In the Garden with Greyson

It’s fall and my garden is dying. Being in NY for 6 days last week definitely put the wilt in full gear. I’m salvaging what’s left! Greyson’s new love is to play in the back of the garden, which he calls his “digging site.” It’s freakin’ adorable! He wore my wireless headphones today because he said it’s what construction workers wear. Then he pours water on his rubber ball in hopes that he’s helping it grow. I can’t with the cute factor! I made an AMAZING vegan pasta bake today that I will post tomorrow. When it was cooling off, G-dog and I hit up the garden for good times and some salvation. Sorry for the obscene amount of pictures, but what can I say? I used my most favorite subject today! For that, I kinda renege on my ‘sorry’. 😉 

I would LOVE for people to post pics in my comment section of what their veggie gardens currently look like! I didn’t plant for fall. Regret city. I’ve got some garlic growing that I planted way too late and hoping it makes it all the way up before a wintery death. I wanted to plant it because garlic looks super cool when grown! You’ll see pics of it rising from the ground next to the fence.

Love my garden, love my lil’ guy, and had an incredible and incredibly warm/beautiful Oregon day today. Thankful to be outta the smog of Beijing and in the the clear skies of Portland. Come back tomorrow for my pasta bake post! Alright, it’s cocktail time. Until tomorrow! 

PS- Any other bloggers use WordPress? If so, my color editing neeevvveerrr comes through on my pictures when posted on my blog – only filters work. Major disappointment! How can I fix this? Help puh-lease!!! -FGG




  1. Ann

    October 29, 2017 at 8:14 am

    Can’t wait for the pasta recipe but just loved how Greyson is trying to get his little rubber ball to grow!


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