5 Minute Tofu & Broccoli

5 Minute Tofu & Broccoli is exactly what I need in my life right now!  I have been lagging in posting on my blog because I am preparing for 3 concerts in less than two weeks, in addition to preparing to move after 5 crazy and awesome years in Beijing! There are barely enough minutes in the day to keep up with my main priorities!  Finding nannies, apartments/houses, buying a car, sorting through insurance (after 5 years of having none), cell phone plans, and the fact that we don’t own so much as a fork anymore!  Coming abroad to China, you are given amazing housing that is fully furnished.  I had shed my entire life of belongings when I left the US.  It’s more than exciting to be purchasing, planning, and preparing for the future, but dang!  It’s busy to the extreme!  I am, however, EXTREMELY excited even though this is quite bittersweet.  There have been tears shed for the smallest of things because I know I’ll never be doing them, or doing them this way, again.  

5 Minute Tofu & Broccoli was not meant to be a blog post.  I literally had zero time, looked in my fridge (or scrounged around more accurately), threw stuff in a pan, created as I went, and voila.  Done in 5 minutes!  I was so stinkin’ pleased with myself and the bowl of food looked quite “pretty” that I decided to snap a few shots.  This is why you will not see the process making in this post.  I had no intention of posting or picture taking until it was all done!  To add to this, my amazing friend, Lindsay, had just showed me how to use the basics of Lightroom.  Once upon a time, I had attempted to teach myself Photoshop.  Once and only once.  Honestly, I got so incredibly frustrated by this program that I refused to try it again and almost cried. This seriously happened.  In the future, when I actually have back that little thing we like to call “time,” I fully plan on revisiting the horror with a clearer and more driven head, however, until then, if not always, Lightroom is far more intuitive and most definitely did not bring me to the verge of tears. If you are a Beijinger, and even if you’re not, check out my friend’s amazing blog!  She offers fabulous packages for family shots etc around Beijing.  My best Beijing friend, Alana, who you’ve all heard about just got some great pics from her.  I threw this 5 Minute Tofu & Broccoli picture into Lightroom so Lindsay could show me some basics. Fabulous program! Unfortunately, had to throw it in Photoshop to do one small thing that Lightroom does not do and it saved like this… blurry and discolored!  Didn’t even remotely attempt to fix it, as I was not going down that rabbit hole again!  Like I said, for future days with more time and perhaps a glass (at least) of wine.

Tofu, broccoli, tumeric, onion, garlic, Braggs Amino Acids (or soy sauce!), ginger powder, red pepper flakes, s & p, topped with some Goddess dressing, and done.  Like I said, 5 minutes to awesomeness doused in a bowl of health. Simple living for stressful times does not have to mean abandoning your health & tummy happiness.  Eat merry & be happy!

5 Minute Tofu & Broccoli










5 Minute Tofu & Broccoli
Yields 2
Loaded with flavor, protein, iron, and vitamins, this dish is not only healthy but extremely quick.
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Total Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 1 brick firm or extra firm tofu - Very well drained! - Sliced into squares
  2. 1 small head of broccoli - florets
  3. 1/4 cup diced onion (optional)
  4. garlic powder to taste (if you have more time or have pre-minced, throw in 2-3 cloves real garlic)
  5. tumeric - pinch or two
  6. red pepper flakes - to taste
  7. Braggs Amino Acids OR soy sauce - at least 3 Tbl
  8. s & p to taste (if using soy sauce, limit your salt or do not add)
  9. Goddess dressing - to taste
  10. Sesame oil (or whatever you've got!) for pan
  1. Heat oil in pan
  2. Add onions - cook for 1 minute
  3. Turn heat up (fairly high)
  4. Add pressed tofu, garlic, ginger, pepper flakes, tumeric, and s & p -press down on tofu. Flip after 2-3 minutes.
  5. Throw in the broccoli and Braggs or soy for the last minute. Toss well
  6. Remove from heat, let cool for a minute or two, and top with Goddess dressing
  7. Feel free to add anything you'd like or remove anything from this dish. It's delicious but you can also use this as a guideline to healthy & quick cooking dishes that would be similar. Use what's in your fridge!
  1. White wine pairing - Gewurztraminer
  2. Red wine pairing - Sangiovese
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