The Most Bitchin’ Breakfast Potatoes Ever!

The Most Bitchin’ Breakfast Potatoes Ever! Was my b-fast whim that ended up to be the beeeessst breakfast potatoes I’ve ever made. I had an onion, red potatoes, green pepper, and avocado from my Imperfect Produce delivery, and a hot banana pepper from my friend’s (my Wednesdays & wine friend – the good kinda friend) garden. Looking at what I had, inspired what I made. As usual, waste not, friends. Imperfect Produce is a prime example of that as well.
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day on weekends because I actually have time to create badass and delicious concoctions that I otherwise never have time for. Waking up at 6 AM and in the dark totally sucks! I prep everything from clothes, jewelry, coffee, lunches etc the night before, so I have to do as little as humanly possibly in the morning. It was sunny this morning, G-dog was loving playing solo, I had some good tunes rockin’ (link below), and was pleased to zone out in my kitchen.
The one thing that I am almost always disappointed in when I order them in a restaurant are breakfast potatoes and hash browns. They are totally lacking in flavor. Why? I dunno. They’re the easiest thing ever to make and shit; garlic, onions, salt… hello?! The right amount of those alone should make some dope fucking grub! All of my favorite breakfast joints in Portland even lack good potatoes (if you can prove me wrong, please do – let me know in the comment section). The ultimate breakfast bummer. That being said, these bitchin’ breakfast potatoes and most definitely not lacking in the flavor department. The one thing that makes up for the shitty potatoes at my fave restaurants (besides the awesome meal – sans potatoes) is the company, local coffee, and of course, the variety of mimosas I happily consume. I used to live with my friend Marci. We’d wake up on the weekends, shout to one another from room-to-room “Gravy?” (an amazing breakfast hub on Mississippi St in Portland, OR – the BEST tofu scrambles ever!), and the other would always reply “YUP!” I’m not even sure if we brushed our teeth before we were out the door. If I wasn’t at Gravy with Marci, I was calling April to meet me at Vita Cafe. My ultimate vegan breakfast go-to (try their Tofurkey Florentine – I’m fucking drooling just writing about it). Either place, loads of food, loads of mimosas, and some serious loose lips rehashing or telling the tales of complete and utter debauchery from the night before. We (okay, mostly me) were always up to some shady, stupid, or incredibly crazy shit. Life was great! 😉 To quote myself from my book, “One More Sip of Whine:”