Red Potato Salad With Hickory Bacon (Vegan)
Red Potato Salad With Hickory Bacon (Vegan) was created on a whim! I LOVE red potato salad in the summer. In fact, it could be a qualifier in whether or not we could be friends. Ah, how I so vainly quantify the important things in life! 😉 Hehe. As usual, I digress… I had purchased Sweet Earth Vegan Hickory & Sage Benevolent Bacon from Whole Foods because, well, it was on sale! I was staring into the depths of my refrigerator when I started throwing things onto the countertop. Okay, okay, so I miiight have been drinking some cocktails throughout the process but hey, more often than not, that lends itself to some seriously delicious kitchen concocting! After my potatoes were cooked, I mixed the bacon and other delicious ingredients (see pic below) together, and voila! A new red potato salad was born into instant stardom! The crowd went wild. I can still hear the applause! I know… Clearly, I’ve taken some creative license in the story telling department but cut me some slack. It’s my first week of school back with the little monsters and my brain is a big bowl of shriveled and exhausted matter. I should’ve posted this before Labor Day but hey, I was too busy relaxing! #sorrynotsorry.
Enjoy the Red Potato Salad With Hickory Bacon (Vegan) for your next BBQ or carb lovin’ affair! Lastly, I have finally caved and joined Instagram! New addiction in my life for sure. *Insert sigh here.* Follow me @ foodgalleygab. Chow!

- 2 lbs red potatoes - boiled and then diced
- 1/2-3/4 red onion - diced
- 1/4 C finely diced chives
- 4-5 slices of Sweet Earth Vegan Hickory & Sage Benevolent Bacon - diced
- 3 heaping Tbl dijon mustard
- 1 - 1 1/2 C Grapeseed Oil Veganaise (pending on your level of creaminess. Start with 1 cup, stir, and then see if you want more)
- 1/2 tsp - 1 tsp garlic powder (pending on your preferred level of strength)
- 1 tsp salt
- Pepper to taste
- Boil the potatoes for about 15 minutes
- Meanwhile, add the rest of the ingredients into a mixing bowl and stir well
- When potatoes are done, let cool, and then mix together in bowl
- Done!