Vegan Bowls To-Go!

Vegan Bowls To-Go! are super delish and make your work week way easier and healthier. I had all these veggies, beans, grains, and basil that I wanted to use before going food shopping – “Waste not!” (FGG’s food mantra) – so I used them for my Sunday food prep. Last week I was crazy unprepared and either didn’t have a lunch, or grabbed something that I otherwise would normally never have eaten. I was so pissed at myself!
I always save glass jars from various sauces etc. I love to recycle them as tupperware or vases. This time I cooked quinoa and orecchiette pasta – that took up 2 burners. On the other 2 burners I was cooking a bunch of veggies and beans in a homemade taco seasoning, and cooking maple flavored brussel sprouts in the other. All 4 burners going at the same time. During that food fiesta, I made a kale pesto with loads of basil from my window basil plant (a must in the cold weather seasons). Click here for one of my kale pesto recipes. I made 5 different Vegan Bowls To-Go in under 30 minutes. Fuck yeah! That’s exactly the kind of ease and simplicity I am looking for… especially when you had a good friend and her daughter stay over last night and drank ’til wee hours of the morn! Let’s just say I’m lagging a little in the lust for motivation department. Yesterday, all 4 of us went to Mississippi Pizza to see an awesome kids band play, eat dope pizzas (yup – they have vegan!), and drink beer. We were having so much fun that we stayed for most of the bluegrass band afterwards. We did the same thing a few weeks back with 2 different bands. Portland is fucking awesome!
Anyway, I’m tired, have to make some more tea, and then finish up my podcast editing so I can fiiiinallllyyyy go live! Enjoy the work week! I’ll be dangling the “Friday is the last day before 2 weeks off ” hallelujah carrot in front of my face all week so I can make it with my sanity still intact. Chow for now! 😉 -FGG
PS – As usual, a fitting song…

These are not going to be direct recipes – I’ll give you the ingredients I used and you can follow that or tweak it to your taste. If not, simply use this post as a good idea for work week grub. 😉
1 – Quinoa with brussel sprouts. I cooked the brussel sprouts in grape seed oil, Himalayan salt, pepper, fresh lemon, and maple syrup (SOOOO good!). I often throw in tempeh but I didn’t have any.
2 – Orecchiette, quinoa, red & yellow peppers, kale, broccoli and black beans. I cooked the beans and veggies in taco seasoning. I put hot sauce on top of the orecchiette. Would be great with a good salsa, too!
3 – Same as above but without orecchiette.
4 – Orecchiette with homemade kale pesto (click in post for pesto recipe) and sun-dried tomatoes.
5 – Orecchiette with kale pesto, vegan meatballs (I love Trader Joe’s!), and small white beans.