G’s First Birthday Cake!

G's Birthday Cake

G's First Birthday Cake














G's First Birthday Cake!
Yields 1
A delicious, healthy and completely natural birthday cake for your baby's first birthday.
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For the cake
  1. 1 C whole wheat flour
  2. 1 tsp baking powder
  3. 1 tsp baking soda
  4. 1/4 tsp salt
  5. 1/2 C fruit puree (I used an apricot, peach, and apple blend)
  6. 1/2 C soy milk
  7. 1 egg
  8. 1 tsp vanilla
For the frosting
  1. 8 oz apple sauce
  2. 1 banana
  3. 1 tsp vanilla
  4. 6 oz plain greek yogurt
  5. Approx 1/4-1/2 C raspberries
  1. Pre-heat your oven to 350 and grease a small circular pan.
In one bowl sift together
  1. Flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt
In a separate bowl whisk together
  1. fruit puree, soy milk, egg, and vanilla
  2. Mix bowls together until smooth.
  3. Add to pan and put in oven for about 25-30 minutes
For the frosting
  1. With a very light one whisk electric whip, whip together apple sauce, banana, vanilla, and greek yogurt.
  2. Place in refrigerator.
  3. Once cake is cooled, find a cup with a large circular top and cut out 3 circles.
  4. Stack the circles, pour the frosting over the cake, and decorate the top with raspberries. Add extra raspberries to scatter around the cake on plate.
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