How to Make Wheatgrass Shots

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Making wheatgrass shots is literally the easiest process ever. Especially when you consider the cost of buying the wheatgrass and how much it produces. Far better than running to the health food store, etc. to buy a “million-dollar” shot of the good shit.
Spent your COVID days on the booze-train like literally every other American I know? Enjoyed your fair share of frozen cocktails and wines this summer? It’s time to DETOX the crap outta your body. You should start with about 1/2 a shot every morning as soon as you wake up. Of course, you can add it to a smoothie, or you can add an orange or any other fruit when blending, too. However, I recommend to fully detox your hot-bod, take wheatgrass shots straight up – no training wheels. 😉 Graduate to one full shot – put on those big-boy pants!
Wheatgrass is a superfood! Packed with vitamins A, C, E, K, and B complex. For all of you old smokers or asthmatics, it also aids in respiratory function. Wheatgrass juice can help detox by eliminating toxins, aid in cell production, lower blood sugar, and the chlorophyll helps to support healthy liver function. *It is also packed with proteins, enzymes, iron, calcium, magnesium, phytonutrients, and 17 amino acids.*
Honestly, suck up the fact that wheatgrass tastes like, you guessed it, grass! And know that you’re detoxing and loving your body in the biggest and “bestest” of ways. You’ll save loads of moola and have loads of wheatgrass shots ready at your disposal every morning. Don’t buy, make. I try to live by that as often as I can. Your wallet and your health will thank you.
* (click that link for even more benefits of wheatgrass)
How to Make Wheatgrass Shots
1 small (they are usually sold in a similar size – reference picture below) wheatgrass plant
1-2 C water
Will need-
A nut milk bag, cheesecloth, or very small sieve/strainer (like the one in my pictures below)
Vitamix or high-powered blender
Wash and then cut the wheatgrass as low as possible (look at picture below) – get all of the green grass
Place wheatgrass and 1 cup of water into the blender and blend on high (until everything is fully blended and smooth). Add another cup of water if you would like to thin it out more
Pour the contents of the blender over your nut milk bag, cheesecloth, or very small sieve/strainer, and into the pitcher to collect your wheatgrass juice
*Save the wheatgrass for up to a week in your fridge. You may freeze the wheatgrass as well
I wanted to attach a favorite song about the earth for this post. Wheatgrass just might taste like the earth, but it is the plants like this that grow on our beautiful planet that can make our bodies a force to be reckoned with. Enjoy some Joni!

Strawberry & Kiwi Gin Mint Muddle

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Strawberry & Kiwi Gin Mint Muddle is actually an older post from about a year ago. However, in Portland, the weather has been AMAZING! Yesterday, it was a balmy 72 degrees for St. Patrick’s Day. Spent it outside at McMenamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse. An old 6-acre farm with barns, gardens, a whiskey shed that looks like it came out of David the Gnome (I started there of course), an incredibly cool looking restaurant, and a small apple orchard that my kiddo runs around in like a maniac. It’s awesome! I went home afterwards and still had to be outside in the fabulous sunshine. That is what inspired me to bust out this old recipe. It’s my most favorite springtime/summertime drink. After some muddling madness, I went outside and started gardening – one of my favorite summer pastimes. If you’re looking for something light and refreshing, Strawberry & Kiwi Gin Mint Muddle is your new springtime cocktail. If you’re enjoying some spring-like weather like us Portlanders, relax in the warmth outdoors with the perfect drink. Cheers! 😉
PS- Also attached some St. Pat pics etc from yesterday
PPS- Every time the weather first becomes warm, I immediately go to Bob Marley. Below is the perfect tune for the start of spring. In college, I’d come home from class, it was the beginning of spring, and my roommate, Keith (RIP), would be blending daiquiris and piña coladas. Leon & Mike would be blaring Bob Marley, and I would walk up to the house with a glass ready and waiting for me. Amazing times… fucking amazing times… cheers to that!
Gin Fresh Fruit Fizz Cocktail
The above link is to some of the music we saw performed

5 Valentine’s Day Cocktails

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5 Valentine’s Day Cocktails are romantic, sexy, and delicious. Spice up your V-day with some bougie booze and let the love flow. 😉 Everything from prosecco, gin, vodka, to bourbon deliciousness. Impress the one you love, or okay, “like a lot.” 😉
As you may have read from my Vegan Valentine’s Day (Recipes from breakfast to dinner, dessert & cocktail) post (click HERE for link), I typically don’t have the greeeatest V-days, but damn, I always enjoy my flowers (or any plant really) and a good cocktail. I need nothing else!
So, I’ve totally been failing on meeting my 3 weekly posts for about 2 weeks now. Ugh. I have 4 concerts this month, have had fully packed weekends, and am back doing podcast interviews. With work full time, motherhood, and all of my other “ish,” I’ve had a difficult time fitting blogging in, and well, life! 😉 I am truly hoping to take a solo trip this summer… like for 5 days without husband or child. It’s been 4 years since that’s happened and I am most definitely past due! However, I digress, as usual, back to the podcast: One More Sip of Whine: Motherhood in the Raw – do you or someone you know have a great “mommy” topic? Are you funny with a sense of “anything goes?” If so, email me at! -FGG
PS- Led Zeppelin – my second greatest musical obsession of all time. This song, Robert Plant’s voice, that guitar… Jimmy Page’s suh-weet riff… screams “fuckin’ sexy.” Happy V-day. 😉
Have a great week!
Gin Fresh Fruit Fizz Cocktail
Strawberry Gin Muddle
The Sexiest Blackberry Syrup Ever!
Poinsettia Cocktail
A Maple Bourbon Fruit Fling Named Rosemary

4 Fabulous Christmas Cocktails
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4 Fabulous Christmas Cocktails are super delish for what I consider to be the BEST time of the year! My past has loads of murky, depressed, and anxiety ridden memories, however, Christmas time has some of my most favorite memories! It stripped all of those feelings away – even if just for a day or a week. Those memories plus – middle school, and music throughout my K-12 years. The fondest of times past I would say. 😉
I’m gonna keep this post short, as I have little time today. My favorite memory with one of these drinks is from the post below: Warm & Delicious Spiked Choco-Coffee & People Who Sleep at IKEA. My best friend from my China days (I lived there for 5 years and moved back to the US 2 years ago) and I used to make these cocktails throughout the xmas season, go on a short bus ride to IKEA, these drinks in hand (double sized of course), camera in hand, and just walk around the store watching people sleep on the showcased beds… as in, actually sleeping… like for real. We would get sauced, take pics, buy things we didn’t need b/c that cocktail is strooong, and then hop back on the bus home. Check out a pic of my lady pretending to sleep with the choco-coffee in hand. Alana, if you’re reading this, I miss your fabulous face! 😉 On that note, enjoy the feeling of rosy cheeks and life getting lighter. Hehe. -FGG
PS- Click on the name of the drink below to take you directly to the link.
PPS- The song below is my ultimate favorite Christmas song by the fucking incredible Pentatonix!
Minty Cacao Espresso Cocktail (Vegan)

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Minty Cacao Espresso Cocktail (Vegan) is warm, boozy, and totally bitchin’! Warm your belly and let your mind go fabulously fuzzy. SO good! Obviously, this is good anytime, however, it makes for an excellent winter/holiday cocktail. I slurped this booziness up when I decorated my tree, hence the pics below. And, duh… because lil’ G is just too cute to not include. Especially since he decided decorating a tree meant him in his astronaut costume. ??? Who the hell knows. I question nothing a 4 year old does or says. Nothing. With G’s adorableness, gingerbread house concoctions, Christmas music classics, and my fuzzy and warm feeling from the Minty Cacao Espresso Cocktail (Vegan), decorating was golden this year. Looked golden, felt golden, tasted golden. 😉
I am SUPER excited because I know one of the gifts I’m getting from “Santa” mom & dad. A long overdue, crazy awesome record player (click here for link). I no longer have my record collection but I’m definitely insanely excited to start collecting again! I’m also pretty sure that I’m getting a piano (finally)! I’m not so sure my household or my neighbors will be appreciating either of these gifts (at all), but I’ll be happier than a pig in shit. Not having a piano sucks all the time, however, it especially blows during Christmas time. I totally miss playing my holiday tunes… SO much! Now that I’ve said this, I have to leave you with one of my all time faves! A true classic. Enjoy the music and of course, the Minty Cacao Espresso Cocktail (Vegan)! -FGG
PS- Again, I’m a day late. I may have to move my Sunday posting to Mondays. We’ll see what happens next week and then I’ll make a decision from there.
Minty Cacao Espresso Cocktail (Vegan) – Makes 1 drink
1/2 oz creme de cacao
1/2 oz peppermint schnapps
1 1/2 oz vodka (can also use vanilla vodka)
3 oz espresso
5 oz of warm vanilla non-dairy milk (or until you fill your mug) OR you can steam the milk if you have a steamer and use the froth for the top!
Optional: Garnish with soy whipped cream, small marshmallows (Trader Joe’s are vegan!), and a crushed up candy cane to rim the side of the mug and to sprinkle on top
Pour in the liquors and stir
Add espresso and top with milk and foam (if steaming)
Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes & Menu

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Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes & Menu is your go-to guide for faux T-day this November. All things delicious, all things festive, and all things healthy. Say whaaa?! I was encouraged to serve vegetarian and meat last year for T-day. I said, “fuck that!” That is demeaning to both myself and my kitchen. Why would my vegan grub taste any different than my vegetarian grub? So, naturally, being who I am, I did what I wanted. After all, it was me, and only me, who was cooking for 8 people. I’m not complaining, I love doing it solo, just don’t tell me what to do in my kitchen. Now, hope you’re not thinking I’m a cruel, control-freak kinda asshole, I assure you, I’m not. I am speaking in defense of food. If you make it well, it tastes good. Simple as that. A lesson to be taught to many who think that no food can be a meal without meat or cheese. That’s nuts-o. It’s 2018. I think by now, we should all be aware that plant-based food is DOPE! Just like any food! If you cook chicken or pasta without flavoring, it sucks. It’s alllll about flavor. I had 2 meat eaters, a gluten free-er, 5 vegetarians and moi last Thanksgiving. The result? Everyone loved the food! And I mean alllll of the food. I made everything GF as well. For me, this holiday is about eating amazing food, drinking copious amounts of delicious wine, shoveling some pie in your overflowing and about-to-burst belly, unbuttoning your pants, or losing the tights, and then enjoying good company with some good games. Last year, we somehow made it to the dart board. I have NO idea how anyone was standing long enough to make that happen. It was awesome.
Below are recipes for: soups, salad, appetizers, entrees, and an amazing cocktail. Enjoy the grub and please leave a comment if you make these, or even one of these recipes, and let us know what your thoughts are! -FGG
Click on recipe to bring you directly to the link!
PS- Sorry for the day-late post! It was my kiddo’s bday party (HUGE) on Saturday, and his actual bday on Sunday. He got all of me. No time for anything or anyone else. My heart, G-man. 😉
PPS- The featured image is by: RUNNING ON REAL FOOD
PPPS- I remember seeing this when it aired. I LOVED Adam Sandler. Cheers to the past! 😉
Creamy Vegan Carrot Sweet Potato & Mushroom Soup
Pumpkin Coconut Curry Soup
Sauteed Veggie & Farro Spiralized Zucchini Salad
Artichoke Balsamic & Basil Hummus (If you use the parm, my favorite vegan parm is “Go Veggie Vegan Parmesan)
The Sexiest Blackberry Syrup Ever!

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The Sexiest Blackberry Syrup Ever! is the best thing that happened to my shitty sparkling wine, pancakes, and vanilla ice cream all year. I literally use this stuff in or on anything I possibly can, hence why I make about 4 cups of it at one time – you can’t ever have enough. If there’s a new syrup in town, this babe is the sexiest syrup around.
I sometimes go up to the old property I used to live at the first time I lived in OR. Once called and forever known as, the house on the hill. We had 30 acres but were only responsible for 3. It had a barn, a bunk house (with a dilapidated old piano to make it extra fucking cool), an old & unused chicken coop (where my roommate would write like a madman on my grandpa’s old typewriter I had given him – downing cheap beers and lighting the next cigarette with the last… ahhh the good old days ;)), a huge garage where we shot darts daily, played super unsafe drinking games almost nightly (this involved axes, chinese stars, nails, and flying hammers, all whilst pounding AMAZING IPA’s and yes, PBR – our stock for beer pong – ’cause yeah, we had that in there, too), HUGE veggie and flower gardens that thankfully one member of the household could actually be responsible enough to water, an old boat that someone had started to build but never finished (drinking and smoking happened here, and was a viewing point for the horseshoe pit that we built, and the turkey vultures circling above), a homemade forge where my other roommate made some suh-weet stuff, and how the rest of us thought we’d die in a fire one day due to lack of safety (naturally, we didn’t do anything about it), a fire pit where some (hehe) fell asleep in the wee hours of the morn, and woke up to a sunburnt back at 9:00 AM face first in the grass (and only because the painter who was painting the exterior of the house told a roommate, “those 2 girls are gonna fry, wake ’em up,” and then that same dude never missed a chance to comment on her sunburnt back’s “racing stripe” in the creepiest of ways), and of course, the house, that had an old western style piano (compliments of the 2 awesome and crazy hippies next door who frequently rode up drunk on their ride-on mower) where I could rock out on some old Bob Dylan (Keep it with Mine, anyone?), 2 fireplaces, and a ton of crazy cats (pun intended, both the animal and people). Damn! Now that I’ve written all of this, I am, for the very first time, acknowledging how incredibly dope my life was! The crazy days… and they were most definitely cah-raaaaaazzzyyyyy! And shit… I just realized I have SOOO many more insane stories about this house that this could be its own book! Hey! Maybe one day!
Okay, I digress, a lot, however, the property stills exists (as of recently sans house, and is being turned into a park soon – most of it has already turned into a park – hey, at least they didn’t pave paradise!). I go up there to pick blackberries and all kinds of fruits and nuts still. Reminds me of good times and shit. Free, fresh, and organic goods! Hell yeah! I came home with bags, I mean bags of blackberries, stained sneakers, and torn up arms. It was a great day. 😉 I knew I wanted to make blackberry syrup. It wasn’t until I was in the midst of making it that I realized how versatile it could be. All of the photos below will show you a few of the ways I used this sexy deliciousness. Crazy easy, crazy tasty, and crazy quick. Enjoy this babe! 😉
Please leave a comment below and let me know how you use yours! -FGG
For this recipe, nothing but the Led Zeppelin tune that is most fitting for the sexiest of syrups… 😉
The Sexiest Blackberry Syrup Ever! (Makes approximately 4 cups)
8 cups fresh blackberries
2 1/4 C sugar
1/4 C honey or agave
1 Tbl fresh lemon juice
2 tsp pectin – add a bit more for a syrup that is a bit thicker
In a pot, bring the blackberries to a boil over medium to medium high heat.
Reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes – should be very soft
Mash the berries
Put the blackberries in a sieve and strain the juice
Scoop out the puree (I save the scooped berries for toppings on ice cream etc)
Put the blackberry juice back into the pot and add the sugar and lemon juice
Boil for approximately 3 minutes
Add the pectin and stir for a minute or two more
Alice in Wonderland Themed Party for Adults & Vegan Party Platter Spreads!
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Alice in Wonderland Themed Party for Adults & Vegan Party Platter Spreads! is a post that comes from my AMAZING 37th birthday party a few weeks ago. If you follow my blog, you’ll know that I am a girl who not only loves a good party, but loves to host and throw a great soiree. Entertaining has always been a love of mine and I’ve been doing it since my early 20’s. Actually, since I was a kid! I planned an incredibly dope Clue themed party for my sister, Danella, and a hippie party for myself when I was in elementary and middle school. If I don’t have a specific reason to throw an awesome bash, you can bet I’ll make one up!
This year, I decided to throw an Alice in Wonderland themed party… adult style. Now, mind you, there were children there. However, they were doin’ their own thang, but I did accommodate for them as well. I strive to be the hostess with the mostest (yeah, yeah, I know that’s crazy cheesy, but I really do)! I am an avid decorator for parties. I go BIG. Amazon was my best friend this year, as I could find things there that I could not find anywhere else. Also, Pinterest seriously rocks for decor ideas and inspirations. I have an Alice in Wonderland themed board on my Foodgalleygab Pinterest page if you want to check it out! My one request for my guests was that they came dressed in costume. I did my invite on Facebook and used a picture from Alice in Wonderland (AIW) for the face of the event page. Here is a list of what I did to decorate and some:
Vegan Chicken Enchiladas & Jalapeño Margaritas!
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Vegan Chicken Enchiladas & Jalapeño Margaritas! was shot at night on New Year’s Eve so the pics are poop. 🙁 However, I’ve been on my death bed with bronchitis and a cold/flu for almost a week now so it’s all I’ve got in the archives. I felt like crap-o-la at work on Friday, thought I was recovering on Saturday (went to Manzanita, OR – the coast – b/c it was beautiful that day) until my cough started up and bought me to the ER because urgent care was closed. Sigh… sickness blows. And, you know I’m sick when I don’t even want to eat food… that means I’m for reaaalllzzz sick.
Okay, back to the food. I tried packaged jackfruit that was pre-seasoned last year and I thought it was totally gross. However, many people have told me to make it myself and give it a second go, so, I did. I purchased it in a can at Trader Joe’s and seasoned it myself. Was awesome! NOTHING like the crap I had bought pre-packaged. Honestly, it reminded me of an artichoke. I made my own vegan cheese sauce, used red and green enchilada sauces (Christmas enchiladas), and, of course, had to make my famous spicy jalapeño margaritas to go with! Especially, since I was chef-ing this up for the new year! Bubbles during the EST & PST ball drops and margs the rest of the night. WOo-hOo!
Enjoy the recipes and my pics from Manzanita! I threw in one from our walk downtown on New Year’s Eve before the margs and enchiladas (G was super upset he couldn’t play in the fountain. 😉 Cheers to a MUCH warmer winter than last!

- 1 can Trader Joe's Jackfruit - sliced into thin strips
- 2 Tbl Trader Joe's Onion Salt
- 1 Tbl taco seasoning
- 3 cloves garlic - chopped
- 1 C onion -diced
- 1/2 C red enchilada sauce
- 1/4 C green enchilada sauce
- 3-4 C vegan cheese sauce (I used my own recipe - in recipe index on blog)
- 8 tortilla shells
- Oil for pan
- Salt to taste
- 10 limes - juiced
- 1 1/2 C tequila
- 1/2 C pickled jalapeño - sliced
- 4 oz orange juice
- 2 oz orange liquor of choice (Cointreau or Triple Sec)
- 2 Tbl agave or honey
- Pinch of salt
- Ice
- Preheat oven to 350f
- In a pan over medium heat, add onion in oil with a pinch of salt and cook for about 3 minutes
- Add garlic and cook for an additional minute
- Add jackfruit, onion salt, salt, taco seasoning, and stir occasionally for about 8-10 minutes or until slightly browned
- In a separate pan, spray with oil and layer the bottom with some enchilada sauce
- Evenly spread the jackfruit and cheese into each of the 8 tortillas
- Roll them up and place in pan
- Cover fully with the rest of the enchilada sauces and bake for approximately 15-20 minutes or until lightly crisped
- For the margaritas: (Make whilst the enchiladas are baking)
- Place all of the ingredients into a pitcher and mix well
- To serve, take a shaker with ice, pour mix over ice, and pour into individual margarita glasses - the jalapeños should be strained with the ice and therefore neither should enter the margarita glasses
- Margarita recipe makes about 6
- Enchilada recipe makes 8
Poinsettia Cocktail
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Happy New Year! 2017 was an absolutely insane, bat shit crazy kinda year for me with lots of ups and downs. Mostly, it was pretty great! I’m hoping for an even better 2018 and can’t wait to start gettin’ all hardcore with my resolutions! More about that in a minute… For this New Year’s, I went the route of spicy margaritas (will be a future post for sure), however, to start the afternoon off on the right foot, I opted to make Poinsettia Cocktails, and of course styled them with some of my beautiful New Year decor! If you’ve never had these, they’re basically cranberry mimosas but stronger and better! Cheers to that!
Okay, so back to my resolutions. This year, I’m keepin’ it simple. I am looking for a greater sense of self awareness. I want my mind, body, and soul to be as healthy as possible so that I may be more authentic to my true self. I know, this almost sounds too cheesy/airy fairy for me to even write or say out loud, however, it is definitely what I mean. Time to get my bod back to where it was last year, hit the gym… HARD, practice yoga and meditation in the morn, if only for 20 minutes, cut calories and keep up with more plant-based cooking, and take time to focus on my cookbook, and my new book about my most favorite subject, G-dog. This will be a follow-up to, “One More Sip of Whine.” Regarding that book-o-la, I hope that 2018 is crazy kind to her and puts her out in the world with great success! Okay, so maybe that doesn’t sound so simple to you, but with the year I’ve had, that’s pretty simple to me! Wanna join me in my resolutions? I’d love the company!
I hope everyone had an amazing holiday! Back to work tomorrow, sigh… Two weeks off has been suh-weeeeet! Enjoy the New Year!
PS- Some pics from Christmas for your viewing pleasure as well 😉

- 1/3 C champagne OR sparkling wine
- 3 Tbl vodka
- 1/2 oz Cointreau OR Triple Sec
- 1/2 C cranberry juice
- Put all ingredients in a shaker with ice
- Shake well
- Pour in glass
- Done!
Spiked Vegan Peppermint Hot Chocolate!
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Spiked Vegan Peppermint Hot Chocolate! is the only way I like my hot chocolate this winter. I can only have so much ‘regular’ hot chocolate before I get super sick of it. This drink has a twist of peppermint, and vanilla or whipped cream vodka to warm you up from the inside out. Not to mention, it’s done in less than 10 minutes! Perfect for a quick fix. 😉
In Portland, it’s been pretty cold. However, last year we were in the throws of some major snow storms at this time so I’m thankful that I’m not reliving that! It was fun for the first few days of fireplace, mimosas, snow forts, and sleds, and then it got too cold and old for my bones. After all, I left NY to escape NY winters! I’m hoping for a sprinkling of white flakes on Christmas day and that’s it. My snow quota is still super saturated from last year’s winter. Anyway, I LOVE my Spiked Vegan Peppermint Hot Chocolate! by the fireplace in my pj’s, with friends, or with a favorite holiday movie (A Christmas Story, anyone?). I’m ‘a gonna keep this post short ‘n’ sweet. Warm your soul, rouge those cheeks, and slowly slurp up this deliciousness. Happy holidays! Cheers! -FGG XO

- 1 C vanilla almond milk
- 1/2 C chocolate peppermint almond milk (I bought mine from Trader Joe's)
- 1.5 oz either vanilla vodka OR whipped cream vodka
- 1 Tbl unsweetened cocoa powder
- 2 tsp sugar (I used raw)
- Soy or coconut whipped cream for topping
- Optional: crushed up candy cane and small marshmallows for topping (TJ's marshmallows are vegetarian/vegan)
- Heat a small pot on medium and pour in both almond milks
- Once warm, stir in cocoa powder - mix well
- Stir in sugar - mix well
- After about 3 minutes (or until warm) turn off heat
- In a large mug, pour the shot of vodka (1.5 oz) and then top with contents in pot
- Top with whipped cream, candy cane, and marshmallow
- Done!
Gin Fresh Fruit Fizz Cocktail
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Gin Fresh Fruit Fizz Cocktail is the most delicious and refreshing cocktail I’ve made all year… hands down! I had some left over kiwi and strawberry in my fridge, some fresh mint in my garden, and wanted something fruity but light with this heat wave we’re having in Portland. Also, I had purchased these amazing Moscow Mule cups and was dying to make something delicious in them.
Whenever the winter has fully gone and left us, and the sun seems like it just might be here to stay a while, I feel like everyone goes cocktail crazy. Well, at least the people that I know in my life! Which more than works for me. I remember creating amazing cocktails with my friend April when I last lived in OR. Always with fresh ingredients and incredibly refreshing in taste. She’d love this Gin Fresh Fruit Fizz drink for sure! April, I’ll make it for you next time you’re here. We used to use this stick we found in the backyard for a muddling stick… pretty sure she still has it! In my 30’s, I’ve graduated to a real muddler. I purchased a Rabbit cocktail set the other week and I’ll never look back. Muddling has never been so easy! Ahh… adulthood. A pretty sweet hood to live in.
If you love gin, strawberry, kiwi, mint, lime, refreshing and natural cocktails to help beat the summer heat, I implore you, make this cocktail now! Also, what an amazing and delicious drink to serve up on Memorial Day. Gin Fresh Fruit Fizz Cocktail will have all of your friends melting in the palms of your cocktail making hands. Slurp up!

- 3-4 ounces of gin
- 3-4 ounces of lemonade
- 2 kiwis
- 2 limes
- 4 strawberries
- Approximately 10 fresh mint leaves
- Crushed ice
- Seltzer water to fill the rest of the cup
- Squeeze the juice from 1 whole lime per cup
- Fill the bottom of each cup with crushed ice
- Add 1 kiwi, 2 strawberries, and approximately 5 mint leaves per cup- muddle well
- Add I.5-2.0 ounces of gin per cup
- Add 1.5-2.0 ounces of lemonade per cup
- Stir well or shake well
- Fill each cup about 3/4 of the way to the top with crushed ice
- Top with seltzer water - stir again
- Garnish with mint if you'd like!
To Kombucha or Not To Kombucha (this is my question)
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To Kombucha or Not To Kombucha (this is my question) is a post about the myths, facts, and personal opinions of the health benefits of drinking this “magical elixir,” as it is often called. Currently, quite a few of my Beijing friends and I are ordering kombucha through a local supplier who brews it herself. Our friend, Jackie, is our ‘dealer.’ She has sourced and organizes our weekly deliveries and we are thankful for her efforts. Expensive? Oh yes! But we all deem it to be worthy of our loot. How are we benefiting? What does science say? What do kombucha enthusiasts say? Continue reading to find out and I’ll share with you what I’ve learned.
Background Info:
Kombucha originated in Asia. Many articles I’ve read state that it most likely originated in China, however, I did not come across an article that 100% proved that. Kombucha also goes by the name “mushroom tea,” though this is misleading, as there are no mushrooms in this product nor does it originate from any fungi source. To say it simply, Kombucha is fermented tea. It has been around for thousands of years and made it’s appearance in North America in the late 90’s. This is when you could find bottles on store shelves, though most likely, few shelves and only in health food style stores. It seems to have made a larger appearance and been found more widely in North America since about 2008.
What is this stuff & how is it made?:
This fermented tea is meant to heal a multitude of ailments and diseases according to kombucha enthusiasts, be a great supplier of probiotics, give you energy, help and/or cure anxiety and depression, and to simply give you a good n’ healthy gut, in addition to a multitude of other things. Just Google it. There are far too many ailments and diseases that this “magical elixir” cures so I will not list it here. Many people home brew this concoction or purchase it in the store either pasteurized or unpasteurized (more about that later). It has a slight vinegar taste and is quite acidic. You can buy it or make it in many different flavors. My two favorite are lavender/blueberry & lemongrass/ginger.
The process is simple. You need to purchase a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). Some also refer to this as the “mother.” Simply stated it is the home for the bacteria and yeast. You add a small bit of sugar (gets further diluted in the fermenting process) to black tea (sometimes green tea), and then let it ferment for at least a week. Don’t go too long or the process could go south and have serious health effects. Due to the fermentation, there are trace/slight amounts of alcohol in the kombucha. The fermenting process occurs in a non-refrigerated environment, perhaps in the dark, and typically in a glass jar. Using ceramic in the fermenting process can lead to lead poisoning and other materials can easily kill the “mother” or have other negative effects. It is of the utmost importance that kombucha is made in a sterile environment to avoid introducing unhealthy bacteria into mixture. Just know what you’re doing!
Possible myths:
There is no scientific evidence or studies to support that kombucha can cure diabetes, cancer, depression, anxiety, arthritis, colitis, or any other disease or ailment that many posts/articles state. However, there have not been very many in depth studies of the effects of kombucha on humans.
When drinking unpasteurized kombucha (less safe if you don’t know you’re making it properly) you get a large does of probiotics. Probiotics give your gut healthy bacteria. Therefore, it may be able to help and prevent certain illnesses. Probiotics are most definitely great for your immune system and for getting that digestive tract running smoothly. There have been documented studies done on rats that showed kombucha reduced their liver toxicity. Of course, it is safest when pasteurized but this could compromise the health benefits kombucha offers.
There may or may not be a high enough volume of antioxidants and flavonoids in a drinkable dose of kombucha so that one may garner the positive effects that they would have on your body.
How to drink kombucha:
It appears that many people drink approximately 4 oz (125 ml) of kombucha a day. However, other articles I have read state that people may have 2 oz in the morning and then 2 oz again in the evening. I have also read that after a few weeks of drinking kombucha you may slightly increase your ‘dosage’ as long as your body is reacting positively to it. Some people with sensitive stomachs or who start by taking too much too soon may experience nausea, vomiting, or even jaundice (though not common). Listen to your body! I have read that drinking it in the morning is the best time to imbibe, however, that information was not included in most of the articles that I had read.
What the nay-sayers think:
- It is too high in acidity and that this can damage your teeth (though I’ve read that you should drink it all at once to avoid this, swish some water around in your mouth afterwards, and refrain from brushing your teeth for the hour following consumption).
- If you drink too much you can put yourself at risk, as there are cases of individuals getting lactic acidosis (just know you do not want this).
- There a few incidents of individuals dying from consuming kombucha that was not brewed properly.
- There is no scientific evidence to support that kombucha prevents, cures, or helps diseases.
What the enthusiasts are saying:
- It can help to prevent, cure, and diminish symptoms, of a variety of diseases and illnesses.
- The probiotics help with digestive issues (move those bowels, people!), give you energy, lift your spirits.
- Loads you with B vitamins and boosts your immune system.
- Enhances the absorption of minerals.
- The proof is in the pudding. If for thousands of years individuals have felt and witnessed first hand the positive effects of this “magical elixir,” there is not much more evidence one needs to acquire to believe in the healing power of kombucha.
What myself and my friends have noticed since drinking about 250 ml/day for a few months now: (some of us have different answers and we drink it for different needs or simply for overall wellness)
- “Can eat and not feel bloated, heavy or gross.”
- “Gets the digestive tract moving better and produces better stools.”
- “Gives perkiness that was not there prior throughout the day. Feel less tired.”
- “Works better and faster than the probiotics that I have taken in the past.”
- “Happier and more energetic.”
- “I had really gripey IBS type pain for a good few months before hitting the kombucha. It was staring to get me down. I didn’t realize how much I wasn’t regular but now, when drinking this daily, I am so regular and feel no pain anymore. It is so much better drinking the kombucha than not drinking it that I actually stress if I run out.”
To conclude, I would say that you should do what you think works for you! If you think this is non-sense and don’t believe that people experience these positive side effects than don’t drink it. If you want to give it a try hoping it will cure something or at least for a better gut due to those amazing probiotics, give it a go! Start with less and increase as you go. Just remember, be aware of how you feel, how much you’re drinking daily, and that I have heard that the pasteurization process can kill the probiotics, however, you could research this more. Do what’s good for you, your gut, and be smart! Please feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts. Would love to get a good discussion going!
Creamy Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie
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I am sure you have all heard me mention how I chug my G’s Oatmeal Smoothie every morning and love it. It’s just so healthy and such an incredible start to my day that I can’t get myself to move on to one of my many (yet to be posted) other smoothie recipes. However, on the weekends I sometimes need a change. A break from the berries if you will! I am a massive fan of anything peanut butter and banana or peanut butter and chocolate. I find those combinations to be unbeatable in my sweet tooth world. Like I’ve said before, I don’t particularly have a sweet tooth, as I’d choose a bagel, potato chip, slice of pizza etc any day over chocolate or other sweets, however, those are the loves of the small sweet tooth within me. I have really been enjoying my Creamy Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie for weekends now! My lil’ man, G, loves them as well. Double delight! Honestly, you could throw in some cocoa powder for a chocolate effect, add some spinach for the fiber (I always do), and use any kind of nut butter you’d like! I’m never strict with a recipe so I most certainly don’t expect the same from my readers. In Beijing, it is very difficult to find natural peanut butter, and when you do, it costs oodles of moola. I have taken to buying the “mixed sesame” butter (a variety of what I think is sesame seeds, peanuts, and probably something else), as it is completely natural, delicious, and costs a mere $1.00! Now, you cannot beat that. These are the things in China that I will truly miss… well, a part of some of the things I will miss. I am leaving after 5 long years in 7 weeks and it will be extremely bitter sweet! I am starting to feel the reality now… I digress, back to smoothie speak! I drink them all year long but I know that they’re even bigger hits in the summer time. Bring on the beach, the sun, and the great outdoors. I am beyond ready and am sure you are, too! Enjoy your Creamy Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie in the summer, spring, winter, or fall… at the beach, in the morning, afternoon, or at the mall. Okay, I had to do it. The Dr. Seuss in me insisted. Enjoy it even as a light dinner or dessert. It knows no bounds! Slurp up this deliciously satisfying and healthy Creamy Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie and I promise you, you’ll be on the road to a healthier you!

- 2 bananas
- 3-4 large spoonfuls of peanut butter
- 1/2 a ripe avocado
- 2 cups oats
- Dash of vanilla extract
- 1 can coconut milk
- Coconut water (use your desired amount for thickness/thinness)
- Large handful of spinach (optional but recommended- I always use this)
- Put a splash of coconut water in the bottom of your blender and add the oats
- Top with coconut milk
- Add bananas, peanut butter, avocado, vanilla
- Top with spinach if using
- Add your desired amount of coconut water
- Blend
- *I put this in the refrigerator overnight and blend in the morning for a cold smoothie!
- This yields 3 large glasses.
- Add cocoa powder for a chocolate flavor
- Add spinach or kale for some awesome fiber/vitamins. You won't taste it if you're concerned about this.
- Use any kind of milk (almond, soy - plain, vanilla, chocolate -, cow's milk etc)
- Use any kind of nut butter
My Morning Through Snack Daily Food Routine (shed those lbs & still eat well)!
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Well, it’s official. I’ve finally decided that to make my goal weight by mid-June I am officially going to have to kind of… err… sort of… uugghh… maybe diet a bit! Yuck! That tasted bad evening writing down that hateful “d” word. I made it 6 months while staying on target or even getting ahead of my chart and have hit the longest of plateaus over the past 3 months. If I plan on “making it” to the finish line I have to actually cut back a bit. I’ve also just revamped my workout. In previous posts I had mentioned the glory of Jillian Michael’s Shred It Level 1. Well, now it’s Level 2 in addition to her 6 Weeks to 6 Pack Abs (if you want to die a painful workout death… do this. It’s killer! But amazing), and I am taking hour long Latin dance classes every Friday. I feel the combo should get me to where I need to be in the short bit of time I seem to have left. Sigh, sigh, and sigh again… however, I feel great! So, that’s the silver lining, and the hope for total “svelte-ness” is my dangling carrot. In my mind it’s super model status, however, reality strikes in the form of a possible thinner thigh, arm, and a true dream of 50% of Jillian Michael’s abs. We dream big here my friends. I mean BIG. I do indeed, dare to dream.
I start every morning with my G’s Oatmeal Smoothie recipe. My little man (Greyson) LOVES them, as do my husband and myself. Berries mixed with oatmeal, coconut milk, and yes, spinach! Don’t let this scare you! The spinach is masked by the coconut and the sweet fruit. An incredibly healthy and satisfying start to your day. Not to mention, I make it the night before so the oats have been fully soaked, it will be cold without having to add ice, and let’s face it, one less step to slow down your morning. Sold! Next, I arrive at work and have a small snack of almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and a clementine. I love all of them and they keep my belly content until a later snack or early lunch. I swallow this down with a cup of chrysanthemum tea with a dash of cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and an ever-so-small squeeze of agave. This is incredibly refreshing and easy to drink. After this, I return to the caffeine with a Jasmine Green Tea (I have a black coffee as soon as I arrive at work). For a small lunch or hefty snack, I have a whole wheat slice of bakery bread loaded with all kinds of delicious seeds, and I smother it in my homemade Classic Hummus after smashing some avocado on the bread (sometimes with a tomato or some cheese as well-all depends on how crazy I feel that day!). If I want to make this more of a lunch, I will have a heftier slice of my bread and it’s toppings plus I’ll tack on a salad or soup, like my Pesto Mushroom Salad or my Creamy Vegan Broccoli Soup. I’m not trying to pack the calories in but I definitely want to feel satisfied and really enjoy my food. What’s eating if we don’t love it?! My goal is to fuel my body with the “best” and enjoy it in the making. Simple, happy, delicious. Join me in my not-so-new morning mantra!
Warm & Delicious Spiked Choco-Coffee & People Who Sleep At IKEA
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*As featured on!
Warm & Delicious Spiked Choco-Coffee will definitely warm your winter soul with some special fuzzy feelings! Amarula, vodka, Grand Marnier, hot chocolate, and coffee. Top it with whipped cream, chocolate shavings, and a sprinkle of hot chocolate for your extra fancy self! It’s guaranteed to kick your booty, send you smilin’ to the stars, and is simply incredibly tasty. Bored of your typical spiked coffees? Give this one a whirl and I promise you’ll be going for round 2! How was this cocktail created? IKEA. Yes, that is my answer. Whatever do I mean? Well, let the tale begin…
Since I’ve had a baby and the air quality in Beijing can ruin weekends, I don’t really go out anymore. If you are reading this and you know me I have no doubt you’re in total and utter disbelief! 😉 I got super excited when I made plans with my Beijing bestie, Alana. What were we going to do on this fine Saturday afternoon? Go to IKEA together. Seriously, I was teeming with excitement for 2 weeks leading up to this Saturday. We both needed to stock up on supplies. Also, I have always wanted to go back to IKEA with my camera (not just my iPhone) to take pictures of the countless individuals sleeping, yes, full out sleeping, on the display beds at this fine establishment. Once, there was even a family eating their own noodles in an IKEA kitchen display. I sh#% you not. Last year, a rumor went around stating IKEA had banned people in China from sleeping on their furniture. However, it was just that, a rumor. Learning that the thrill of a good nap was still alive & kickin’, I told Alana we had to go there with my Canon and a super yummy and strong cocktail to further our entertainment value. We did it, and it was AWESOME! We walked around, took pics, drank our Warm & Delicious Spiked Choco-Coffee, got pretty toasted, pretended to sleep on beds, and shopped. The two of us definitely came home with more than a few unnecessary items and a bit of a stumble!
If you want to have an amazing day at a Chinese IKEA, I strongly suggest drinking a Warm & Delicious Spiked Choco-Coffee. Obviously, many of you reading this blog do not live in China, so for you, I strongly suggest this tasty libation next time you have a nice cold day with a friend over. Perhaps Google people sleeping in beds at IKEA for your entertainment as well. Sip, slurp, get your buzz on, pink up those cheeks, and enjoy!
The first set of pictures below are the ones of the lovely IKEA adventure. Please keep scrolling to see the Warm & Delicious Spiked Choco-Coffee pictures and recipe!

Rough day? Why not have cat nap on a couch in IKEA…ahhh…

Alana with spiked coffee in hand pretending to be a fellow IKEA sleeper. When in Rome!

“This could be my office.” Oh wait! I’m in IKEA!

And another one…

And another one…

And another one… (too cute)!

Those who sleep at IKEA together, stay together…

This is the sign on the toilets in the display bathrooms in IKEA so that people do not mistakenly use them. God bless…

Dining Hall at Beijing’s IKEA. Packed all the time!

- 1/4 tsp Grand Marnier
- 1-2 ounces Amarula (or Bailey's)
- 1 ounce vodka
- 1 tsp hot chocolate powder (more for a garnish if you'd like)
- Hot coffee
- Whipped cream (optional)
- Chocolate Shavings (optional)
- Fill your mug of choice with coffee - about 3/4 full
- Pour in your 3 liquors and hot chocolate powder - stir well
- Optional: Garnish with a nice heaping of whipped cream, top with chocolate shavings, and sprinkle with hot coco powder
- I truly prefer Amarula to Bailey's for this drink. Do not operate heavy machinery while drinking or soon afterwards!
A Maple Bourbon Fruit Fling Named Rosemary
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Oh, Rosemary! What a gal! Beautiful, sweet, seductive, makes you feel oh so good… what a catch! In the words of Shakespeare: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” It does indeed in this case. This delicious and fragrant bourbon drink is something a bit different for your collection of cocktails. I love bourbon but usually drink it neat. I wanted a unique and interesting libation, so my friend introduced me to something similar to dear, Rosemary. Naturally, I went home and the following week came up with this rendition of her cocktail. I’d like to think this would’ve made Romeo & Juliet proud! Perhaps, consuming enough of these could’ve cured the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. Alright, enough of this literature speak. The moral of my story is that this is a cocktail not to be missed, I’d befriend this Rosemary any day. Shakespeare or no Shakespeare. Again, I wish I had a current picture from my sweet new camera with my slowly growing photography skills but alas, this is what we’re stuck with for now. Drink and be merry with thy friends!

- Approximately 1/4 C Bourbon (I like it a bit strong so I use 1/4)
- 1/2 a lemon - squeezed
- 3 diced peach wedges (no skin) - grilled (preferably if you can)
- 3 Tbl diced plum (no skin)
- 2 Tbl real maple simple syrup
- 3 ripe red cherries (diced) - optional but delicious!
- Sprig rosemary
- Ice
- Top with soda water or San Pellegrino Limonata
- 2 Pint glass
- 1/4 c water
- 1/4 c REAL maple syrup
- 1/3 c fresh rosemary
- 1/4 tsp fresh chopped sage
- For the maple simple syrup: (This should be made prior so it can cool before you add it to drink)
- Put all ingredients in a small pot & bring to a simmer for 5 minutes
- Cover & let sit for an additional 5-10 minutes for the flavor to fully develop
- Pour the simple syrup through a strainer to get rid of the rosemary and sage pieces
- In a pint glass add all fruit, simple syrup, lemon, bourbon, ice, and pour back & forth between both pint glasses to mix well
- Fill one pint glass with ice and pour the contents of the other glass into the pint with ice
- Top with soda water or Limonata, stir, and garnish with a sprig of rosemary
- Cheers!
Strawberry Gin Muddle
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- 1 1/2 cups gin
- 6 ripe fresh strawberries - diced
- 1/4 cup cucumbers -diced
- 1 large handful of mint - chopped
- 4 lime wedges
- Approximately 4 twelve oz cans of soda water
- Mint or regular simple syrup - approximately 1/4- 1/2 cup depending on your desired level of sweetness
- Muddler
- Place a very small amount of crushed ice in the bottom of all 4 pint glasses
- Equally distribute the strawberry, cucumber, and mint into all four glasses, squeeze one lime wedge in each glass as well - now muddle away!
- Fill up the glasses with ice and add gin, simple syrup, and soda water
- Take an additional and empty pint glass and pour each drink back and forth about 2-3 times to fully mix all ingredients
- Done!
It’s Easy Bein’ Green Smoothie
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- 1/2 C oats
- 1 C coconut milk
- 7 Strawberries
- 1/4 C raspberries or blueberries (or a combo of the two)
- 3 C spinach or spinach & kale mix
- 1 banana
- pinch matcha powder
- water (depending on your desired level of thickness)
- Put in a blender, add water, and blend until smooth. Done!
- I make this the night before so the oats get nice and soaked. Also, all you have to do is blend in the morning. No fuss!