G’s Snack & Small Meal – Toddler Food
G’s Snack & Small Meal – Toddler Food is just an idea if you’re struggling for new and healthy ideas for your wee one that are easy and yummy. Greyson is a vegetarian right now like his momma. People always ask me “what in the world do you feed him?” As if there is no food life outside of meat. Honestly, I’ve received the same question myself for the past 27 years. Lord, there is SO very much food and incredibly easy, delicious, and healthy options out there that I’ll never tap into a majority of them! I do, however, understand for heavy meat eaters how this could seem challenging. I assure you though, it is anything but! If you’re looking for a snack or two, a meal, or general ideas on what to feed your baby/toddler, vegetarian or not, check out this recipe and Greyson’s Grub (baby food) portion of this blog. So many suggestions that at least one is guaranteed to grab your interest and attention!

- 1/2 an avocado
- 1/4 C hummus
- 1/2 cucumber - peeled & finely diced
- 1 small ripe tomato - finely diced
- 1 slice whole wheat bread - diced
- 1 slice baby friendly cheese - diced/cubed
- Put the bread & cheese in one bowl
- Put the other ingredients placed separately in another bowl
- Scoop out the avocado on a spoon
- Mix & match the ingredients as desired. Let your little one pick up the bread and cheese him/her self.
- This is simply an idea for a snack (in this case, many snacks can be had), or two meals. You can add other ingredients, replace ingredients etc. Do what suits your little one best! It doesn't have to always be a specific meal or jarred food. Be creative and put together foods your baby likes for a nice and healthy variety!