Healthy Hummus Veggie Wrap (Vegan)

Healthy Hummus Veggie Wrap (Vegan) is super easy and fast. I used to eat these daily for lunch. Done in 5 minutes, little mess, easy to grab as a to-go fix, too. When I was getting my Master’s at PSU, I would either have this wrap or essentially the same wrap but on bread, hiding in my purse – all the time. I’m pretty sure this is how I came to befriend one of my many awesome and amazing cohort peeps with whom I’m still in touch with to this day. Love you, ladies!
So glad to have the blog back. I love writing and sharing recipes. I also find it to be incredibly therapeutic. Lord knows I need it these fucking days! Shit has officially hit the fan in ex-drama. It is incredibly sad and painful. I’ve been angrier than I’ve ever been, crazy confused and disappointed, and utterly perplexed by my exes choices in this world. At the end of the day, all of it is just insurmountable in sadness – mostly, for G. Dark as that may be, my day-to-day that doesn’t involve utter bullshit is pretty sweet since COVID! I get to hang with my kiddo and be outside all the time. We’ve more or less been isolating with my sister, nephew, good friend – and her daughter, and my boyfriend. It was the best thing that could’ve happened to me mentally after this epic past year.
Now, it’s summer, I’m not teaching at all, and the camping trips, etc have already begun. Fuck yeah! We had our first ever glamping trip at Lost Lake. Rained the whole time but was still totally awesome! I can’t wait for our upcoming trips. I hope you’re enjoying the summer thus far! Until next time…

Healthy Hummus Veggie Wrap (Vegan)
Serving Size: 2
2 medium sized tortillas (I used an organic spinach and herb wrap)
3/4 C hummus (you can use basil, sun-dried tomato, roasted pepper, original etc – I make my own hummus I used click HERE for recipe)
1 small ripe avocado or a half of a large avocado – smashed (use fork)
8 slices of vegan cheese (I used Lisanatti Almond Mozzarella style)
1/4 C sliced black olives
1/4 C yellow and red peppers – roughly chopped
1/3 C cucumbers – roughly chopped
1 C arugula
*(Optional) Salt and pepper to taste
*(Optional) 3 Tbl chopped fresh basil
Split hummus between both wraps and spread evenly
Split mashed avocado between both wraps and place on top of the hummus
Split the cheese and place on top of the avocado
Sprinkle the olives, peppers, and cucumbers evenly atop both wraps
Split the arugula and place on top of olives, peppers, and cucumbers
*If using the salt, pepper, and/or basil – add now
Roll each wrap tightly
White wine pairing – Pinot Grigio
Red wine pairing – Pinot Noir from the Willamette Valley
Homemade Vegan Pepperoni Pizza

Homemade Vegan Pepperoni Pizza is something I do to cook with the kiddo. Grey, my 5 YO, loves to cook with me. This is an incredibly easy and always delicious recipe that we try to make together monthly. I tell him what to do, drink wine, and listen to Louis Prima and Dean Martin. Done. Fun for everyone.
Now, the bllloooooggg. Two months of the most ridiculous dealings with multiple people at Bluehost, and in the end, this unsavvy technologically challenged lady fixed the last leg herself. A frustrating and proud moment. LOL. Since I’m a teacher, I’d been running a Google classroom for months. This gave me loads of time to finally take care of myself and start cooking/photographing again. I was so pissed that I couldn’t post! However, at the end of the day, my divorce was FINALIZED (woo-fucking-hoo!), the ex had temporarily stopped threatening me and others in my life (unfortunately, he’s back on that crazy train for the umpteenth time) and he moved to Peru (!!!!!). This is why I didn’t make my Wednesday post as promised on FB – too many ex fires to put out. Grey and I spend our days outside playing basketball, soccer, and tennis. We ride bikes daily and play games inside almost nightly. Times during COVID have been shiny and pretty for the most part. If the blog was the one downfall, well, that was more than acceptable after this past year of absolute hell and anguish.
CHIIINNNAAAA! “Are you still actually going to China? What about the borders? What about the COVID?!” The answer is “YES!” China is amazing about quarantining and actually understanding the severity of the virus, unlike the insanity and delusions that Americans have been left to deal with on our own. My school in Shenzhen is amazing. We will be doing Google classrooms until we can arrive if they can’t get us there on time. There is always some finagling to be done with visas and the government so we shall see what happens as everything unfolds. I am incredibly excited about G and my new lives there. He’ll get the most bomb education any kiddo could ever hope to receive, the experiences of a lifetime, the opportunity to travel all over the world again, make moolah and save said moolah, and the opportunity to once again love my job.
Okay, back to pizza. Homemade Vegan Pepperoni Pizza requires very few ingredients, little mess (usually), and will make your kiddo/s smile. Mangia! And, it’s great to be back in the blogosphere again.

Homemade Vegan Pepperoni Pizza
Pizza dough (I love Pirate Pizza Dough)
Flour to roll out the dough
Olive oil for pan
1 15-oz can of GOOD pizza sauce (I use Muir Glen Organic Pizza Sauce)
1 8-oz bag of vegan mozzarella or vegan pizza shreds (I used 3/4 a bag of Follow Your Heart Pizzeria Blend and 1/4 bag of Lisanatti The Original Mozzarella Style Almond Cheese, Shredded)
Vegan parmesan to taste (I used Follow Your Heart Grated Parmesan)
Small package of vegan pepperoni (I used Yves)
Optional: Fresh or dried herbs (basil, oregano, rosemary)
Optional: Cornmeal for bottom of pizza
Preheat oven to 475 degrees
Spread a thin layer of flour on a pastry board (or hard and flat surface) and a thin layer of flour on a rolling pin. Roll out dough into a circle or a rectangle, or if you let your kid do it, whatever weird shape you deem large enough
Oil your baking pan. If using cornmeal, place on top of the olive oil now. Transfer the dough onto your pan or your pizza stone
Get a cooking brush and evenly brush on your pizza sauce
Spread a thin layer (to taste) of grated parmesan on top of the sauce. Next evenly spread your shredded cheese over the top of the pizza. Optional – add another layer of grated parmesan on top
Place your pepperoni slices on top of the cheese (we use a lot)
Place pizza on the bottom rack of your oven and bake for approximately 15 minutes or until desired – move to top rack for one final minute
Let the pizza cool for about 5 minutes
Optional – Top with fresh herbs or dried herbs
For a NY style slice, top each individual slice with grated parm, dried oregano, garlic powder, and red pepper flakes
Wine pairings: Sangiovese or Barbera
Beer pairings: IPA or American Brown Ale (I prefer the latter with pepperoni pizza)
6 Vegan Noodle Dishes (and my return to China)

6 Vegan Noodle Dishes (and my return to China) is a post about just that. First, food. These noodles range from garlicky to peanut-based recipes. All of them are easy, healthy, kid-friendly, and delicious. You won’t be rummaging the grocery store aisles looking for unknown and hard-to-find ingredients. They are my most popular noodle dishes, especially on Pinterest and Foodgawker. Click on the name of the noodle dish below and it will bring you directly to the recipe link. 🙂
China? The Corona Virus (poorly named as I associate it with either the beer or a crown, but hey, at least it’s memorable – haven’t actually heard anyone call it COVID 19 outside of news articles)? Why would you go back? What about your family, your friends? What about your kid? And these are just some of the many questions that I am asked daily. Well, I shall answer them now for all who care to hear.
One. THE VIRUS! Seriously? It’s everywhere and most people who are infected by it have mild symptoms and manage just fine. There are two cases in my county in Oregon and loads more up North in my neighboring state of Washington.
Two. I’m going back because when I lived in Beijing, China, three and a half years ago, I was living my best life ever in comparison to those I had experienced post-college (with the exception of one year when my friends and I all moved back to Northport, NY. That was pretty dope, too). What did both of those times have in common? I had money, I had time, I had loads of friends, and I had freedom. Sounds simple enough, until you have kids, buy a house, work in a public school (or two), can’t work out, have no money, have no time, and your friends are now scattered everywhere. Adulthood totally fucking blows. At least, in my humble opinion. In Beijing, before having a kid and after, my life was still free. Expatriates (expats) are tight-knit. We all live amongst one another, travel together, and do awesome China-city activities together over the weekends. I had almost zero outgoings, saved loads of money, traveled ALL of the time (filled up my passport in less than five years), etc. Expat life was pimpin’. However, Beijing? The air was crazy bad and now that I had a kiddo, I didn’t want to raise him in the insane pollution. I also thought that I truly wanted my childhood dream. A family, with a beautiful home, a child with strong roots in a beautiful place like Oregon, a nice car, and a cushy cloud that held up this facade of warmth that I deemed to be the perfect place. The place that I used to live in via imaginary play when I was young, but this time, for real. That’s when the record skips, screeches, and goes tits up, my friends! My life here has been stained by the wretched stench of exhaustion and tribulations. If you’re reading this and your life resembles that beautiful fairytale, well, fuck you! Haha… just kidding. 😉 I either call bullshit or envy the ever-loving shit out of you. That dream was unraveling as it was being built for me. When I left for China, I was single. Life was all about me. Then came the kid. I ran with the assumption that life with a child in the US would far surpass life with a child as an expat in China. WRONG! Life as an expat in China with a child was FAR superior to my life here with a child – in almost every single way possible. Maybe not for everyone, but most certainly, for me.
Three. I have no family here. My sister recently moved to Portland but our lives are so crazy we don’t see one another all too often. Plus, my family and I have never been close. My friends? Sure, I’ll miss them, but I’ll have new and no doubt familial relationships with a great crew of expats in China.
Four. My kid? Well, he wants to be there like, yesterday. He is fully bilingual and will receive the best education money can buy – for free. We will be at the same school/campus, and he will hopefully graduate from this amazing institution. The air? We are going south, baby! Beijing is in the north and is littered with polluted air. In Shenzhen, on the border of Hong Kong, the air is clean and warm. There are beaches, palm trees, HK, and more than a shitload of activities for adults and kids alike. The city is HUGE! If you can’t tell, I’m crazy excited about this change.
Five. My blog! I can’t wait to start posting my frequent trips to Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Shanghai to see my China bestie, etc. I’ll post my favorite vegan restaurants, and my life in general, too. Of course, I’ll keep creating recipes. Being that time will be something that will once again become part of my life, I’ll actually have time to cook beautiful food and photograph, edit, and post my recipes.
Lastly, if you know me, visit me! If not, and you’re traveling to Shenzhen or China in general, message me for advice. Until then, onwards and upwards! Peace out. 😉
PS- Currently loving this song. Heard it in Sleepy Monk Coffee House in Cannon Beach and had to find out who it was! ZHU – an amazing Chinese/American musician.
Spicy Garlic Asian Noodles (Vegan)

Creamy Peanut Thai Noodles

Sesame Soba Soy Scallion Noodles

Best Veggie Inspired Pho Ever!
Vegan Green Creamy Peanut Udon Noodles

Veggie Miso Ramen Soup (Vegan)

Dear Santa, Letter (for adults)

Dear Santa,
I know, I know, this year has passed by SO quickly. I can still feel the pen on my paper from last year’s letter. I won’t pretend it has been easy, Santa. I’m not intentionally selfish when I complain about my first-world problems. Alas, they are problems, they are mine, and yes, they are relative to the world around me. The beauty of first-world living also dampens them, and no, I don’t mean a roof over my head and clean drinking water — blah, blah, blah. I mean Lexapro and Wellbutrin. God bless America, sir.
As I age, my wants and needs, my desires and passions, have shifted and swayed into a world, or a cacophony, of the runniest stacked steaming pile of shit that would put an elephant’s two-ton pile of poop to shame. The stench and the steam are so incredibly toxic to your dear old olfactory senses (you know, the ones you’ve trained so diligently for years to develop the perfect palette for sipping life’s ultimate necessity, wine) that they are now tainted with a runny, stinky, steaming, pile of shit.
Now that I’ve ever-so-appropriately set the stage for you to fully grasp, fully understand, that my world, dearest Santa, is not at all the peppermint bark, jingle jangle, elf singing, toy loving, reindeer flying, three-hundred-and-sixty-five-days-a-year Christmas caroling, and Angels We Have Heard on High, It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Christmas perfection, you can officially read this letter through the lens of a woman, who needs some serious Santa sugar.
In the past, I’ve asked for things like Brad Pitt, world peace, 500 acres, a small country to call my own, etc., but no, not this year, Mr. Claus. This year, I have adjusted my wishes to set a more realistic tone for my child to observe and be proud of as he ages.
Santa baby, if it’s okay to call you that, I’ve packed on some serious pounds over the past two years.
Side note: To that point, if you need a new Misses, I am ready for a ride on Santa’s sleigh, if ya know what I mean.
I could really use a Sven or Fabio, or someone strong sounding, to work me into some serious shape, to take off some of those serious lbs. Thanks.
I’d ask for world peace; however, I don’t think you’re in the business of annihilation in the form of mass murders. We all know we’ve got quite the list we’d have to hit to accomplish such an insurmountable task (D.T., K.J.U., etc.). However, keep it on the back burner, will ya? Thanks. Next, I’d like Botox twice a year for the rest of my life. I would also like a breast lift that will knock out those twenty-year-old hoes by both sight and physical contact and a cellulite remover that actually works. Get those elves up on that shit, please. I would also like permanent eyelash extensions that won’t somehow give me eye cancer by 2030. Of course, Imelda Marcos’ shoe collection — in size nine. Yes, my feet, they’ve grown with my body.
Santa, can we make America great again? Like, for real? None of these asinine falsehoods from MAGA. Can we run an internment camp where all of the extremists who don’t let people speak the truth, or poke fun at the horror in this world, or who accept that freedom of speech needs a safe space for their souls, yet they-won’t-let-people-they-don’t-care-to-hear-speak-their-truths-have a microphone, outwardly showing their hypocrisy like the dumbass college-aged students they are or are acting like?
Side note: That was my most favorite run-on sentence of the year, and I have many.
Can we corral all those fucks up together on an island called, I don’t know, say, Alcatraz or Molokai? If not, I am willing to give up the small country that I had previously requested as a place of internment for said fucks. Lastly, to this point, can we let people like me take their diatribes and give them a venue for listening ears? Thanks, man. Is it okay to call you “man?” I’m feelin’ like we’re developing this type of rapport with one another. I’m diggin’ our vibe.
Better credit. Like, the best. I need it — badly. How else will I purchase my perfect desert home in Joshua Tree? Are you still “in” with the IRS? Don’t worry; I’ll keep it on the down low. That means “secret.” Not sure how up-to-date you are with the lingo of these crazy kids in this crazy climate.
TRIBE. Can we please take that word back? It truly means something, and it has been decimated by the devils of social media that be. Now people all over FB (that’s Facebook, Santa) and Instagram are messaging anyone and everyone in a continuous manner to “join their tribe of ladies on the path to a better body, soul, brain, belly button, nose, elbow, and earlobe.” I mean, it’s almost as bad as my old boss who hated “the gays” and responded to a FB post where red was the color of a local pride parade by stating, “Oh great, they’ve taken the rainbow already, now they’re taking the color red, too?! They’ve gone too far.” Though I disagree with her sentiments, I do believe I would like to have the word “tribe” back in its rightful home. Thanks, jolly old man.
Dearest, dearest, darling, divine, dependable, distinguished, dutiful (and all other adjectives that begin with “d” that are delightful), Santa Claus. Can you, will you, please, please, pretty, pretty, please, bring me to the end of my dramatic, dysphoric, disturbing, diabolical, demented divorce? Can we end it all with a group of cheerleaders chanting, “Gimme a D! D! You got your D, you got your D. Gimme an I! I! You got your I, you got your I,” and so on? I’ll run down a football field shouting, “I’m freeeeeeee!!! With two bottles of the finest French champagne spouting out of the top, like Old Faithful on its finest day, all over me, flowing through my lips, and when I reach the finish line, the ghosts of Christmas past will fly away into the abyss, and I will never feel haunted again. And Santa, I’d like it to go down exactly like that, please.
On a lighter note, I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask you for the one thing the ladies of the world are craving, an internal vibrator. One that a mere Kegel would turn on at any moment. I’m talkin’ a real, hit the g-spot every time, orgasm of the year every time, kinda device that is so perfectly designed by your most couture elves, who know their way around a clitoris, that is placed in a pussy ever-so-perfectly, and doesn’t need to be replaced for at least five years. And Santa, I’m more than willing to be the test pilot on this one. I’ll happily take one for the team. Thanks.
I’d also really love a two-week stint in some sort of establishment that mirrors a spa. This past year has taken its toll on me, and I desperately need some peace and quiet in a sanctuary where no one can contact me or find me for approximately fourteen days. A place where the world stops spinning on its axis, where the sky is always blue, and the sun is always bright. A place where there are endless amounts of delicious and healthy foods to clean my gut, detoxifying teas to rid me of my toxic year, horses to ride daily, meditations twice a day, calming and beautiful music with the sounds of waterfalls flowing through my ears, and of course, I would not be too terribly upset if we ended the day in some sort of “fun tea.”
However, NO FUCKING WEIRDOS, please! The place that I’ve just described houses the freakiest shaved head, I’m an earth goddess, my name is Moonbeam, and my spirit name is Sunshine, the dirt sings through the air a story of the past (which, yes, I believe, but not in an airy-fairy way), I only eat food that has fallen off a tree on its lonesome, and welcome to my tribe, kind of freaky-deeky, fucks. No. I want cool bitches (oh yes, no men allowed), who have been rocked by life a little too hard but are tough, down-to-earth (not, I am the earth — which we are, but stay with me here), badass bitches to rock this journey with me. Then, we’ll all leave in the back of a sexy farmer’s pickup truck for a day of wine tasting in Napa Valley. Thanks, Kringle.
I’d also really love 300 acres of amazing property using the most up-to-date methods of regenerative farming, an instant pot, a Le Creuset set in red, a microbiome that just won’t quit (it’s simply too legit — pick up what I’m puttin’ down, St. Nick?), Jimmy Choo heels, and a trip down Fifth Avenue with Anna Wintour, in which I get to have the personalized shopping trip of my dreams. Think “Pretty Woman.” Thank you.
I want to go back to Cambodia. I’d also like to consume happy pizza daily and go back to see Ta Prohm. While in Asia, I’d like a first-class flight, or I’m happy to ride with you, “Santy,” on your sled way up in the sky. Talk about the mile-high club! Hot damn! Our destination? Boracay, Philippines — My most favorite vacation spot on earth.
Now, jolly old man, I must state my disappointment in something. I’ve been asking for a Ferrari for approximately ten years now yet my driveway still provides a cold and lonely home for my Kia Optima. She’s treated me well over the years; however, I can’t help but see a shiny red Berlinetta ripping out of my driveway, blonde hair blowing in the wind, and flirting with every human I deem “flirtable” while cruisin’ down the 101. That, sir, is how I’ll get my sexy back.
I realize this may seem like a lot, jolly fella. I must state again, with a mighty emphasized voice and tone, reminding you that it’s been a long, challenging, and brutally trying year. I’ll be the milk to your cookies, Santa baby.
Love always and forever, you sexy old beast,
Heather XOXO
Thanksgiving Trivia & Ramblings

Thanksgiving Trivia & Ramblings is a repost from last year. I love games, trivia included, during holidays with friends or family. Below is some Trivia about this crazy day of eating, drinking, and everything-ing in excess.
I remember the second Thanksgiving I celebrated in Beijing. I had taken the Wednesday off from work so that I could prepare food and drinks for approximately 20-25 people. It was fucking nuts! I started at about 9AM on Wednesday morning and went straight through until about 11 PM – solo. And what’s even more nuts, is that I totally loved every second of it! I had the apartment to myself, I drank wine, listened to music, and got my daily dose of ‘therapy’ in – hardcore. Cooking = therapy. Hands down. I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that almost everyone who was attending my party had never celebrated Thanksgiving. There were about 3 Americans, a few Canadians (who celebrate their own Thanksgiving about one month prior to ours), and a bunch of Brits, Australians, and some other randoms. Mind you, at the time, I was vegetarian (since I was 8); now vegan. Therefore, everyone chowed down sans Turkey. I made my stepdad’s awesome ‘meatloaf,’ pumpkin mac n’ cheese, au gratin potatoes, mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy (oh how I miss the variety and cheapness of shrooms in China), stuffing (homemade), cranberry sauce (homemade), roasted maple veggies (brussel sprouts, carrots etc), and my mothers fall salad – mesclun greens, candied pecans, blue cheese, shredded carrot, sliced red grapes, and diced apples topped with a homemade honey dijon dressing. SO GOOD! For drinks, we had mulled wine, beer, and wine. I decorated the apartment with laminated pictures of funny Thanksgiving facts/images, and we had a Thanksgiving game (I remember making it but I don’t remember what it was). It was one of my best parties that I threw whilst in BJ. In these reflective moments, I actually do miss it! In fact, it was probably my best Thanksgiving ever. Sorry, fam! 😉 And, my foreign friends fucking loved the shit out of it! Happy T-day, everyone! For a vegan Thanksgiving menu, click the title below:
The BEST Vegan Thanksgiving Menu
*Featured image by, Icebreaker Ideas (Click to bring you to link with more Thanksgiving Trivia questions)!
1- What is the real reason people get so tired after eating on Thanksgiving?
2- Who thought the turkey should be America’s representative bird?
3- Which president wouldn’t declare Thanksgiving a holiday due to his strong belief between separation of church and state?
4- What was the name of the ship that the religious separatists set sail on from Plymouth?
5- Which US state consumes the most turkey on Thanksgiving?
6- Which turkey actually ‘gobbles:’ Male or female?
7- What is the name of the most famous Native American to have helped the Pilgrims?
8- What year was the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?
9- What does the US president do every year for Thanksgiving?
10- Where were the pilgrims meant to land?
Click on ‘more’ for the answers!
The BEST Vegan Thanksgiving Menu

Happy almost T-day, everyone! This is mostly a repost from last year with a few additions. In this post, I am giving you my recipes AND my favorite premade vegan roasts. Honestly, I serve at least one every year. It’s 2019 so we have options, people! When I was 8 years old and vegetarian, it meant I could eat a lot of potatoes and some sides. As a vegan? I would’ve had nothing but some veggies. Then came Tofurky. It was okay at the time. Now, Tofurky has jazzed it up and we have Gardein and Field Roast to give Tofurky some serious competition.
This year my vegan thanksgiving will look a bit different. One, I’m divorced. Thank. Fucking. God. Well, not yet, but soon. It couldn’t come fast enough. I’m doing a Friendsgiving, okay, one of my sisters will be here too, at my new and awesome apartment. I thought I’d miss my house SO much. Turns out, I don’t. I guess home is wherever and whatever you make it. This year, I’m serving many of the recipes below and a roast. I’m also adding a staple salad from Thanksgivings of my childhood. My mother made this salad every year. I don’t have a pic of it, however, I use mesclun greens, red onion, sliced purple grapes and small bits of apple, candied pecans or walnuts, garbanzo beans, vegan blue cheese or vegan feta (optional), and a homemade honey mustard dressing. SO GOOD! My friends, their kids, the Macy’s parade, lots of jazz records, awesome cocktails, dresses that stretch to match my belly as it begins to bust, my couch, and a massive sleepover at my place will complete my holiday of fun. Hell yeah!
Below are recipes for soups, salad, appetizers, entrees, and amazing cocktails. Enjoy the grub and please leave a comment if you make these or even one of these recipes, and let us know what your thoughts are! -FGG
Click on a recipe to bring you directly to the link!
PS- The featured image is by, RUNNING ON REAL FOOD
PPS- I remember seeing this when it aired. I was having a sleepover and my friend and I were watching this from my mother’s bed. I LOVED Adam Sandler. Cheers to the past! 😉
Creamy Vegan Carrot Sweet Potato & Mushroom Soup
Pumpkin Coconut Curry Soup
Lentil Soup with Sauteed Mushrooms (Vegan)
Sauteed Veggie & Farro Spiralized Zucchini Salad
Artichoke Balsamic & Basil Hummus (If you use the parm, my favorite vegan parm is Go Veggie Vegan Parmesan)
The BEST Pumpkin Seeds Ever!
Premier Tomato Bruschetta with Olives & Capers
Vegan Mushroom Lentil Wellington
Vegan Pumpkin Mac n’ Cheese
Vegan Kale Pesto Lasagna with Veggie Tofu Ricotta
Crazy Delicious Veggie Couscous
Sun-dried Tomato and Basil Stuffed Portobello Mushroom
A Maple Bourbon Fruit Fling Named Rosemary
Blackberry Royale
Amazon Link To My Two Self-Published Books!

Image by, Player.One
Halloween for Adults: Your Dos & Don’ts

Let’s face it, Halloween is the best time of year for your inner-child to come out and play. Here are some dos and don’ts for your Halloween experience this year, like, being creepy, but not land yourself in jail kind of creepy and ending up on some registry, scoring the best candy (I mean, not that shit that’ll take out your dentures or aging teeth), getting wasted on pumpkin beer and Halloween cocktails (yes, there are MANY), and picking the perfect costume (no Disney princes or princess’ welcome here – grow the fuck up!). Happy haunting, kids. Here’s to finding your loophole to youth.
- Wear makeup or a mask to avoid the heckling of teenage assholes and the “what the’s” from adults with no soul who opens the door and dare to not give you candy (you know where they live, am I right?)
- Throw some eggs at that vile teenager next door who kicked your cat and called you fat. DISCLAIMER: Getaway vehicle, preferably something with a motor, needed. Our knees and backs hurt. Those fuckers are stupid but fast
- MUST: Do NOT dare go trick-or-treating sans alcohol. We may be old but we’re not masochists! Plus, everything is funnier when drunk. Especially your dumb neighbor’s toupee and their kid’s lazy eye
- Play hide-and-go-seek in a graveyard. It’s still fun (remember, you’re adults, in costumes, drinking in a graveyard. FUN). While there, pick a plot for you and a loved one. Just saying, the clock’s not moving backward, friends
- Scare the shit out of a random stranger. Not too young, that’s just cruel. Not too old, their heart is at risk. A viable option: some mangy teenager who farted in your general direction will do.
- Go to where the rich people live. Or, your local mafia houses. Guaranteed to not get candy corn, Clark Bars, Charleston Chews, or anything taffy (remember, you are old and so are your teeth). Almost always guaranteed to get king-sized candy bars. Score!
- Watch Freddie, or Jason, or those crazy kids in the cornfields or under the stairs movies and drink spiced rum and apple cider while you’re already toasted from drinking and trick-or-treating with face makeup running down your face and old farts partaking in all the glory using run-on sentences because you’re so drunk and you think that it’s really funny because you’re so old
- Bring your friend who has kids or borrow their kid to go trick-or-treating. This is about YOU reliving your youth. Don’t squander this once a year opportunity by bringing the rug rats. Plus, they’ll out cute you in every way and make you look a little bit too tall
- Wear any costume a Disney character has worn, a twenty-one-year-old would wear (slutty firewoman, nurse…). Gravity is real, lest we not forget. Men, well, hide your beer belly and shave your beard – dead give-away
- Stay in all night and hand out candy. Get the fuck outta the house and start ringing some goddamn bells, friends! It’s called “please take one”
- Watch children’s Halloween movies. Unless it’s Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin because, duh! That was our time, folks. And, Charles M. Schulz will always rock
- Be sober. I repeat, DON’T BE SOBER. Scaring children, ridiculous cult movies, and trick-or-treating is a lot more fun when drunk. Remember, you only live once and you spent all of your youth doing it sans booze. This year, you’re a booze bag… and don’t you forget it!
- Get so drunk that you start crying on your friend’s shoulder about how you miss your childhood and that being an adult is scary and hard. NO! Halloween is supposed to be scary. Not your fucking divorce or stupid marketing job. #growthefuckup
- Complain that you’ve had too much sugar. Man up
- Bob for apples. That should NEVER have been okay. Disgusting… just absolutely, totally, mind-blowingly, freakin’ disgusting. Hello, influenza!
Okay, now that you know the dos and don’ts of this crazy thing we call Halloween, get out there and start your wild rumpus! Uuhh… I mean, go out there and stir some shit up, yo!

The Resurrection of FGG

This blog post is to announce the resurrection of FGG and why the hell I’ve been gone for so long. It’s been a crazy fucking ride since my last post (Easter!), and a boat load of things have happened to me and my life in this seemingly short, yet incredibly long, period of time.
Why did I stop posting? Well, from May-June, my work life was INSANE. I had 4 separate concerts, a talent show, and was taking classes for my admin program – as “luck” would have it, the most challenging course I have ever taken in my life. On top of that, I was trying to keep up with my blog, newsletters, podcast, and photography. Not to mention, I’m a mom. I see approximately 700 students twice/week and then run home to my four year old, Greyson – the cutest thang since the Care Bears. 😉 For a week in early May, my body felt super out of whack. It felt like it was preparing for a heart attack. For real. Then, one day, after work, I was playing corn hole with my lil’ Care Bear, and suddenly felt numb. I felt tingling all over my body, was pale white, and about to faint. I sat down and told my husband at the time (yup, that story is coming, so just stay tuned) that I was having a heart attack. After an ER trip, an EKG that “was not pristine,” to quote my amazing doctor, and complete numbness on the left side of my body, shoulder to toe, a slew of intense tests, and my husband yelling at me in the room (yeah, he was always good at doing that when I was sick or in the hospital), and the possibility of a small stroke, it turned out to be a panic attack. Now, if you’ve never experienced one you simply cannot relate, you just can’t. I now know what a heart attack would feel like – for real. My body manifests stress in a craaazzzzy way. It’s very physical for me. When I went to see my doc a few days later for a follow-up, she asked me about my life. When I told her my day-to-day, week-to-week, she seemed genuinely stunned. She then asked me if I could “stop doing some of those many things that I do.” I was fucking agast! I was like, “I was just blogging on my computer whilst waiting for this appointment!” However, she was right. Something had to give. So, the blog, photography, newsletters, and podcast had the brakes put on. The clincher was social media. I went full on MIA. I have to say that it actually felt fucking great. Today will be my first day back on social media since around the time of my last blog post.
I thought that all of that shit, all of that shedding of self, had helped, but only a bit. I was still frazzled and began experiencing anxiety, my old foe, 7 days a week. WTF?! I shed that shit 7 years ago! It was the fucking tumor that I finally cut out after suffering my entire life from it! My meds weren’t even carrying the slack at this point. So, I survived the rest of the school year (I’m a music teacher) and reevaluated my life. My sister, her 3 YO, and her mastiff were living in my house, as she was getting a well-needed divorce. This is when I, too, realized that I was next in line for a well-needed divorce. Things between my ex and I had been “off” since before Greyson was born when we were still living in China. He deserves someone far more suited to his personality, his political beliefs, and his hobbies. That person is not me. And, I deserve the same.
Fast forwarding, I went away for ten days in the beginning of the summer, got back, got an apartment, moved out days later, and now am in the midst of a shitty divorce. Writing and blogging are two fantastic outlets for me. So, I figured, it’s time to hop back on the bandwagon. I’ve adjusted my work schedule a bit so it’s a tad more conducive to my sanity, I have a two-bedroom apartment to tend to as opposed to a gigantic house and garden, though I miss my garden daily, I have started meditating again and gone back to the gym, so, I hope that I am able to keep up my blogging etc. I’ve casually, and I mean very casually, started writing another book (check out my link above in “My books!”), this time about my life. It’s been a WILD ride since I’ve been born. I’m calling it, “F is for F**k.” I thought my next book would be a humorous tale about motherhood again, but alas, all of these ideas for my bio have been flooding my brain.
To end this post, I won’t promise I’m totally back because I have to see how this fits into my new life, but I hope to be posting weekly with recipes and lots of Heather “gab.” Cheers to a new and fresh start!
Some pics of my summer: