepper. Cook for 3-5 minutes
  4. Add broccoli & taco seasoning. Cook for 2 minutes
  5. Add carrot, and cilantro, stir, and remove from heat
For the cheese sauce
  1. Heat the butter in a pan stirring constantly!
  2. Once melted, add flour and stir constantly - over medium to low heat
  3. Once smooth add milk and continue to constantly stir - turn to low heat
  4. When mixed, add cheese, taco seasoning, cilantro, jalapenos, and stir constantly until smooth
  5. This all happens in just 3-5 minutes! Easy!
To assemble
  1. In a large pan spread out your tortilla chips
  2. Add your veggie mix to your cheese mix and stir well
  3. Put in oven for about 10 minutes
  4. Put on your desired platter and squeeze the lime or pour the lime juice over the nachos
  5. Throw on the guacamole, cilantro, and green onions
  6. Chow down!
  1. Putting the nachos in the oven is optional. You can simply pour the cheese & veggie mixture over the nachos, garnish, and voila! Ready to serve.
  2. Highly recommended with a light and crisp beer
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Easy Spinach & Mushroom Cheesy Quesadillas

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This Easy Spinach & Mushroom Cheesy Quesadillas is a must try.  Especially if you’re a vegetarian!  Being that I live in Beijing, sometimes finding quality western eats can be challenging.  My husband and I have been going to Peter’s Tex Mex for years. They make the best frozen mango margaritas I have ever had the pleasure of tasting, hands down.  The dish that I think is most fabulous is their spinach and mushroom quesadilla.  One day, after making my own margs I decided to get down and make its better half as well.  Could not have been easier or tastier.  One day, when I’m gone from Beijing, I know that when I make these I’ll have fond memories of the coziness that was Pete’s for us. Shout out to Lily!

Anyway, it’s not like I’m on a perpetual diet (been there and done those days), however, it is like I’m always and forever trying to lose weight and get more fit.  Now, will these quesadillas get me there?  In my mind, totally. They actually make me lose weight!  Amazing.  In reality, they are not at all as bad for you as restaurant or classic recipes, and if you squashed the cheese, they’d be incredibly healthy for you.  So, this is a great & healthier version, can be made even healthier, and it’s simply easy and delish.  Mango margarita a must!  

Easy Spinach & Mushroom Cheesy QuesadillasEasy Spinach & Mushroom Cheesy QuesadillasEasy Spinach & Mushroom Cheesy Quesadillas


































Easy Spinach & Mushroom Cheesy Quesadillas
Yields 4
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Total Time
20 min
Total Time
20 min
  1. 8 whole wheat tortillas (quality tortillas if you can & 8")
  2. 8 ounces of shitake or cremini mushrooms- sliced thin (or any mushroom!)
  3. 8-10 C spinach
  4. 1 medium & ripe tomato -diced
  5. 1 large onion (red or white) - diced
  6. 3 cloves garlic - minced
  7. 9 ounces extra sharp white cheddar - shredded (or any reasonable cheese you've got in your fridge)
  8. Oil for pan
  9. Salt & pepper to taste
  10. 1 C plain greek yogurt
  11. 2 Tbl taco seasoning
  12. Lg handful of cilantro
  1. Mix the greek yogurt with the taco seasoning and refrigerate
  2. Heat the pan with oil
  3. Add onions and salt. Cook for about 4-5 minutes
  4. Add garlic and cook no more than 1 minute more (stirring)
  5. Add mushrooms and more salt, cook for about 3-5 minutes
  6. Add spinach and cook for about 2 minutes (add pepper)
  7. Remove from heat & put in bowl
  8. Divide and add the shredded cheese to 4 tortillas
  9. Put tortilla with cheese in pan and add 1/4 of the filling (do this for every quesadilla)
  10. Top with another tortilla. Cook on each side until cheese is melted and tortillas are slightly browned
  11. Let cool. Cut each quesadilla into 4 triangles
  12. Top with yogurt mix, tomato, and cilantro
  1. Wanna make this vegan? Scratch the cheese & add more veggies!
  2. Serve with a delicious frozen mango margarita (or beer of course)
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Amazing Classic Guacamole

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Why is Guacamole not everyone’s staple appetizer?  It is healthy, incredibly easy, and delicious.  I use it on sandwiches, pastas, and as a dip.  This Amazing Classic Guacamole recipe, though simple, took me months of trial & error (if that sounds long just remember, I didn’t make it everyday!) to find the absolute perfect balance of ingredients for the best tasting (as far as my palate is concerned) Guacamole one can eat.  I pretty much top any Mexican inspired dish with this and serve it frequently at my parties.  It’s almost as much of a staple as my Classic Hummus, and that is saying something!  Bust out your best margaritas and party down, by yourself or with others, I’m always quite happy to party by myself if need be, and dip into your best avocado dish.  Party on!

Amazing Classic Guacamole

Amazing Classic Guacamole

Amazing Classic Guacamole

Amazing Classic Guacamole






















Amazing Classic Guacamole
The Amazing Classic Guacamole recipe is delicious, easy, and can be done in 5 minutes! An amazing dip, sandwich spread, pasta topping, or even just a spoonful!
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Total Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 4 avocados
  2. 1/2 C cilantro - loosely chopped
  3. 1/2 tsp (or more if needed) salt
  4. 3/4 red onion - diced
  5. 3 limes wedges - squeezed
  6. 3/4 C ripe tomato - diced
  7. Optional: If you want a spicy Guacamole, dice up some jalapenos in there!
  1. In a medium sized bowl, smash the avocados will all of the other ingredients together
  2. Mix well (multiple times)
  3. Done!
To serve
  1. As a dip with tortilla chips
  2. As a spread on sandwiches
  3. On top of pasta
  4. Or with nothing but a spoon to your mouth!
  5. *A nice lime margarita on the rocks goes quite nicely at all times.
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Holy Enchiladas!

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This awesome vegetarian enchilada dish was inspired by Martha Stewart’s recipe.  My husband never knows what to cook for me. He wants to do it all of the time but I am a stickler for flavor (usually I want loads of flavor or no thank you!), and I don’t want to have to recite an entire recipe with specific instructions.  That would ruin the idea of someone cooking for me, hubby agrees. He desperately wanted to make something for my bday two years ago.  I figured, Mexican is almost fool proof and I freakin’ love it any time of day. It’s one of the few foods that I simply can’t get sick of.  So, Scotland (my hubby is Scottish), let’s call him, in his fear and trepidation took to the internet to find me some vegetarian Mexican good eats.  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about what the after math would bring.  Would I be swallowing ‘said dish’ with a smile on the outside and wanting to spew on the inside?  I knew however it turned out I’d have to “like” it… a lot. Really, I was just so pleased that he wanted to do this for me. This said, it was awesome!  I was beyond super impressed and giving silent praise to Martha for all of her wisdom passed on via internet to hubby. Phew… the smile and enthusiasm for the enchiladas were very real and I’ve requested them many times since. Today, he has really become quite a good cook and is always looking for new recipes to add to his repertoire.  Get yourself ready for a taste explosion in the form of “Holy Enchiladas!”  You will NOT be disappointed!

Holy Enchiladas!
Yields 8
Holy Enchiladas! are an amazing, flavorful, and easy to make Mexican enchilada recipe. Great for beginners or anyone looking for a great vegetarian enchilada.
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Prep Time
25 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
45 min
Prep Time
25 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
45 min
  1. 8 tortillas (I use 8" corn tortillas)
  2. 1 small onion - diced
  3. 10 oz corn kernals
  4. 5 oz black olives
  5. 10 oz frozen spinach (thawed & strained)
  6. 1 can black beans
  7. 1 C shredded pepper jack cheese
  8. 2 C shredded sharp white cheddar cheese
  9. Salt & pepper to taste
  10. 1 tsp of taco seasoning (optional)
  11. 2-3 tsp cumin
  12. 3 Tbl olive oil
  13. 1/4 C flour
  14. 1/4 C tomato paste
  15. 3/4 C water
  16. 1 can veggie broth (use a good broth)
  17. 4 scallions - diced
For the mole sauce
  1. Heat 2 Tbl olive oil in pan. Add 1 teaspoon of the cumin, flour, and tomato paste - mix well for about 1 minute
  2. Add vegetable broth, 3/4 cup water, and boil
  3. Reduce to a simmer and then cook until the sauce is slightly thickened (about 5-10 minutes)
  4. Add salt and pepper to taste
For the filling
  1. First, start preheating the oven at 400 degrees
  2. In a pan, quickly cook the onion for about 3-5 minutes
  3. In a bowl add: 1 cup of each cheese (2 cups total), black beans, olives, spinach, corn, cooked onion, 1/4 of the scallions, taco seasoning if using, and the remaining 1 teaspoon cumin
  4. Add salt & pepper to taste
To assemble
  1. With the remaining 1 Tbl of olive oil, brush oil onto two 8-inch baking pans
  2. Evenly divide the ingredients from the bowl into each tortilla. Roll up and face the overlapping part of the tortillas on the bottom of the pan
  3. Sprinkle the last cup of cheese and smother in your delicious mole sauce
  4. Bake for about 15-20 minutes]
  5. When serving, garnish with scallions
  1. Serve with a cold Mexican beer or a delicious margarita!
Adapted from Martha Stewart
Adapted from Martha Stewart
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Breakfast Tofu Taco Tuesdays!

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Taco Tuesdays have been all the rage for as long as I can remember.  I used to look forward to them all day long at work when I lived in California.  I’m pretty sure that’s how I got through the beginning-of-the-work-week blues.  It was something to look forward to and a way to end my night right. Well, why not start your day that way, too?  Something to look forward to upon waking, and a way to start the day right! SOLD! I took this philosophy and rolled with it.  When I made this taco, I, as usual, used what I had in my fridge. That being said, I didn’t have any taco shells at the time. Therefore, I made my own.  I had these small homemade tortillas (love them) that I turned into taco shells.  You can do this by simply bending it over two of the bars in your oven or convention oven and heating them up.  However, due to the awesome texture of my tortillas I simply have to put it in the pan and cook on both sides. Feel free to do either! This taco recipe is super simple, quick, and delicious. Of course, I am pushing you on the taco-ness of Tuesdays but naturally, you could have this any morning, or even any day or night.  The only downside about the Taco Tuesday morning is sadly, you cannot accompany it with a tasty beer. However, that just means you’ll have to celebrate Taco Tuesday evenings as well.  Did I twist your arm yet? Sorry! You’ll thank me later.

Breakfast Tofu Taco Tuesdays!
Yields 2
Breakfast Tofu Taco Tuesdays are on! Why should we have to wait until dinner to scarf down on our Tuesday tacos? Feta, white bean, spinach, and tofu. Yum!
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Prep Time
2 min
Cook Time
8 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
2 min
Cook Time
8 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 2 taco shells or small tortillas
  2. 1/2 a brick firm or extra firm tofu
  3. Handful of baby spinach
  4. 4-5 Tbl small white beans
  5. 3 Tbl diced ripe tomatoes (optional)
  6. 2 Tbl cilantro
  7. 2 cloves garlic - minced
  8. Approximately 4-5 Tbl crumbled feta (optional)
  9. Dash of cayenne pepper
  10. Dash of cumin
  11. Dash tumeric (optional)
  12. Sea salt & fresh ground pepper to taste
  13. Olive oil for pan
  1. Heat the oil in pan and add garlic - cook for about 30 seconds to 1 minute
  2. Add tofu, white beans, tomato, seasoning, salt & pepper - cook for about 4-5 minutes
  3. Add spinach & cilantro - cook for about 1-2 minutes more
  4. Add half of the feta to the bottom of each taco shell and divide the tofu etc from pan into both shells
  5. Sprinkle the remainder of the feta on the top of both taco shells
  1. I HIGHLY suggest making your taco shells the way I mention in my post. Use a tortilla, heat it whilst bended, and turn it into a shell. You can do this while your tofu is cooking. With some tortillas, you can even place the tofu etc (once cooked) inside the tortilla and then put the tortilla back in the pan, fold it, and heat both sides. The latter is the best way in my humble opinion. Want to make it vegan? Remove the feta!
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Bomb-Diggity California Veggie Burrito

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Bomb-Diggity California Veggie Burrito
Serves 2
Like the title implies, an amazing and yes, healthy, vegetarian burrito. Huge, delicious, satisfying, and best served with an equally bomb-diggity margarita!
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
25 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
25 min
  1. 2 large whole wheat wraps
  2. 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar
  3. 1 avocado - sliced
  4. 1/2 cup pico de gallo
  5. 2 handfuls cilantro - loosely chopped
  6. 1 can vegetarian refried beans
  7. 1/2 red onion - diced
  8. 2 cloves garlic - minced
  9. 1 cup broccoli florets
  10. 1/2 cup red & yellow bell peppers - diced
  11. 4 cups kale - chopped
  12. 1/4 cup purple cabbage - shredded
  13. 1 Tbl taco seasoning
  14. Salt & pepper to taste
  15. Any green hot sauce (salsa verde) of your desire to smother burrito in
  16. Oil for pan
  1. Oil and heat pan. Add red onions and cook for about 3-5 minutes.
  2. Add garlic and cook for about 30 seconds-1 minute.
  3. Add cabbage and cook for about 3 minutes.
  4. Add peppers and cook for another 3 minutes.
  5. Add broccoli, kale, and taco seasoning. Cook for about 5 minutes.
  6. Turn off heat and add a handful of cilantro. Stir.
  7. Divide the pan over your two large burritos, top with cheese, and then fold.
  8. Smother in pico de gallo, salsa verde, and half of an avocado on each burrito.
  9. Top with the rest of your cilantro.
  1. Pairs perfectly with a bomb-diggity margarita and sombrero!
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Vegetarian Mexican Rice Bowl

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Vegetarian Mexican Rice Bowl
Serves 4
An easy, healthy, and delicious Vegetarian Mexican Rice Bowl. With brown rice and loads of veggies. An excellent dinner or lunch!
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  1. 2 cups cooked brown rice (Tip: When cooking I use a veggie stock cube, lime, & cilantro to season rice)
  2. 1/2 of a red onion - diced
  3. 2 cloves minced garlic
  4. 1 1/2 Tbl spoon taco seasoning
  5. Oil for pan
  6. 1 can black beans (save liquid from can)
  7. Handful loosely chopped cilantro
  8. 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  9. 1 head of broccoli
  10. 3 ounces kale or chard - chopped
  11. 2 stalks green onion - diced
  12. 1 large tomato - diced
  13. 2 avocados - sliced
  14. 1 cup sharp cheddar - shredded
  15. 1 lime - cut into wedges
  1. In a large pan, heat oil and add onion. Cook for about 5 minutes.
  2. Add garlic and cook for almost a minute more.
  3. Add black beans (keep some of the liquid from can) and a bit of the taco seasoning and stir. Cook for about 3 minutes.
  4. Stir in rice (add rest of liquid from black bean can) and cilantro.
  5. Add broccoli, kale, and the rest of taco seasoning. Cook for about 5 minutes. Squeeze in any amount of lime juice you would like.
  6. Now put Greek yogurt in a bowl with about 1/2 Tbl of taco season and stir.
  7. Give the pan a good stir and turn off heat.
  8. Add green onions and tomatoes.
To serve
  1. Separate into 4 bowls
  2. Top with cheese, add half and avocado to each bowl, and top with the greek yogurt. I often add some extra green onion & cilantro for garnish as well.
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

Vegan & Vegetarian Huevos Rancheros

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Vegan & Vegetarian Huevos Rancheros
Yields 2
A delicious, healthy, and easy Mexican inspired vegan and vegetarian rendition of Huevos Rancheros. Good for breakfast or anytime of day!
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
20 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
20 min
  1. Handful cilantro - lightly chopped
  2. 3 stalks green onion - diced
  3. 8 Tbl vegetarian refried beans
  4. 2 slices cheddar cheese (optional)
  5. 3 Tbl red & yellow roasted peppers - juilienned
  6. 1 1/2-2 C spinach
  7. 2 wedges of lime
  8. 2 eggs (for vegetarian version)
  9. 4 slices tofu (for vegan version)
  10. 1 small tomato - diced
  11. 2 whole wheat tortillas
  12. Hot sauce as desired (I use a green & a red hot sauce)
  13. 1 tsp: cumin, oregano, cayenne pepper, garlic salt, salt OR taco seasoning
  1. Cook spinach in pan for about 1 minute with pinch of salt
  2. Add roasted peppers and cook for about 30 seconds more
  3. Smear refried beans on each tortilla and top with cheese (optional) & pinch with seasoning (don't use all of the seasoning)
  4. Cook eggs or tofu in a separate pan. Sprinkle each side with remaining seasoning
  5. In the meantime, heat an additional pan on low and put tortilla/s in pan.
  6. Add spinach & peppers and then place your egg or 2 slices of tofu on each tortilla and cook until tortilla gets crispy
  7. Garnish each tortilla with cilantro, hot sauce, and lime wedges (squeeze on top)
  8. Serve quickly while still warm!
  1. If you like more seasoning feel free to be liberal when sprinkling it on.
  2. When using eggs, I like to fry it over-medium.
Food Galley Gab https://foodgalleygab.com/

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