Italian Arugula Pizza Salad
Italian Arugula Pizza Salad is healthy, easy, delicious, and completed in only 5 minutes! I had a few ingredients left over in my refrigerator and desperately wanted to make an arugula salad before my arugula went south. Also, I had found for the first time ever in Beijing, drum roll please… Morning Star Original Chik Patties! It had been years since I had eaten these amazing delights. Thrilled? Elated? Over joyed? Not even! I was soaring-over-the-moon-excited about this find! I paid about $10 for a pack and didn’t even bat an eye. In fact, I bought many packs to stock the freezer with. I was intoxicated with sheer and utter joy. The simple things in life are not always alive and well in Beijing so these moments that may seem small and insignificant are truly beaming rays of sunshine in my smoggy world (pollution…ever-so-“ugh”) when they are found. Whilst I was still soaring so high, I took to the fridge and threw what looked like ingredients to make a pizza with onto the counter top. However, there was no pizza. Though there was a delicious salad in the making in the form of a pizza! And in 5 minutes, I was scarfing down my Italian Arugula Pizza Salad. Yum! I implore you to abandon your pizza Friday (or whatever day of the week it may be) and replace it with this salad. If even only for a week of carb cutting. Let me know your thoughts. Happy “pizza” day!
PS- Excuse this picture please! I just had to take a pic of this deliciousness but it was quite late at night.

- 2 handfuls of arugula
- 1 Morning Star Chik Patty (or any soy product you deem comparable)
- 1 Tbs capers
- Approximately 1/4 C garbanzo bean
- Tomato sauce to taste (I used a decent bit, as this is primarily your dressing)
- 2 Tbl creamy cheese (I used a cracked pepper gouda because it was in my fridge. I think mozzarella would be best) or any cheese you so desire
- 1-2 Tbl pesto (optional but a delcious addition)
- Oregano to taste
- Slice your faux chicken patty
- Place your arugula in a bowl and mix together all the ingredients
- Mangia!
- Mozzarella or parmesan cheese would be my first two choices. However, you know my food philosophy. Use whatever is in your fridge first and foremost. Waste not! Lastly, feel free to put this inside of a wrap if you'd like.