Peanut Butter Banana Crunch Oatmeal

Peanut Butter Banana Crunch Oatmeal was inspired by the thousands of delicious looking breakfast bowls I see on Instagram daily. Now that I’m on a crazy new lifestyle kick to be fit and gloriously svelte, I’ve come up with tons of breakfast ideas that are easy, healthy, and anything but boring. Also, total side note, I’ve decided to join Beach Body. Today was my first 5:30 AM workout in AGES and it felt fucking great. Breakfast is the key to my day. If I skip it, don’t have enough time in the morning, feel rushed etc, that’s the foundation for a shitty day – no doubt. The Peanut Butter Banana Crunch Oatmeal is packed with apple, banana, granola, maple, peanut butter, flax & chia. SOOO good!
This weekend I played around with making various breakfast bowls. I threw in a pic at the bottom of a similar breakfast with a soy coconut yogurt base. Was equally as delish. Yesterday, I went to my friend Angella’s house. I’m pretty sure we’re the best chatting companions ever – which is fab. Anyway, she’s a Beach Body guru and she was showing me her crazy ways and all of the workouts, plans etc that are available. Honestly, amazing. Anyway, like I’ve said in a recent post, I haven’t spoken about my gain before that. It’s incredibly intense for me. When Angella and I were talking about it yesterday and I was sharing how it has impacted my life, out loud, it was crazy emotional for me. Genuinely held back tears. I was telling her how I went home for 3 weeks (to LI, NY) over the summer and was a total recluse. I didn’t see anyone except a few best friends. Why? Because I felt like a fat fuck, and was TOTALLY mortified to step out into my small town where too many people from my upbringing still reside. “What if they see me?” “How can I avoid this?” These were the primary thoughts running round my brain for 3 straight weeks. So, I drank my woes away and undoubtedly packed on some more lbs. After the summer, I switched some meds and shed 14lbs. “Phew!” I thought. And then, nothing since. I feel incredibly motivated right now. I honestly think it’ll stick because I can’t take it anymore. I desperately miss my beautiful wardrobe, stamina, and feeling sexy. and the fact that I am now totally aware that I don’t do nearly as much as I’ve been stuck inside for a year, due to anxiety of stepping outside and “being seen.” Strangers, anyone… doesn’t matter. I’ve always felt some semblance of being attractive until now. Soooo… fuck it! Onwards and upwards! Okay, I know I said I wouldn’t be bitching and dwelling in all of my posts so this’ll be the last bitchfest! I’ll share brief updates of my successes/failures etc but other than that, I wanna get back to my more humorous posts with funny stories. You’re welcome. 😉 XO
Okay, enjoy the Peanut Butter Banana Crunch Oatmeal and puh-lease let me know your thoughts! Did you make it the same way? Did you add something and make it better? Tell me! 😉 -FGG
PS – Adding some vanilla to this could be pretty dope, too!
PPS- So, I always share my favorite tunes. Loads of different styles of music. However, I’m classical nut. I’m also a classical pianist, or at least used to be. 😉 I majored in this in college (my bachelor’s). Chopin is my ultimate favorite and I LOVE playing just about anything he’s ever composed for solo piano. I’m sure most of you aren’t crazy about classical but I am sharing this piece this week because: 1 – It’s awesome. 2 – It is often called “Waves” or “The Ocean.” I feel like it totally fits my struggle this past year and my journey into the new year. 3 – I’m going to attempt to finally learn it this next month.

Peanut Butter Banana Crunch Oatmeal (Serves 2)
1 C cooked oats
1 banana – sliced
1/2 apple – diced
1/2 C granola (I used two – vanilla and honey)
3 Tbl peanut butter
2 tsp chia seeds
1 Tbl flax seeds OR 3 tsp ground flax
1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional)
4 Tbl maple syrup
2 capfuls of vanilla extract (optional)
Mix the maple syrup into the oatmeal (and vanilla extract if using)
Divide all the ingredients to make 2 bowls
On top of the oatmeal add the rest of the ingredients anyway you’d like. I usually prepare it like the pictures above. Enjoy!