FGG’s Favorite Fashion Styles of 2019
FGG’s Favorite Fashion Styles of 2019!!! And, of course, my least favorite. 😉 Honestly, I love the art of the runway. The beautiful clothes and makeup that mostly, would never be worn off of a runway in that fashion. It’s incredibly creative, breathtakingly beautiful, and artistically advanced for one’s time… or so I believe.
I LOVE me some good style! I love it soooo much that I’ve forced myself into doing Beach Body. Why? You may ask. Well, because I myself want to be donning these amazing styles in 2019! As you’ve probably heard me say, more than once, I desperately miss my wardrobe. The beautiful cloth, colors, patterns… I could go on in this dramatically ridiculous style, but I won’t. 😉 Some of my wardrobe still has tags attached to them. The quickness in which I gained weight is unparalleled. Okay, let me have my dramatic license back. But seriously, it was incredibly rapid. I woke up one day, looked in the mirror, saw a picture of myself, and was like, “what the fuck shit is THIS?!?!” Then I died about a thousand deaths. Fast forwarding, switched meds, curbed appetite, lost 15 lbs, and then the universe (my body) pressed pause. Summer is on the horizon. Yeah, it’s February, however, we all know that we blink and voila! It is among us. I refuse to hibernate in my mother’s house in NY this summer – again. Avoiding friends, old classmates etc due to my horrifying embarrassment of said fatness. Fuck that. I will be back to my usual 135 and will truly embrace it. I will finally feel thankful to be that weight. I am swearing to myself that I won’t think I still need to shed some lbs. Crazy in hindsight!
Anyway, back to Beach Body (BB). The 21 day fix. This is where I’m at. As my friend Angella quite aptly put it, “Do a blog post tonight called, ‘Am I crazy for buying colored Tupperware and thinking it will change my life?!'” LOL. If you don’t know anything about BB, the colored Tupperware reference is hilarious. BB gives you multiple colored Tupperware in various sizes for your portions and for specific food groups. They make it easy. Also, depressing. I almost began flapping my wings and tweeting aloud until I realized, “Shit, I’m almost a bird, and these are human sized portions. Well, I guess that’s better than being a whale! Unless of course we were taking about the afterlife, reincarnation, in that case, I choose ‘whale.'” I’ll let you know how it all progresses. I am envisioning myself in these dope drapes below as major inspo for my old bod back. 😉 Are you in the same boat? Leave a comment and let’s start a conversation! -FGG
PS- I am choosing this song b/c damn! I definitely have “more back” than ever before. That part, I can live with. 😉









My Favorite Fall Fashion Trends – 2018
My Favorite Fall Fashion Trends – 2018! If you follow my blog regularly, you’ll know that autumn is my all-time favorite season. Along with the weather, pumpkin patches, pumpkin spiced lattes etc comes… FASHION! Another one of my loves. As usual, there’s a load of weird and awful (in my humble opinion) shit out there. Amongst all of that shit there are always some gems. Clueless style plaid – say wha?! I full-on wanted to be Alicia Silverstone in Clueless. In the shoe department, I’m not a huge fan of most of the boots in the kitten heel trend, however, I’ve shared a pair that I could totally get down with.
The fall fashion trends that I love & that you see below are: Hoods, Clueless Plaid, Floral, Corduroy, Animal Print, Kitten Heels, Cowgirl Boots, and…drum roll please… FANNY PACKS! Which gets a huge YAAAASSSS! from me.
When I was 6 years old, I remember crying for a pair of these white leather fringed moccasin boots with colorful studded rhinestones all around the ankle. If I can find my picture me wearing them, I’m totally gonna upload it to this post! I came out of the womb loving all things fashion. My closet and my 3 YO kid’s closet are color-coded and organized by style. It’s obsessive and I love it. Since I made the decision to switch my meds last month, I shed 12 lbs in a mere 4 weeks. This means all of the beautiful clothes hanging in my closet that haven’t seen the light of day in 15 months will hopefully be making their grand appearance very soon! I literally walk in my closet and touch my clothes like a total fucking weirdo. LOL. Perhaps it’s a subconscious way of motivating me? 😉 I still have tags on a least 10 items in my closet that I never got to wear because the weight piled on so quickly. Crazy excited to get back into them, buy some of the awesome styles shown below, and feel totally babelicious and sex-i-fied once again. 😉 Enjoy the good tune to listen to when looking at these crazy cool styles! -FGG
Valentino Hood
Lovers + Friends Ellie Mini Dress | $148 REVOLVE
Gwendolyn Floral Jumpsuit, $168 at Anthropologie
M.i.h. Drayson All In One, $385
Floryday Long Sleeve Collar Blazers
Currently: $56.99
Was: $102.00 45% OFF
Sam Edelman Kinzey Booties $140
Steve Madden Corpus, $129.95
Urban Outfitters Studded Belt Bag
Unknown (Maybe Kendall?)
Best Style Trends of 2017 – Hot Damn!
Best Style Trends of 2017 – Hot Damn! is a compilation of my ultimate favorite summer styles this year. There are a few that I’m just not totally down with (high platform shoes, boho oversized mix and match patterns – which sounds totally “Heather” but wasn’t executed in a “Heather” enough fashion), but these pictures depict what I’ll be going for as soon as the weather gets a bit warmer. Rockin’ some nice abs this summer? Totally go for the bra-let look! Trying to cover up a winter’s worth of carbs in your belly? Rock the Boy Scout sash! There is something for everyone. Now, I, of course, in my infinite wisdom decided to pack on my winter weight over the past two months. So much for becoming svelte and fabulous! I was down to an amazing weight and feeling pretty good about myself. In a mere 2-3 months, I managed to pack on more lbs than I had in 5 years! I blame everything on pregnancy hormones (ummm… my kid is 2 and a 1/2), and the fact that I just purchased a house for the first time and had a major life shift and move. Obviously, I won’t be taking any of the blame myself. 😉 Anyway, I am back on the mend and am shedding those lbs but not in time for the random heat waves we’ve already had. I’ve been rockin’ my baby doll dresses to hide the weight, and because, well, nothing else fits nicely! The moral here is that these amazing styles, especially the bra shirts, have been a huge motivating factor in me getting fit and ready for some seriously badass summer ’17 style trends… and abs! Like it says in the title: Best Style Trends of 2017 – Hot Damn! Go at it, ladies!








If I could I would style me pretty like this… ideas anyone?
If I could, I most definitely would, style myself pretty like the following outfits below. One, I’d be beyond pleased with myself if I looked that incredible. I’m pretty sure there are not enough Jillian Michael exercises per week to make me that svelte. I suppose if I was willing to move past her 30 Day Shred Level One and do it more than 4 days/week I’d at least have a bit of chance to perhaps, or just maybe, get my rear in gear to start the road to looking that fit, but alas, this is all the time and willingness I have in these bones, and I’m currently thrilled with myself for losing 2 lbs a month. How’s that for a sentence?! Onto point two, if I did have the moola, I would most definitely be purchasing my most favorite designers incredible pieces of art. I am pretty sure I would feel like a million, bazillion dollars, and could quite possibly become the most confident woman on earth. So you’re thinking “dang, she’s vain!” right? Well, not entirely, people. I mean who wouldn’t feel incredible in such expensive works of glory that fit you like they were made for you whilst embodying the coolest of the fashion world that one could offer? Who could resist feeling so fabulous?! If you can, well, I’m impressed, and I guess, that would make me more vain than you. Lastly, I am totally one for going to the thrift store to scope out some unique and awesome finds. I love to put them together and feel fairly proud of it. Still, no matter how skilled you are, I believe finding what you see below is challenging at best. Click on the picture to bring you to the links of the blogs where I found the articles of clothing via Pinterest. What are your thoughts? Anyone have any amazing suggestions on how to dress to impress for less? Sorry, had to say it! But really, anyone? Ideas? Please share! -Heather