7 Amazing Vegan Breakfasts!

7 Amazing Vegan Breakfasts! Range from pancakes, to avocado toast, to tofu scrambles, and more. They are all healthy, easy to make, and totally delicious. I chose a variety of my favorite vegan breakfast recipes so you’d have some choices in the mornings. 😉
I love breakfast. Like, totally-fucking-eat-the-shit-outta-breakfast, kinda love. If you are a skipper of the A.M. grub, you’re not having the best day that you can have. Fact. It gives you the energy, the sustenance you need to get your day started off on the right foot.
I know I talk about “the good ole days” a lot on this blog. And, well, that’s because they were! Life before child, marriage, house, real responsibility…?! How can anyone say that those weren’t some daaaamn good ole days?! A different kind of good of course, but it was the freeing kind. Anyway, some of my favorite memories are making breakfast with my best friend April, my roommates… going out for breakfast, usually hungover as shit, for some dope vegetarian/vegan grub, sitting around the table, pounding water and coffee, sprinkled with some mimosa lovin’ afterwards, and recounting the debauchery from the night before. It was like an unspoken contest for who ended up having the craziest or most fucked up night. Now, there was no actual competition. It’s just that we rolled hard, and someone always had a story… or two. 😉 Ahhh… days of old. Thank you, blog, for pouring out these long forgotten memories. 😉
If you make one or more of these recipes, please leave a comment and a pic of your creation! If you changed things up, let me know! Adios! -FGG
PS- Let’s bring the party back… old school… 😉 Listen below:
Mexican Style Tofu Scramble
Banana Carrot Coconut Breakfast Muffins
The Most Bitchin’ Breakfast Potatoes Ever!
The BEST Avocado Toast Ever!
Vegan Chocolate Crepes w/ PB & Coconut Whipped Cream
Vegan & Vegetarian Huevos Rancheros
Vegan Quinoa Fruit & Veggie Infused Pancakes!