Thanksgiving Trivia & Ramblings

Thanksgiving Trivia & Ramblings is a repost from last year. I love games, trivia included, during holidays with friends or family. Below is some Trivia about this crazy day of eating, drinking, and everything-ing in excess.
I remember the second Thanksgiving I celebrated in Beijing. I had taken the Wednesday off from work so that I could prepare food and drinks for approximately 20-25 people. It was fucking nuts! I started at about 9AM on Wednesday morning and went straight through until about 11 PM – solo. And what’s even more nuts, is that I totally loved every second of it! I had the apartment to myself, I drank wine, listened to music, and got my daily dose of ‘therapy’ in – hardcore. Cooking = therapy. Hands down. I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that almost everyone who was attending my party had never celebrated Thanksgiving. There were about 3 Americans, a few Canadians (who celebrate their own Thanksgiving about one month prior to ours), and a bunch of Brits, Australians, and some other randoms. Mind you, at the time, I was vegetarian (since I was 8); now vegan. Therefore, everyone chowed down sans Turkey. I made my stepdad’s awesome ‘meatloaf,’ pumpkin mac n’ cheese, au gratin potatoes, mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy (oh how I miss the variety and cheapness of shrooms in China), stuffing (homemade), cranberry sauce (homemade), roasted maple veggies (brussel sprouts, carrots etc), and my mothers fall salad – mesclun greens, candied pecans, blue cheese, shredded carrot, sliced red grapes, and diced apples topped with a homemade honey dijon dressing. SO GOOD! For drinks, we had mulled wine, beer, and wine. I decorated the apartment with laminated pictures of funny Thanksgiving facts/images, and we had a Thanksgiving game (I remember making it but I don’t remember what it was). It was one of my best parties that I threw whilst in BJ. In these reflective moments, I actually do miss it! In fact, it was probably my best Thanksgiving ever. Sorry, fam! 😉 And, my foreign friends fucking loved the shit out of it! Happy T-day, everyone! For a vegan Thanksgiving menu, click the title below:
The BEST Vegan Thanksgiving Menu
*Featured image by, Icebreaker Ideas (Click to bring you to link with more Thanksgiving Trivia questions)!
1- What is the real reason people get so tired after eating on Thanksgiving?
2- Who thought the turkey should be America’s representative bird?
3- Which president wouldn’t declare Thanksgiving a holiday due to his strong belief between separation of church and state?
4- What was the name of the ship that the religious separatists set sail on from Plymouth?
5- Which US state consumes the most turkey on Thanksgiving?
6- Which turkey actually ‘gobbles:’ Male or female?
7- What is the name of the most famous Native American to have helped the Pilgrims?
8- What year was the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?
9- What does the US president do every year for Thanksgiving?
10- Where were the pilgrims meant to land?
Click on ‘more’ for the answers!
Answers: 1- Overeating/over drinking! Not tryptophan! 2- Ben Franklin. He thought the American Eagle wasn’t the proper bird to represent America due to its bad moral character. 3- Thomas Jefferson 4- Mayflower 5- California 6- Male 7- Squanto 8- 1924 9- Pardon a turkey! 10- Virginia