Dear Santa, Letter (for adults)

Dear Santa,
I know, I know, this year has passed by SO quickly. I can still feel the pen on my paper from last year’s letter. I won’t pretend it has been easy, Santa. I’m not intentionally selfish when I complain about my first-world problems. Alas, they are problems, they are mine, and yes, they are relative to the world around me. The beauty of first-world living also dampens them, and no, I don’t mean a roof over my head and clean drinking water — blah, blah, blah. I mean Lexapro and Wellbutrin. God bless America, sir.
As I age, my wants and needs, my desires and passions, have shifted and swayed into a world, or a cacophony, of the runniest stacked steaming pile of shit that would put an elephant’s two-ton pile of poop to shame. The stench and the steam are so incredibly toxic to your dear old olfactory senses (you know, the ones you’ve trained so diligently for years to develop the perfect palette for sipping life’s ultimate necessity, wine) that they are now tainted with a runny, stinky, steaming, pile of shit.
Now that I’ve ever-so-appropriately set the stage for you to fully grasp, fully understand, that my world, dearest Santa, is not at all the peppermint bark, jingle jangle, elf singing, toy loving, reindeer flying, three-hundred-and-sixty-five-days-a-year Christmas caroling, and Angels We Have Heard on High, It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Christmas perfection, you can officially read this letter through the lens of a woman, who needs some serious Santa sugar.
In the past, I’ve asked for things like Brad Pitt, world peace, 500 acres, a small country to call my own, etc., but no, not this year, Mr. Claus. This year, I have adjusted my wishes to set a more realistic tone for my child to observe and be proud of as he ages.
Santa baby, if it’s okay to call you that, I’ve packed on some serious pounds over the past two years.
Side note: To that point, if you need a new Misses, I am ready for a ride on Santa’s sleigh, if ya know what I mean.
I could really use a Sven or Fabio, or someone strong sounding, to work me into some serious shape, to take off some of those serious lbs. Thanks.
I’d ask for world peace; however, I don’t think you’re in the business of annihilation in the form of mass murders. We all know we’ve got quite the list we’d have to hit to accomplish such an insurmountable task (D.T., K.J.U., etc.). However, keep it on the back burner, will ya? Thanks. Next, I’d like Botox twice a year for the rest of my life. I would also like a breast lift that will knock out those twenty-year-old hoes by both sight and physical contact and a cellulite remover that actually works. Get those elves up on that shit, please. I would also like permanent eyelash extensions that won’t somehow give me eye cancer by 2030. Of course, Imelda Marcos’ shoe collection — in size nine. Yes, my feet, they’ve grown with my body.
Santa, can we make America great again? Like, for real? None of these asinine falsehoods from MAGA. Can we run an internment camp where all of the extremists who don’t let people speak the truth, or poke fun at the horror in this world, or who accept that freedom of speech needs a safe space for their souls, yet they-won’t-let-people-they-don’t-care-to-hear-speak-their-truths-have a microphone, outwardly showing their hypocrisy like the dumbass college-aged students they are or are acting like?
Side note: That was my most favorite run-on sentence of the year, and I have many.
Can we corral all those fucks up together on an island called, I don’t know, say, Alcatraz or Molokai? If not, I am willing to give up the small country that I had previously requested as a place of internment for said fucks. Lastly, to this point, can we let people like me take their diatribes and give them a venue for listening ears? Thanks, man. Is it okay to call you “man?” I’m feelin’ like we’re developing this type of rapport with one another. I’m diggin’ our vibe.
Better credit. Like, the best. I need it — badly. How else will I purchase my perfect desert home in Joshua Tree? Are you still “in” with the IRS? Don’t worry; I’ll keep it on the down low. That means “secret.” Not sure how up-to-date you are with the lingo of these crazy kids in this crazy climate.
TRIBE. Can we please take that word back? It truly means something, and it has been decimated by the devils of social media that be. Now people all over FB (that’s Facebook, Santa) and Instagram are messaging anyone and everyone in a continuous manner to “join their tribe of ladies on the path to a better body, soul, brain, belly button, nose, elbow, and earlobe.” I mean, it’s almost as bad as my old boss who hated “the gays” and responded to a FB post where red was the color of a local pride parade by stating, “Oh great, they’ve taken the rainbow already, now they’re taking the color red, too?! They’ve gone too far.” Though I disagree with her sentiments, I do believe I would like to have the word “tribe” back in its rightful home. Thanks, jolly old man.
Dearest, dearest, darling, divine, dependable, distinguished, dutiful (and all other adjectives that begin with “d” that are delightful), Santa Claus. Can you, will you, please, please, pretty, pretty, please, bring me to the end of my dramatic, dysphoric, disturbing, diabolical, demented divorce? Can we end it all with a group of cheerleaders chanting, “Gimme a D! D! You got your D, you got your D. Gimme an I! I! You got your I, you got your I,” and so on? I’ll run down a football field shouting, “I’m freeeeeeee!!! With two bottles of the finest French champagne spouting out of the top, like Old Faithful on its finest day, all over me, flowing through my lips, and when I reach the finish line, the ghosts of Christmas past will fly away into the abyss, and I will never feel haunted again. And Santa, I’d like it to go down exactly like that, please.
On a lighter note, I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask you for the one thing the ladies of the world are craving, an internal vibrator. One that a mere Kegel would turn on at any moment. I’m talkin’ a real, hit the g-spot every time, orgasm of the year every time, kinda device that is so perfectly designed by your most couture elves, who know their way around a clitoris, that is placed in a pussy ever-so-perfectly, and doesn’t need to be replaced for at least five years. And Santa, I’m more than willing to be the test pilot on this one. I’ll happily take one for the team. Thanks.
I’d also really love a two-week stint in some sort of establishment that mirrors a spa. This past year has taken its toll on me, and I desperately need some peace and quiet in a sanctuary where no one can contact me or find me for approximately fourteen days. A place where the world stops spinning on its axis, where the sky is always blue, and the sun is always bright. A place where there are endless amounts of delicious and healthy foods to clean my gut, detoxifying teas to rid me of my toxic year, horses to ride daily, meditations twice a day, calming and beautiful music with the sounds of waterfalls flowing through my ears, and of course, I would not be too terribly upset if we ended the day in some sort of “fun tea.”
However, NO FUCKING WEIRDOS, please! The place that I’ve just described houses the freakiest shaved head, I’m an earth goddess, my name is Moonbeam, and my spirit name is Sunshine, the dirt sings through the air a story of the past (which, yes, I believe, but not in an airy-fairy way), I only eat food that has fallen off a tree on its lonesome, and welcome to my tribe, kind of freaky-deeky, fucks. No. I want cool bitches (oh yes, no men allowed), who have been rocked by life a little too hard but are tough, down-to-earth (not, I am the earth — which we are, but stay with me here), badass bitches to rock this journey with me. Then, we’ll all leave in the back of a sexy farmer’s pickup truck for a day of wine tasting in Napa Valley. Thanks, Kringle.
I’d also really love 300 acres of amazing property using the most up-to-date methods of regenerative farming, an instant pot, a Le Creuset set in red, a microbiome that just won’t quit (it’s simply too legit — pick up what I’m puttin’ down, St. Nick?), Jimmy Choo heels, and a trip down Fifth Avenue with Anna Wintour, in which I get to have the personalized shopping trip of my dreams. Think “Pretty Woman.” Thank you.
I want to go back to Cambodia. I’d also like to consume happy pizza daily and go back to see Ta Prohm. While in Asia, I’d like a first-class flight, or I’m happy to ride with you, “Santy,” on your sled way up in the sky. Talk about the mile-high club! Hot damn! Our destination? Boracay, Philippines — My most favorite vacation spot on earth.
Now, jolly old man, I must state my disappointment in something. I’ve been asking for a Ferrari for approximately ten years now yet my driveway still provides a cold and lonely home for my Kia Optima. She’s treated me well over the years; however, I can’t help but see a shiny red Berlinetta ripping out of my driveway, blonde hair blowing in the wind, and flirting with every human I deem “flirtable” while cruisin’ down the 101. That, sir, is how I’ll get my sexy back.
I realize this may seem like a lot, jolly fella. I must state again, with a mighty emphasized voice and tone, reminding you that it’s been a long, challenging, and brutally trying year. I’ll be the milk to your cookies, Santa baby.
Love always and forever, you sexy old beast,
Heather XOXO
Halloween for Adults: Your Dos & Don’ts

Let’s face it, Halloween is the best time of year for your inner-child to come out and play. Here are some dos and don’ts for your Halloween experience this year, like, being creepy, but not land yourself in jail kind of creepy and ending up on some registry, scoring the best candy (I mean, not that shit that’ll take out your dentures or aging teeth), getting wasted on pumpkin beer and Halloween cocktails (yes, there are MANY), and picking the perfect costume (no Disney princes or princess’ welcome here – grow the fuck up!). Happy haunting, kids. Here’s to finding your loophole to youth.
- Wear makeup or a mask to avoid the heckling of teenage assholes and the “what the’s” from adults with no soul who opens the door and dare to not give you candy (you know where they live, am I right?)
- Throw some eggs at that vile teenager next door who kicked your cat and called you fat. DISCLAIMER: Getaway vehicle, preferably something with a motor, needed. Our knees and backs hurt. Those fuckers are stupid but fast
- MUST: Do NOT dare go trick-or-treating sans alcohol. We may be old but we’re not masochists! Plus, everything is funnier when drunk. Especially your dumb neighbor’s toupee and their kid’s lazy eye
- Play hide-and-go-seek in a graveyard. It’s still fun (remember, you’re adults, in costumes, drinking in a graveyard. FUN). While there, pick a plot for you and a loved one. Just saying, the clock’s not moving backward, friends
- Scare the shit out of a random stranger. Not too young, that’s just cruel. Not too old, their heart is at risk. A viable option: some mangy teenager who farted in your general direction will do.
- Go to where the rich people live. Or, your local mafia houses. Guaranteed to not get candy corn, Clark Bars, Charleston Chews, or anything taffy (remember, you are old and so are your teeth). Almost always guaranteed to get king-sized candy bars. Score!
- Watch Freddie, or Jason, or those crazy kids in the cornfields or under the stairs movies and drink spiced rum and apple cider while you’re already toasted from drinking and trick-or-treating with face makeup running down your face and old farts partaking in all the glory using run-on sentences because you’re so drunk and you think that it’s really funny because you’re so old
- Bring your friend who has kids or borrow their kid to go trick-or-treating. This is about YOU reliving your youth. Don’t squander this once a year opportunity by bringing the rug rats. Plus, they’ll out cute you in every way and make you look a little bit too tall
- Wear any costume a Disney character has worn, a twenty-one-year-old would wear (slutty firewoman, nurse…). Gravity is real, lest we not forget. Men, well, hide your beer belly and shave your beard – dead give-away
- Stay in all night and hand out candy. Get the fuck outta the house and start ringing some goddamn bells, friends! It’s called “please take one”
- Watch children’s Halloween movies. Unless it’s Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin because, duh! That was our time, folks. And, Charles M. Schulz will always rock
- Be sober. I repeat, DON’T BE SOBER. Scaring children, ridiculous cult movies, and trick-or-treating is a lot more fun when drunk. Remember, you only live once and you spent all of your youth doing it sans booze. This year, you’re a booze bag… and don’t you forget it!
- Get so drunk that you start crying on your friend’s shoulder about how you miss your childhood and that being an adult is scary and hard. NO! Halloween is supposed to be scary. Not your fucking divorce or stupid marketing job. #growthefuckup
- Complain that you’ve had too much sugar. Man up
- Bob for apples. That should NEVER have been okay. Disgusting… just absolutely, totally, mind-blowingly, freakin’ disgusting. Hello, influenza!
Okay, now that you know the dos and don’ts of this crazy thing we call Halloween, get out there and start your wild rumpus! Uuhh… I mean, go out there and stir some shit up, yo!

Sipping My Way to Sanity
Cheers to all you mamas out there who just might be, “Sipping Your Way to Sanity.” Here’s to those who’ve had a killer day at work and came back to a tantrum. To those who’ve tried to leave their house an hour earlier but were busy wrangling the herd. To those who have wanted to basically stick their fingers in their ears, scream “LALALALALAAAAA” and pretend, for a mere moment in time, a blip in reality, that they never had children. This post, my fellow mamas, is for you…
Sipping My Way to Sanity
THERE IS LITTLE MEDINCINE that cures the insane to sane, the child shrieking shouts to child chill-outs, the husband headaches to husband halos. Little in the way of help for such abhorrent ailments. You can’t yell, can’t pray, can’t plead your way to the sanity Gods and Goddesses. When nothing else seems to work, and you feel defeated yet again, this simple solution might find you well: I’ve come to realize that you can most certainly, and should surely, start sipping your way to sanity. This is a skill in which I’ve become quite adept.
Sip, slurp, “Sure!”
Sip, slurp, “What?! No problem!”
Sip, slurp, “Spilt milk? Who cares!”
If I had a prescription pad it would read:
“One glass of wine per hour. Not to exceed one bottle per day.”
And, that would be my doctor’s handwriting. Barely legible, but kinda cute. (Side note: WordPress won’t allow me to keep my original and adorable font). An unnecessary point that I thought I’d share.
The problem with this is that we shouldn’t be drinking a bottle of wine per day. I wish that were an acceptable thing to do and that I wouldn’t be a shit teacher, colleague, and mom if I opted to imbibe daily in such a fashion. In fact, I wish that style was in fashion! I’d rock the shit out of it! Quick! Someone get Gucci into the wine making industry! I think this would make the winos of the world look more acceptable. Though, I think my face would get fat, my liver further damaged (four years of college plus about ten more because my mind never left that ‘university of booze’), and I’d most likely stop going to the gym (God bless Zumba classes and treadmills with TVs), and in turn gain an additional thigh, which Lord knows I most certainly can’t afford to gain. I sometimes pretend there is a parallel universe where all of the “no, you shouldn’t-s” are “yes, you should-s” and vice versa. Yes, I could see myself in a perfectly pretty place like that.
I had a crazy day at work last week. My students were fucking mental, and getting ready for multiple concerts makes my anxiety soar through the roof. You’d never know it by looking at me but I truly detest the weeks leading up to performances. The day itself? Totally cool as shit. Ugh. I came home and G-man was sick and in quite a mood, it was raining hard, again (note-to-self, this is what makes Oregon so beautiful so I should forgive Mother Nature…again), and I totally forgot to go to the store for food. What’s worse? I. Was out. Of wine! How could I have let this happen?! Someone upstairs must hate me today (rule of thumb for mothers: place blame elsewhere…always). So, instead of going to get food, I plopped my kiddo in the stroller, walked with the speed of light to the wine store next door (yes, next door- a blessing or curse in disguise… you decide) and voila! Bought myself a sultry and too expensive beautiful bottle of Pinot Noir. Oh, yes, I did. “Food? Pshhh… I’ll throw some things in a pan!” “Crying baby? Double ppshh! I’ll turn on the tube while I throw things in a pan.’ “Students and looming dark concert cloud following my sanity to hell? Triple pshhh! I’ll drink that shit away!” I confess, those are the days where I very well might have the entire bottle of wine. Plus, that shit spoils if you leave it overnight, right? (wink)
In reality, at the end of the day, all is forgiven. When my little man tells me, “Mommy, Ms. J (his nanny) doesn’t have eyeballs,” or “When I get older I’ll have a vagina then, okay?” or “Mommy, you need lemon for the hummus. You don’t know?” After he had gotten me all of the hummus ingredients without me reminding him, and I had actually forgotten the lemon. What a precious piece of pie. He’s my main squeeze, and it is he who is truly my best medicine.
Dear Santa Baby
Dear Santa Baby is a post of two letters that I’ve written to “Santa.” My mother always asks me what I want for Christmas via email and I always respond with a list, and then a fictitious letter to the jolly old dude. If you don’t want insight into my ‘interesting’ sense of humor, workings of my odd brain, if you’re easily offended, or don’t think life is funny and meant to be laughed at, stop reading now and just continue to follow my blog for the good eats. 😉 I mean, my true wishes? To be a blogger full time, to publish an amazing cookbook with a bonafide publisher. For my book, “One More Sip of Whine,” to hit the ground running and find an incredible publisher to work with, and, of course, to find a magic skinny and happy pill. One that puts me in both of those states permanently. Hehe… seriously though, those are my magical wishes.
My first Santa letter is the one that I’ve just written to my momma, and the second letter is one that I randomly just found from 2008! Enjoy, and I hope you still come back to my blog for more of me and my grub. Happy holidays friends and followers! MWAH! XO
Dear Santa Baby,
This year’s been a rough one, sir. New house, new three-nager, the ol’ ball n’ chain, and of course, the turds and turdettes that I teach daily. I know, I know, I can feel your tears for me now, and I knew you’d understand. This being said, I think I’ve been an extra good girl this year, as I’ve endured the wrath of ‘poverty’ (house poor), politics (Trump-o-la), and pain (I have a hus-child, ya know). What more can a girl go through before the good people of the Lotto decide that my good reward should come now, this very year, this very Christmas, and be GRANNNDDDD.
A few things: My closet and all of its glorious inhabitants have been suffering from a severe lack of vitamin D, as I’ve gotten fat and can’t wear those goods in the outdoor venue in which they are so deserving of. Also, I live in OR so naturally, my skin is suffering from the same lack of vitamin D. This all being said, I would like the following 2 things from you:
1- A magic skinny pill so that I can eat everything I want and still maintain the svelte figure of Giselle Bundchen. Thanks
2- A trip to Bora Bora for some well-needed sunshine, sanity, and surf
A Series of Poems on Motherhood
Dear Moms (and Dads),
Here is a snippet from my upcoming book, “One More Sip of Whine.” It is 5 different styles of poems – mostly humorous. #3 is my particular fave. I have no doubt that you can relate! Parenthood is the craziest hood you’ll ever roll through. My goal was to express that in 5 short poems. I’d love your opinions before the editing of the book is completed so please leave comments! Enjoy the read!
Some Mothering Poems to You, From Me
1- Roses Are Black
Roses are red, violets are blue,
Someone took over your life that was you.
Roses are red, violets are blue,
Your days are now filled with pee pee and poo.
Roses are black, violets are dead,
Deep down you must know you are out of your head.
2- A Haiku of Truth
Like thunder, their roar
Rain, your tears that start to pour
Scream, shriek, more, more, MORE!
3- A Tangled Slew of Rhyming Words
Shitting, pissing, screaming, unfit
Mommy shouting daddy “fuck it!”
Penis, ‘gina, keep your hands off!
Headaches, hormones, “need a wet cloth!”
Dolls that make shit tons of noise,
Oops! Mom broke those talking toys!
What the fuck was one and done?
I should’ve said “boy run or none!”
Thomas, Blippi, Tayo, Poli,
Oops! Mom ‘broke’ the fucking TV!
I want, I want, I want, MOMMY!
I give, I give, MY SANITY!
Hitter, biter, licker, kicker
Bruises, scratches, ice packs, LIQUOR!
Try to cook and then relax,
Mama needs her pills, XANAX!
Knock it over, pick it up!
Someone needs a bigger cup!
Tissues, boogers, burps, and farts,
Legos missing favorite parts,
Bath/story/bedtime blues,
Redundancy turns into booze,
I do not want green eggs and ham!
Shove it, be a fuckin’ man!
Brush your own teeth! Go to bed!
Where is my mind, I’ve lost my head…
4- A Cozy Couplet
Baby brewing in the womb
Sanity is leaving soon
5- Acrostic Poem for Dummies
Brainless act in Shanghai
Aspire for perfection – fail and sigh
Body shaming boobies – Buh-bye!
Your youth is gone – a new one – arise

*Found on Google images via PopSugar @